On a scale 1-jelly, how jelly r u

On a scale 1-jelly, how jelly r u

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paid $40 for this

What is that, 16k? Someones been saving up their allowance. Come back when you have triple digits kid.

pic related: it's you

/thread and sage because OP will never post timestamp

>having actual physical cash
>not placing it in a bank to accrue interest
>not putting it in stocks to take back quarterly gains

fuckin dipshit lmao, you probably waste it on hookers because you're a beta that can't even get a sloot on tinder

its peanut butter jelly time.
peanut butter jelly time.
he ya heya he ya.
peanut butter jelly time.
its peanut butter jelly
peanut butter jelly
he ya he ya he ya

The place where the photo was taken looks like a shithole.
is that your basement apartment?

Not at all jelly. Can't even spend that shit here.

Weak ass stack nigga

It's probably drug money in fairness

Nope, Unfortunately for you, I have something much better than your few thousand dollars in cash, a home in a country that ISN'T shitty 'murca, where even your fuckin' kids are shootin' the livin' shit out of each other "on the daily" hahaha ffs go on out of it.

0 at the moment Im blissfully stoned and eating a jar of peanut butter and drinking cider.

Found the juden

Witch means 90% of it is going back to the supplier so in the meantime op likes to be an attention seeking fag.

sounds lovely pal where you from?

Sharing is care

>flaunting cash
You degenerates. Put that shit in your bank before you blow it on useless garbage. Don't end up a nigger-rich poorfag with an 80" television and $4000 rims on a car you cant even afford to make another payment on.


Kek, this was my screenshot.

zero point zero

that's paper you blind ass capitalist

Sure I wouldn't mind some extra pocket change, but jelly? No.

Nice inspect element

said the guy with $119 net worth

This is now a no timestamp bragging thread.

My net worth is -22k rn

Am female

Will buy you 5 minutes worth of my attention


I am in debt so yea.



Not at all. I live in Sweden. Not even banks accept cash anymore.

so Lenda V is OP?

How jelly are YOU?

Maybe 10k in cash. Not exactly baller dude.

not very, Ive got google image too.

my car is broken and i work manual labor, jelly. thanks for asking.

140 odd thousand?

>pile of pleb jacksons
>2 or 3 benjamins
Weak dude, my little sister can save that much in hs

time stamp or gtfo

Rule #1- timestamp. ANYONE who tries to boost their e-peen by posting a picture of a pile of cash without one- is posting someone else's picture. It's that simple.

Rule #2- if someone actually, legit posts a ridiculous pile of cash, they're either criminals or it's someone else's money (nightly deposit where they work is common).

Rule #3- if you're not a criminal and you keep a large pile of cash, you're an idiot. I made over 30% on my investments last year. Money in a box doesn't increase in value. It loses value from inflation.

Calm down with your rules will ya?

Sounds like you're jelly

If that’s true wow... it’s weord seeing just about what I make in a year in a photo

As opposed to what? Some commie bitch like you?

Yes rich people are spending their spare time bragging on Sup Forums

How do you define rich?

Someone who isn't a fuck making minimum wage?

>not placing it in a bank to accrue interest

Not accounting for inflation, nice one kid.

"rich" is a relative term. Please define the minimum annual income, pre-tax, to be declared "rich".

0 even if real. i can withdraw that much from the bank account if i wanted to, and hardly a tiny fraction of what i have in retirement.

rock solid bro, sorry

i have inner richness

Keep a little cash on hand in case of an emergency. What kind of emergency? You can't answer that...if you could, you could plan for it. Between $1,000 and $2,000 should be fine.

Wang Chung - To Live And Die In L.A.


It’s all 20s dumbass. If I was NEET I would be pretty jealous. I make 1500 a week after taxes on average so I’m not very jelly. Could make that in a couple weeks

So you make around 60k a year gross?

You're not good at math, are you...

Yeah you beat me to it, I was about to write that what he wrote sucks D.

I know this guy

1500 per week x 52 weeks is only 78k/yr.

Seeing how you probably owe all that money to some nigger who's gonna murder your family if you don't pay, I'm about a 0 on the jelly scale

Pretty cool, they had some cool songs.

Hahah oh shit 1500 a WEEK. I thought it said biweekly. So you make closer to 120K

Because I make around 3500-4500 after taxes every two weeks and do 135K gross

78k after taxes is like 120 gross....

that can be a comfortable living in many places if you have responsible spending habits

Yeah, it depends on location as well.
If you're in NYC then that amount doesn't mean jack.

no so jelly, maybe like a 2 because your money is losing value due to inflation and it not being invested yielding a return
so pretty crappy on your part man

20s you fucking faggot? come back when you have benjis

I'd say that's about $16k. I just bought a lifted Tundra for $28k and didn't feel the need to take a dumb ass instagram picture of the money.

I believe Shingus Santzenbubs once said, "as is peanuts, so shall you"

nice toy. Was a diesel too manly for you?

>Buys a lifted Toyota
>Calls others "dumb"

It's all about coconut oil, biatch

Rather jelly. I saved the jpg.

The Daewoo Fukbang roadster is a superior vehicle

Do you live and work in NYC?

I do and make 135K a year, so I about 1,750 week five or take. And I own a one br condo (15 yr mortgage) with two balconies in a luxury building (doorman, bowling alley, private wine cellar/tasting room, gym, etc). I also have a car and take four, five trips a year (this year I’m doing Colorado, Atlantic City, NJ, Montréal, and Italy). I bring lunch to work every day and eat in during the week. But wat our every meal on the weekends.

AND I save about 3K every month and max out an IRA.

So.... yeah. 78k a year after taxes Is still a solid anoiunt of cash even in nyc


Clearly, whatever career path you're on does not require English skills. GG

I grew up and worked in NYC, went over 100k at about 23 yrs old.

I live in Upper Chinese, Maryland - top of the food chain - bringing 1,386 times 4 to my dilapidated courthouse mansion, banginger pots and pans together to show all the neighbors I'm alive

Hahaha yeah a few typos. On mobile right now. My bad

And the point you’re trying to make is?

Echo and the Bunnymen - The Killing Moon (Official Music Video)

None, just saying the OP is full of shit.

Oh alright haha. Agreed.

That I'm a yuppie douchebag, I'm like James Spader from Pretty in Pink biiiiiitttttcccchhh


you got ripped off m8

Check out the movie Head Office
Head Office (1985)


We're the company that cares about people!

I'm gonna try this move run up and throw your body into the punch

>"huw jellu arg youg" op 2018


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand My Cousin Vinny. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of advanced linguistics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Vinny’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike My Cousin Vinny truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Vinny’s existential catchphrase “Da two utes,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dale Launer’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a My Cousin Vinny tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid


I keep a couple grand on hand just because it feels good. That's enough reason. I have savings and investments and I don't carry it around. It's just in a fireproof mini safe.

he's a big boy, he can answer for himself.


Cash is not as valuable as GBP when you want tendies.