Need Help

Sup Forums I met a super cute girl.
>big tits
>right wing
>hates niggers
>loves baseball
>holocaust denier
>good at bantz

I really like her, but she's half Jew on her fathers side. Should I stay with her?

what thread are you even sliding? for the love of god.

Jews are matrilineal, so it's cool.

Not sliding anything, just drunk and need help
I understand that, but I don't wanna end up bringing little mischlings into the world


>she's half Jew

She's tainted user


wow I guess this cancels all the other pros huh ? stop memeing for a second

>half jew
Your children will be fully Jewish

>Fathers Side

yeah your fine the jew can spread through the mother

Rule 1: Sup Forums is satire.

Please don't sacrifice good things in the real world for a bunch of virgin autists on a yugoslavian olive oil discussion forum.

Also, this is a slide thread.

Being jew is a religion. Unless she prays to Yahwe or whoever, you should stay with her. Hitler had jewish grandparents too.

>hates niggers but is Jew
ah kek


>Rule 1: Sup Forums is satire.
No it's not you degenerate faggot.

You voted for Trudeau, didn't you?

>she's half Jew
>on her fathers side
Ergo, she is not jewish. You are a Jew if your mother is a Jew.
Also, check how many sexual partners she had. If more then 0 then stay away or just fuck her until you get bored.

Don't listen to these guys. She sounds perfect for you and would be for most people here.

you gotta dump her OP

are you ready to raise children properly, no matter what half race they are? get your priorities straight you fucking faggot

You are a fucking moron OP

we're not going by the Jewish standards here

Judaism is maternal
The 'Chosen' gene is found in the mitochondria

Should you be really askin' that question?
Fukkin' Indecisive Cuck

show pic

It's fine dude. Can only be Jewish if born to Jewish mother, not father. Although if she identifies as Jewish than I probably wouldn't do it.

>Red hair
>Big tits

And mitochondria were originally a bacterias... That make sense now...