why do so many children from rich or famous families become actors?
I get they dont want a blue collar jobs, but its almost always acting. Not business, usually not directing, not running a charity or something worthwhile like that
Why do so many children from rich or famous families become actors?
I want some Roonpastas.
>running a charity
> something worthwhile like that
pick one
They are special snowflakes and want all the attention on them, most of them are pretty dumb too.
well in this case, they're both good actresses.
because it allows them to grow out of the shadow of whatever the family is known for since they have the connections already, usually from pre-existing networking.
their family owns the Steelers and the Giants.
NFL is as much a media company as a sport. So you get them acting in tv shows by the time they're teenagers.
this is why megan ellison is my hero. literal billionaire and spends her pocket money to produce true kinos that nobody else would finance.
it's literally what I'd do if had that kind of cash. except I'd probably also secretly bankroll a lot of SF and horror flick trash because you can't be brainy all the time
you just know
Rooney looks weird and I've been particularly impressed by her as an actor.
Kate is cute as fuck and not only do I genuinely enjoy her performances, but if she were to consent to sex with me, I would hit that so hard that whoever pulled me out would be crowned King of England.
Pampered and living in an alternate, out-of-touch reality that they literally couldn't handle anything else even if they tried.
It's a job where you just have to dress up and act how people tell you to. The standards aren't very high anymore, you basically just have to have a certain look. The matter of whether you have to be 0% autistic or be 100% autistic is kind of up for grabs. Traveling around a lot could be a pain depending on what kind of person you are, but other than that it's a pretty easy job if you don't have some kind of sick desire to be exceptional at it.
>come on in user. my sister decided to join us. we share everything...together.
>ywn have autistic sex with rooney and her caretaker sister as kate guides you and "helps out" where necessary
Everyone who gets into acting are narcissists.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't
I feel it's the opposite
I think they hate the way they actually are and enjoy "being" someone else
OR maybe everyone's different and it varies person to person
>Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes.
Nah, they're narcissistic
Entertainers are worshipped more than anyone else in our society.
Back in the day they were considered no better than prostitutes.
Really makes you think.
Acting really isn't """"work"""
The only part of it that is difficult is getting discovered if you are a complete nobody. These people aren't nobodies, and many are already well known names. They're just cashing in on their name recognition and basically live their life as one big extravagant vacation.
Same thing happens in Pop music as well. Notice how a lot of young actresses are also "recording artists?"
Sounds pretty cool 2bh.
Explain, both side of her family are deep irish.
thats just what they tell you, pleb
they have family photos with her entire extended family, they're as irish as it gets
Why is Rooney so autistic? Was she dropped on her head as a baby? Did a LEGO tower fall on her?
sure, sure...
i want to fuck both sister and cum on their 4 tits
because rich kids are narcissistic and entitled
what's more narcissitic and entitled than becoming a famous actor?
it's people looking at you 24/7 and making you rich(er) for it
easiest job, playing pretend for money, visiting cool places
they can do buisness and other shits in the meantime
thats not even remotely true you just don't hear from the others ever because they're not celebrities
>not business
No, it's almost always business. You just don't notice it because businesspeople don't star in movies.
Chimp-looking piece of shit
>That roon poon waist
stop killing your political opponents, Filipino Trump.
Fame and prestige
why do they both look like they farted and blamed it on someone else?
its really all they know and are comfortable with.
>dont have the stomach to do "real world" jobs
>not content with sitting around doing nothing with their lives
>acting doesnt require talent alone, and more importantly requires money
>if you have the looks and money and can coast on it
theyre basically allowed to play pretend for a living, but least theyre actually good actresses. And others have become directors after acting (sofia coppela) or started charities/done blue collar work (daniel day lewis)
Hollywood is basically just a big playground and like others have said nepotism and getting out of your familiys shadow while still living the high life, its an easy answer
Wow, so many children of the rich become actors. Who would have thought the children of millionaires and billionaires would have all that acting talent. It's almost like a coincidence.
>you wont ever got locked in an apartment with rooney on a cold winter day to be her sexual play thing/experimenting toy while kate brings you both snacks and checks up on you
When are we getting a billionaire to produce high quality B garbage? Like a remake of Gayniggers from Outer Space, or Ilsa - Shewolf of the SS. This world is far too cruel.
Trump is the orange Duterte you numbskull
Why do they want to play pretend with their friends but still get showered in accolades?
Actors are a fucking joke.
>it's a Rooney gets locked inside the LEGO store overnight and Kate thinks she's gone missing episode
>Kate Mara with short hair
i miss these threads
It attracts both types. Narcissists and autist who want to live in a fantasy world. And misc other weirdos
what is this lego thing about? i don't get it
name 17
so which ones are they?
For some reason people on Sup Forums started joking that she has autism and autistic people like lego.
That's even worse than being Jewish
I think she actually said in an interview that she likes legos, and everyone called her autistic for it
job pays well and feeds their rampaging ego in desperate need for attention for being neglected by their parents. Some may argue that it takes "less" effort than the other jobs you listed, i.e. it's easier to be a shitty actor than a shitty director.
Money opens doors.
As easy as that.
A good education + diva tendencies = acting. Autism makes you remember all the lines. Money gets you the connections.
Probably because you don't know any of those businessmen
>so many
you dont hear about the ones who dont go into acting or become famous. so you really wouldnt know now would you?
not every rich girl turned actress has what is needed to work with a director like Fincher.
Holy shit McFly! I havn't seen that gif in years.
because wealth allows you to enjoy your life
I'm new to Sup Forums and why do you guys discuss it like Kate Mara or Rooney Mara are like retards?
>I would hit that so hard that whoever pulled me out would be crowned King of England.
epic, just epic
newfriends get out
Rooney is a pure, mentally challenged waifu.
It's for the bants.
Also she looks bored out of her mind almost alll the time.
Damn NK is still hot as shit.
>usually at least 1 good looking family member so higher chance of being good looking
>probably go to fancy school where acting is encouraged
>can afford acting classes
>family probably knows the right people
>can fund smaller projects to get started
Seems simple
Both sides of their families have known long lists of celebrities for years, so it wouldn't be hard to see them having connects.
she looks uggo there
It's not that so many rich people want to be actors it's that acting as a profession naturally selects for rich. Since on average it's a very low paying profession the rich are better equipped to attempt it. Also, rich people are more likely to be good looking. Connections also help.
Nepotism makes it easy as hell to get into so why wouldn't they.
Christ, how did they both turn out to be so weird looking? Their parents should have reconsidered having children.
like thats a bad thing
>the director decides the cast
is that a line from code veronica?
>Acting really isn't """"work"""
it is when you're working in some shithole from a trailer doing 12 hour days of the same mind numbing, repetitive shit while assholes yell at you and you're forced to stand under hot lights all day and then somehow still give a convincing performance.
post darth vader undersuit roon
Species 2
ah yes. i remember all those great rochafeller and vanderbilt actor children.
fucking mong.
>rich white parents
>literally zero struggle in life
>you don't have do anything
>but fuck that i'll be an actor
>take acting classes from the best teachers
>hey i'm getting pretty good at it
>family connections so no struggle on landing roles
>great now i'm famous
Acting is not art.
They want attention