Bill Burr talks about Liberal and Celebrity butthurt after Trump's election.
Bill Burr talks about Liberal and Celebrity butthurt after Trump's election
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Based Bill
Kek. So are the Alt Right officially cucks now?
Lobbyists for which corporations exactly?
An oil magnate for interior and Goldman Sachs ex-executive for the treasury
Honestly pretty gross, but I would expect nothing else. It's the beginning of four horrible, if not entertaining, years.
Based Bill Burr
Burr hates Trump. He's a cuck like the rest of them.
He hates both lol. Fuck off
>Goldman Sachs ex-executive for the treasury
wew lad glad we aren't cucks anymore lmao!
I've watched his standup and loved him but this is on a totally different level
Are all his podcasts this good?
2 minutes in and I'm laughing like a madman
Forcing myself through the last of Alice through the looking glass, just started listening to Bill here to make it to the end, tnx op
You can say that again!
When he started laughing at the beginning I couldn't help but giggle as well
just checking in on ya!
Sup Forums got played
or rather, they played themselves
Listen to his podcast before he got married to Nia, it's way better
Is he turning into Molyjew or Billy Corgan?
everybody's convinced that Nia is the worst thing that's happened to him but really, no ones noticed his growing cynicism and pessimism. Like, Nia's probably the only thing stopping him from tipping over the edge
Christie is a scumbag.
they were always cucks.
>obama is a phenomenal speaker
>I'll have a Samuel Jackson
gotta grab the pussies of the LAYDEEZ
My sides
he is a decent orator, you have to admit that.
Billy Freckles is so based. I like how he pisses both ends of the political spectrum of AND he's actually talented at comedy (good timing and flow and shit).
He's like the white Dave Chappelle to me
I'm right leaning and Israel is the only fucking country in the Middle East I care about. They've always been allies, Israel owes everything to the US in the end
Good post! But Bibi is a bad guy.
I will admit he knows how to read from notes while pausing for dramatic effect, yes.
People like you are the reason why I wouldn't vote for trump. You stupid "cuck" spewing conservative spamming Sup Forumstrash are so moronic.
I like tax cuts, I think the whole racism/sexism PC shit is irrelevant bullshit. I like stronger defense.But I don't like his strategy of isolation for example though, especially economical isolation.
Stop thinking so polarized man. Someone who voted for Clinton can still agree with you in many political ways.
Calling people meme-words like "cuck" online will only make your political ideology more polarized.
He's certainly a better speaker than Trump.
pretty low bar