why do i find her so attractive the movie is shit and so is her career after that movie adventureland
Why do i find her so attractive the movie is shit and so is her career after that movie adventureland
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because shes really pretty
Shes extremely feminine.
Her facial features arent "beautiful", but EXTREMELY fucking feminine.
Look at her chin, her eyebrows, her eyes, her hair.
Pure femininity.
Foot game is off charts
k stew looks the best when she looks like a 15 year old sick boy
why is that???
She played a vaguely bi girl in Certain Women
Will she take more lezzy roles now that she's more open about her sexuality?
god why is she so fucking sexy
What strikes me the most about her features are her eyes. I could stare at them for hours. Ideal for sure.
because she isnt a tryhard
Ohhh SHIT FINALLY! I was wondering for years what it was about her that I just couldn't take seriously and now I know why.
She looks like the female version of that one guy from WKUK
i like neo-kstew
>She took the Ellen Page path
Fucking kill me
Is that Barron Trump?
because she smells bad journalistate.com
>ywn kiss kstew's forehead and tell her it will be alright
fucking kill me already
She is the best actress in the world though
You will figure it out, keep watching her
>quads for kstew's quads
gorgeous legs
>she will never castrate you with her chainsaw.
Adventureland is good
also her career is literally hitting its stride right now
Certain Women and Personal Shopper are both going to be critical favourites this year
I'm not sure why people are saying that. What concrete evidence is there in that film that would give us an indication of her sexuality?
>also her career is literally hitting its stride right now
So fucking hype
I would enjoy it if she touched me dick with her feet
i liked adventureland
She looked so jailbaity in Zathura, I am shocked her boobs really never grew much further then their.
She looks like a dark fantasy creature here
Essential KStew core
>Panic Room
>Clouds of Sils Maria
>Welcome to the Rileys
>On the Road
>The Yellow Handkerchief
>Cafe Society (She's great in it though)
>The Messengers
>Still Alice
>American Ultra
Kstew fans only
>Catch that kid (hebe bait)
>Twilight movies
>Snow White and the Huntsman (better than Hobbit movies though)
>The Cake Eaters
Zathura was good but her acting was terrible, even the kids did a better a job.
Guess some things never change.
Catch That Kid is underrated you fucker.
She look both cute and low maintenance, no wonder so many of you lonely cucks fall for it
We've seen the same number of Kstewcore :3
because she is /fa/ as fuck
>Camp X-Ray
>In The Land of Women
>The Runaways
She also has a really tiny role in What Just Happened
holy shit
her maxilla game is off the charts
Actresses aren't supposed to be this lovely
I feel so lucky to love her