Why hasn't there been a TV show with true combat? Not this WWE or MMA bullshit.
>Hire prisoners with death sentences to fight each other
>Let them build their arsenal, using improvised weapons from shanks to dumbbells
>Allow them to brutally beat each other to death
Why hasn't there been a TV show with true combat? Not this WWE or MMA bullshit
Wasn't there a true show about homeless bums fighting each other?
I thought it was supposed to be pretty violent.
it wouldn't make any money because people are pussys.
But if it was possible then I would make it like the death race remakes.
With trump as the host
They won't be with Trump in power, watch these pussies become men.
Felony fights is the closest you'll get.
m-m-muh humman r-rights
this is why we can't have nice things
I've been wondering this since I was very young. Would watch.
Because that would actually be entertaining.
(((They))) won't let us have any fun
Because you can get that simply by stepping outside your door and telling your neighbour that you fucked his daughter last night and she loved it.
>Americans would rather watch actual murder than show bad words or a nipple
Plot twist: your neighbour is a cuck and tries to show you his cuck cage
draft dodging coward
I have a better idea, and since it was inspired by yours, I am going to include you.
OP naked in a cage with 2 bears.
By bears do you mean the animals or the other kind?
What do you think?
I'm thinking gay porn with hats on desu
Real bears or gay bears, the results would be the same.