My problem with him is that he takes the role of the skeptic, questioning everything and being open to new ideas...

My problem with him is that he takes the role of the skeptic, questioning everything and being open to new ideas. In practice this means he questions things that are pretty solid ideas and facts, and then is open to wild theories that are pretty easily refuted. I'm fine with skepticism, and challenging the system, but the way he does it obviously leads to some people accepting conspiracies and questioning facts.

Joe genuinely seems like he's just curious and recognizes he has gaps in his knowledge so he literally "questions everything." But as a scientist his unintentional delegitimizing of thoroughly established facts and theories tends to rub me the wrong way at times too. He seems to assume all of his audience won't give kooks like Jones, Delonge, Molyneux, and Yiannopolus amongst others the benefit of the doubt since he tends to not challenge them as strongly as a trained scientist or skeptic would.

I still find his show thoroughly entertaining and I've seen him doing stand up a couple years back (he isn't everybody's cup of tea) and thought it was hilarious. Plus he introduced Ari Shaffir to a lot of people, and he happened to be the best stand up I've seen. So, personally he seems fine to me as long as you don't consider his opinions as the final say on every topic and don't mind screaming at the podcast in frustration one in every 20 or so.

Other urls found in this thread:

Rogan has his flaws but I can’t think of a more entertaining podcast and at the end of the day, he seems like a nice normal guy that recognizes he isn’t the smartest but is open to new knowledge and learn new things. He isn’t very full of himself and has a lot of interesting guests. I think the hate for him on these boards is pretty odd.

To be honest I've seen more praise for him here than anywhere else. He's one of the few people I've seen consistently get more love than hate on this board. I do like him, I just wish he was more informed about facts.

>it's a science guest episode
>"have you heard about the theory that, like, inside every black hole there's like this WHOLE universe with black holes of their own and universes inside THOSE..."
>scientist carefully refrains from calling him a fucking moron
>"no, i haven't..."

Get a life you nerd.

This have never happened.


jre is a great podcast btw

"Tide goes in, tide goes out, can't explain that." - Joe Rogan

did you copy and paste this from reddit or something?

My problem with him is that he questioned the Seth Rich narrative. Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Seth Rich was killed in a failed robbery and that's all there is to it. This guy has really stopped being an entertainer and interviewer and crossed into a very subversive category with some of the topics he's exploring on his show. Those topics should be off limits and I hope Joe comes to his senses about all this.


Yes. What are you gonna do about it, bitch?

Is Jordan Peterson good or not? I keep hearing people say he panders to the alt-right.

He needs to start having holocaust revisionists on his show.

He's about as normie conservative one can get. He's pretth good though and some of his interviews are legitimately interesting.

He's like the Forrest Gump of podcasters. Dumb as fuck, but good natured and somehow in the middle of something relevant (when he's not bogged down in conspiracy thought).

He's good, I've never seen any evidence of pandering to anyone which is why the leftists hate him because he won't pander to identity politics

Any specific recommendations? I'd like to look into him more.

He had some flat earth idiot which is basically the same thing.

>I keep hearing people say he panders to the alt-right

>What's wrong with pandering to neo-Nazis?
Do you really have to ask, kid?

His Joe rogan interviews are good. He was half decent on Russel brand's show, which I was surprised since brand is a huge Marxist and Peterson rails against cultural Marxists all the time.

I ean everything Peterson does is pretty good or interesting in some way. He uploads lectures on YouTube as well. I have not checked them out.

yeah bro like Joe is TOO open minded like he is clearly a closet nazi at heart I dont like that he prenetd to be rational and level handed

I actually think his Netflix Comedy special was better than Chris Rock or Dave Chapelle

People should give him a chance

I don't see how you can have a problem with nazis and come to Sup Forums, considering everything that's happened to this site over the last 2 years.

Not every board is Sup Forums

Just forget about his e-celeb videos

If you're actually interested in the guy he's been uploading lectures on his channel for years and his biblical series is pretty interesting especially his Cain and Abel video, it's from a psychology and human myths perspective not some bible loving idiot. He gets really deep into it and obviously loves that analysis stuff.

>having a problem with some people on the site means you have to leave the site immediately
Yeah nah. I'm not a pussy cunt.

90% of everybody on Sup Forums is a libertarian or nazi, and libertarians are considered nazis now anyways. The other 10% are redditors or /lgbt/ freaks

The flat earth guy is one his best irl friends who is Eddie Bravo a good BJJ guy and the actual dude weed person compared to Joe

Maybe not, but every board is /r9k/, aside from the posters who don't belong.

Thanks for the information, I'll check them out.

He's an interesting guy, but he definitely panders to the alt-right because they're the ones who championed him and drastically enhanced his income so it's really hard to blame him. That said, it distorts his presentation of an otherwise good enough and well reasoned message into something exceedingly cynical and ominous. He leaves out certain obvious caveats and seems to intentionally not explore certain threads of conversation about what he presents because it might not come off well to his fanbase. If you have listened to him over time he also seems to intentionally make himself out to seem like an unhappier guy to channel that whole authoritarian look, while he brings in at least $600,000 a year just for existing. He's worth listening to though while just keeping in mind there's more to the discussion than what he presents (and he obviously knows it).

It's not alt-right lmao that is such a minority even within Sup Forums it's a bunch of centrist fags for muh free speech and older liberals who like the guy. A majority of what you mistake for being alt-right support is just the reddit alt-lite kekistani guys.

I read here once someone say that if Karl Pilkington was born in America, he'd be Joe Rogan. It's uncanny.

>tfw have an acquaintance that actually buys OnnIt bullshit

>Ari Shaffir is the best stand up I've seen
t. entitled kike or soyboy

What's his stand-up like? I keep running into these comedians that are exceedingly foul mouthed and always talking about cum and shit and I get tired of it.

