How would you make a Superman origin movie?

Everyone's shitting on MoS so I guess you virgins have better ideas.

>You can make your casting
>If you can't think of anything just say what would you change in MoS

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on Reddit maybe. here on Sup Forums we know its kino.

>Everyone's shitting on MoS
MoS was pretty good. Best DC movie in years. Much better than BvS. The only flaw is fucking pseudo-film noise. Even overused colour-correction does not ruin everything like in BvS.

>No dubstep cannon
>Less slow mo
>Normal colors
>No SVU guy
>No product placement
>Superman kills Zod to save Lois Lane

>No product placement
You might use less but zero product placement is impossible.

Others seems cool tho.

Superman 1978 was perfect, make it a comedy with some romance and action

Kill yourself.

>Less slow mo
nigga the movie actually needed more slow-mo
with all kryptonians zipping around and that shitty frenetic zoom in and out all over the place

>Take BvS story
>Return deleted Superman scenes
>Cut half origin Batman scenes
>Change Batman to Metallo as government project for Sups containment.
>No wonder woman
>Change doomsday to Nuclear man, because it IS a nucleaк man.
>No Superman death
>Maybe a little Batman cameo.

>Everyone's shitting on MoS

It's objectively the best movie of the DCEU and the DCEU is objectively better than the MCU, so not really

It's already near-perfect

MoS and BvS were pretty much perfect in that regard.

I wouldn't, I would just make an exciting movie where Superman is already established. We've seen his origin a billion times already, everyone in the world knows his story.

Open it all up with a masterfully crafted cosmic montage of Superman's journey to earth from Krypton and his childhood in Smallville all set to this.

The guitar drop in the beginning would synch up with Krypton exploding while Jor El looks on hopefully.

>We've seen his origin a billion times already, everyone in the world knows his story.
This isn't batman

The BVS origin is the worst, if I didn't already know Wayne's story, that scene would make zero sense whatsoever.

Good idea but poorly chosen music

That was kind of the point, everyone knows Batman's origin so they didn't have to spend a lot of time on it

They count on you knowing the backstory

>Superman origin movie?

Make it NOT that
Instantly better

The lyrics are almost made for Superman user. Just imagine parallel scenes of both Jor El watching his son begin his journey into the universe from Krypton and Pa Kent watching Clark grow up on his farm knowing what awaits in his future set to it. It's a song from a father to his son

Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more

thye should also have a scene where superman smokes weed and listens to freebird

Just adapt this. It hits everything MoS tried without being complete shit at it.


Adapt one of the elseworld stories into a film

Fuck that shit


The music is about Superman, he isn't the one listening to it

>a commie supe in the big screen

Nice try Bernie, not happening

Severely tone down his powers.

Neo was exactly how a movie Superman should be. He can fly, he can fight, but he's not invincible and he can't do everything. He can pick up cars, trucks, tanks, etc. but he can't pull a fucking cruise liner.

-Give him heat vision.
-Remove his freezing breath. That power is retarded anyway.
-So is x-ray vision and "super hearing".
-Kryptonite should cripple him to the point he can't even lift his head without a struggle. He should be completely defenseless and needing someone else to help him. This would make the audience care more about the supporting characters and explain their importance.
-When he lifts heavy objects, he should show some sort of struggle

Take the mold Marvel is using with Thor in terms of power, and amp it up a bit. You don't see Thor doing DBZ shit.

Came here to post this. We don't need yet another origin. .

>I would just make an exciting movie where Superman is already established
So Superman Returns?

>Make Superman origin based on birthright
>Make Batman's origin based on Year one
>Make WW origin based on rebirth origin
>Make Flash origin based on new52 origin
>Make Justice league where Aquaman joins JL
>Make sequels
>Make Justice league based on Tower of Babel
>Make more sequels. In Superman 3 Clark dies cuz of Doomsday.
>Make Justice league with Darkseid doin his anti-life shit
Congratz, you have superior capeshit universe and billions of dollars

Yeah, except good, and not a sequel.

Fuck all cartoons

>opening sequence
>singular long take
>no dialog
>camera moves across krypton shows parents putting superman in rocket
>rocket lands on earth
>Kents find baby
>superman grows up
>Ma Kent makes suit out of blankets
>newspaper headlines about new superhero in town
>cut to Superman in fortress.

That's it. 3 'minute opening credit sequence covers superman origin

>i dont know what makes superman a good character

This is actually a great idea.

Kill Yourself. Don't wait. Don't tell anyone. Don't leave a note. Just do it. Now.

You Sup Forumsniggers need to leave this board

>make it a linear storyline..Don't use the flashbacks. The editing ruined it for me.
>more charismatic actor
>some generic crimefighting before Zod enters

Superman doesn't make himself known to the world before Zod comes... He should've been fighting crime for some time

you can't improve perfection


Without Shaky Cam.
Without Killing anyone.
Without a blonde fucking pig face lois.
Without black and white.
Without Shaky cam....

What the fuck movie were you watching?

>everyones shitting on MoS

even my tv guide gave it only one star. but i loved it. way better than BvS imo.


The shaky cam was disgusting

The cuts were terrible

They never showed how he shaved

The film was borderline black and white

He straight up murders someone

Oh yea the icing on the cake, he stands there and watches his dad die instead of just fucking running past so fast that no one would have seen anyway to save him


1st act is him leaving and childhood in Smallville, setting up some of his future feats and such, and leads in Act 2 with him dawning the mantle of Superman
2nd act is him in Metropolis, doing hero stuff and working, meets Lois Lane, Jimmy, and sets up the final at after he meets Lex Luthor who has been keeping tabs on Superman and trying to find ways to fight him
3rd act has Luthor send out some machine that happens to have Kryptonite running it, Superman still wins but Luthor discovers Supes weakness,
3rd act has Luthor setting up something behind the scenes,

Change pa kent into an actual good person who encourages supes to help people.

Zod lives and becomes the Vegeta of the series. The badass antihero who kills where superman doesn't.

They trick is programming into thinking he can just create more kryptonians by breeding with humans.

In later films, have Zod constantly berate supes for not doing what needs to be done to protect earth, but have them eventually come to common ground and be friendly rivals. Have Zod even train supes in kryptonian fighting arts.

That's a start I guess.

>movie starts with a funeral and the reason why batman became a hero
>movie ends with a funeral scene and the reason on why bruce decided to go back as a hero