Pooinloo runs out into the street without looking

> Pooinloo runs out into the street without looking
> hit and dragged by car
> loses penis
> taxpayers pay £70,000 for a 'bionic penis'
> taxpayers pay AGAIN for it to be made smaller




We brexiting, lads?

We brexiting.

we brexiting now, lads?


Ya cuz all them poo in loos came from the EU, not your own generous post-colonial immigration policies.

I hope you Brexit and become truly irrevelant.

>not knowing the difference between dune niggers and poointheloos

>> 'truly irrelevant'

We would never steal your place like that, France.

You all look the same fuckwit. Try covering everything you own in shit then try to distinguish between them

The first thing that came to mind was Terminator 2. That moment where they're all in that guys house and Arnold takes a knife and removes the skin from his arm, only it's an Indian guy skinning his penis.


I don't understand what a bionic penis is. Any pics?

Pooinloos are another problem that will be dealt with in time. Step 1 towards that, as it is with any positive change we want to make, is leaving the EU and reclaiming our right to make changes in the first place without having them overruled by unelected pen-pushers who don't even live in this country.

dude had an inflatable dildo instead of a cock

Can you dumbretards explain me how the fuck a poointheloo mussy comes from EU?

nothing, we're just shitposting.

source on it being paid for by taxpayers

Did you read the article m8?

>reading anything linked to from Sup Forums
>reading the source before arguing about it

you're on the wrong taiwanese poster-painting forum

Ta gueule c'est pas comme si on avait pas exactement la même chose avec l'Algérie et que l'Europe était génial pour nous hein ? C'est quoi ton tripe «muh perfide albion» ou «lol l'Europe c tro bi1 parce que je peux aller faire le dégénérer gratuitement ave erasmus troplol »?

French is the gayest language on Earth