>What's his stand-up like?
Shit like 99% of all stand up comedy

What is a podcast if it doesn't create dialogue? He often plays devils advocate just to maximize the number of people who would otherwise not listen to a certain topic. Granted he a stoner faggot loser...but it's pretty brilliant marketing.

He's a retarded faggot with DUDE WEED LMAO philosophy.

I'm just looking for the rare Mitch Hedberg.

this is a good set, he has good timing and self reflection with a sprinke of DOOD WEED, He isnt very vulgar

ok, soyboy

I see the resemblance, but I can't help but think Joe Rogan would be the polar opposite of Karl on a show like An Idiot Abroad.

Completely out of his element and stupid, but actually curious.

He is a friend simulator for soys, neets, sneeds, and various other faggots who don't have masculine friends.


pretty much all the comedian podcasts really. Listening to bill burrs podcast has this feel exactly

I'm not even a Nascar fan but that Danica Patrick podcast was so endearing and comfy.

Also, episode 911 with Alex Jones was extremely entertaining. And the episode with the Ancient Aliens guy.

If you actually looked into this instead of talking out of your thoroughly abused asshole you would know that the alt-right fucking hate Jordan Peterson after he called them out on twitter and in interviews multiple times and his refusals to debate with any of their figureheads.
I'd like to see you explain how the alt right "championed him" and "drastically enhanced his income" because that makes very little sense.

You sound like the type of ideologue that Peterson is always talking about


I had a herbalism teacher who studied with Indian witch doctors and shite and even he said "dude DMT will change your life" he was all now im not saying to do drugs but... yeah man DMT, thats the intense shit

the tom delonge was entertaining if you like bat shit crazy people. I also really like the graham Hancock ones as well.

The Spirit Molecule was the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen in my life

Your math is wrong since there are a lot of redditors and /lgbt/ freaks who fall into the first two groups due to Sup Forums

I haven't tried DMT but the way people talk about it is the same way people used to describe weed but since I tried weed it felt pretty underwhelming desu it's all hype talk

I also havnt tried DMT but supposedly your brain produces it naturally. Its the shit you trip on right before you die. Its what makes people claim they see angels and demons and shit when they are on deaths door. Definitley more potent than weed

>but since I tried weed it felt pretty underwhelming
You sure you inhaled?

Yes ive done it multiple times it just makes me 'slow' and relaxed no matter what.

I could have sworn herbalism was a Harry Potter class.

I believe its also what your brain releases when you dream

>gay Nazis?

why do you think he is a "kook"?

I think Eddie is the Karl of JRE.


dinosaurs are fake. Prove me wrong

Thanks for the link, he is indeed not bad aside from sounding like he's yelling all the time, which is odd because he doesn't sound like this on his podcasts. But it's nice to hear a comedian who isn't constantly droning on about sex.

>Those topics should be off limits
fuck outta here with that pussy shit

Just search "DMT overrated" on google and you'll see

maybe, it was a pretty cool class though, 1 credit and the teacher wasnt even a professor he just showed up in jeans and a T-Shirt telling us about his crazy adventures and his homepathic herb shop two towns over. Im pretty sure he also accidently a blunt on the last day of class

I used to smoke but now I get no pleasure from it. I start to get inside my own head and believe dumb shit I would never even consider while sober. It really is overrated as fuck. Most stoners get super aggressive the second you even hint their drug of choice isn't really that great. Most of them would legit be better off in society and mentally if they just sobered up. Good luck convincing them weed has negative side effects though.

So Joe is a closet gay or bisexual right?

it's almost like they're shills

Who says he's closeted about it?

OR, it's almost as if when there's an objective flaw in something, multiple people bring up that same flaw when they're criticizing it.

>it just makes me 'slow' and relaxed no matter what
It's mainly a depressant, so yes, that's exactly what it does, and that's the main way I've heard it described.

Varies a bit by strain, but for the most part it'll just make you feel comfy. Any hallucinatory effects are pretty mild.

Sounds like a case of different expectations on your part rather than overhyping.

My best friend swears he met joe in a hotel room via grinder.

He's alt right.

>listening to podcasts
>listening to Joe Rogan of all people
I want reddit to fucking leave

It's like that but isn't that. He opposes 37 gender bullshit on the level that it is controlling speech in a sinister way. He isn't alt right in the slightest and the fact that you've heard that and accepted it as remotely accurate makes you a colossal faggot.

It's actually important to question known facts sometimes. Keeps the reason they are facts in the first place known instead of taken for granted.

Did you just say, skeptic?

what's the flaw? curtailing what he says to pander to an audience? I don't think he does that, do you have examples?

Pretty good desu but you can tell this os when he was really heavy into the weed and a bit too shouty.

The netflix special is a perfect mix of this and the physical shit he does on stage

Yea, I didn't like it either. Wasn't what I expected

He gets shilled and hated on Sup Forums cause he "won't name the jew" so he's worthless in their eyes.

The Reddit is literally oozing off this post and through my screen.



He keeps bringing the Fox News Seth Rich story up without any of the facts, its really weird

the only thing he gets wrong is that Rich was 100% proven to be the dnc leaker, which isn't true. otherwise, yeah, seth rich was probably murdered by the Clinton goons.

>he takes the role of skeptic
then why isn't he questioning the florida shooting, the fact that the earth is indeed a flat plane, and waffled on the moon landing being faked?

What on Earth would give you that impression, user?

He is a self help guru for young men.

>the fact that the earth is indeed a flat plane
Please tell me you're just trolling.


PLEASE tell me you are just trolling.

Nah that's complete fucking bullshit and you know it.

reeeeee why doesn't he follow my dogmatic belief in science