why does everyone pretend the soundtrack was fantastic? it was all liscensed music
Why does everyone pretend the soundtrack was fantastic? it was all liscensed music
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The bohemian rhapsody cover was a bastardization of the original
>The entire first act was nonstop licensed track, one after the other
>Many of which didn't even fit the scenes that was occuring
Why does anyone pretend it was in any way good at all?
DCEU. Direct opposition to Marvel Studios.
We need to pretend we like it because we're contrarians.
>we want the Guardians of the Galaxy audience
But DC has always been shit. Even the comics. Each and every one of them devolves into power-level dickwaving.
Trying to do the Guardians of the Galaxy thing
It's actually really fucking sad
It's the Dirty Dozen of capeshit and is actually good
>implying the original was good to begin with
Yeah theres no way im watching a shitty camrip
Waiting for bluray leak
>marlelcucks trying to save face
It's over, your numale critics won't save you now
it was GOTG on overkill.
GOTG had 12 licensed tracks spread across the film.
Suicide Squad was a non stop assault from the start.
This. DC is literally no better than Dragon Ball Z.
How does it feel to be permanently backfooted by a superior franchise?
That animated batman cartoon was the best you had to give. Marvel had X-Men, X-Men Evolution, Spiderman, Fucking Hulk and even Iron Man, let alone the recent anime adaptations before we even get started on the films.
Face it DCucks, you've been completely outclassed.
Suicide Squad couldn't even beat Guardians even with the bigger opening.
I'd say Dragon Ball was better simply for being completely unashamed about it. Especially by the Cell Saga.
Original dragon ball was pure quipkino.
But DC is fucking destroying Marlel in comics and videogames, Burton and Nolan's Batman movies are better than anything Marlel has ever done, the first three movies of the DCEU have made 600 millions more than the first three MCU movies in the box office and also Suicide Squad is rekting Doctor Strange. Also Trump won
Well autism doesn't buy movie tickets and the normies thought it was shit anyway.
>autism doesn't buy movie tickets and the normies thought it was shit anyway.
> the first three movies of the DCEU have made 600 millions more than the first three MCU movies in the box office
because DCucks are literally retarded
Now take China out
if the songs themselves are good and fit the scenes they're in, the soundtrack can be considered good.
>three movies about characters nobody gave a fuck about before the movies
>three movies featuring Batman, Superman and The Joker, three of the biggest pop culture icons
>move this goalpost
>oh...now move this goalpost, eventually i will be right!
Burton was and is a meme director and you must be fucking kidding to bring him up here.
> three movies featuring Batman, Superman and the Joker, of which there has already been dozens.
I've heard of how all stories are essentially just a retelling of previous tales but this is ridiculous.
all these fucking 15 year olds jesus christ.
op, people liked the soundtrack as it used good songs and had several popular original ones, not getting into the fact it was poorly applied to the film.
That said the film was objectively not good but not without merit, and theres a lot thats genuinely good in the film.
-Costume design
-(some) moments of cinematography
-Performances were all very good bar Smith
-certain scenes in isolation were very well done and showed glimpses of what the film was originally intended to be
-good aesthetics
-and while not really complimentary to the film making itself it was quite probably the most accurate comic book film ever based on a big 2 book.
Because people have terrible taste
you're a pleb friend, despite recent entries Burton has shown ability to make some very good films, Batman Returns being one of them.
he isnt wrong though, SS made more then Gotg with a smaller budget without china, if it was released in china, chances are it would of made more.
the "normies" liked it, its one of the ebst selling dvd/blu-ray's ever, you forget most people dont care and will consume both marvel and dc products happily. They dont have an autistic need to choose a side, and if they do then they're not a normie.
Superman the animated series was better then BTAS and objectively better than every other show you listed there
this i agree on, its fucking sad as the origonal trailer looked so good and the novel was so much better story wise then the film. Ayer was sabotaged.
i understand this your opinion but its objectively wrong, just think back to the amount of classic stories that are well versed even into the common public from dc compared to marvel. The only thing i read that equals say Watchmen or Marshal Law is Kraven's last Hunt.
Either enjoyed it and didnt care for its flaws or simply enjoyed the few good things that shone few, regardless its not a good movie, though perhaps the dvd version will be better.
thats not really true
>14 movies
Fucking morons I swear.
This bit was great, I liked the Joker and Harley music above the chemical bath, even if the lyrics were too on the nose. Then again, it's fucking Suicide Squad, it's not like they did a perfect job at anything.
Because when nearly every movie is nothing but the most generic, banal, and uninspired instrumentals, anything else stands out.
>Burton and Nolan's Batman movies are better than anything Marlel has ever done
>MCU beating Harry Potter by that much domestically
I really didn't think they would. Everyone saw Harry Potter.
buy a shirt that fits bro
That's a Sony movie, not marvel.
Then by that logic Burton films are WB films, not DC
DC didn't sell their rights to their movies :^)
for (you)
thankyou user
>Why do Sup Forums contrarians pretend that something that was shit was actually good?