ITT: shit we are thankful for

ITT: shit we are thankful for.

I may be a 28 year loser NEET, but at least im not a fucking DRUG ADDICT.

Id rather be a drug addict than live with my parents at 30, never going outside

Id rather live a full life then die of an OD in a crackhouse

>not a fucking DRUG ADDICT
you can do it user!

i'm glad i'm not OP because then i'd be the biggest faggot in all the land

it's inour nature to be hedonistic. one orgasm after another. we derive pleasure from every activity conversation etc.

drugs are tools for the mind. simple minded people can't even fathom

Hey OP , dont worry what these guys say, they know nothing, just stupid idiots. I will join you .... Maybe I'am a jobless uneducated poor fuck but at least I DONT HAVE CANCER ! And at least I'm HEALTHY AND STILL ALIVE. Healthy mind and body.

I am grateful ive survived this far. I dont care much anymore about "going out", ive been there enough. Now i play some stupid games and just lay with my time and it wont bother me at all.

I’m certain the world looks better without drugs in your brain, your brain is drugs don’t fuck with that

Brain doesnt have drugs in without a reason, too bad if some people (like me when young) dry out for example, pain handling receptors. Must be a fucking fun to lose a leg or hand and feel all the pain because of raped receptors.

I agree with us being "high on life'. you're spot on there. marijuana is natural plant just like vegetables. very intense orgasms. increased appetite better quality sleep. cardio workouts easier. alcohol can be very useful to free you of your inhibitions. gain some perspective. look inside yourself. step outside comfort zone.

the willingness to die is very powerful in the animal kingdom. 100 soldiers with the willingness to die will fight harder then others that are cowards. a lot of the people that shy away from drugs and stuff are kinda cowards and simple minded. heroine took a loved one away from me so I agree some drugs will kill your loved ones but you're incredibly simple minded. anything can be toxic. jump off a bridge. heart disease.
pre determinism.

Sorry your life was painful and hard, I hope medicine evolves to help you one day.
Same with depression etc.
Thank goodness I’m healthy

Gay - you shouldn’t spread your degenerate nonsense.

your health won't keep. time is against you. your skin will wrinkle. your hair will turn gray. your sense will dull. you're alive for a few moments and you don't even know how to live. fate has something cruel in store for all of us.

simple response for a simple person.

I may work for the TSA, but at least I have a job and benefits, unlike OP

I'm grateful for:

This website

The gift of life

Being happy



dude weed lmao

im happy i've never been in love, apparently that shit hurts

I do like how this board is populated by young people. youth is everything. youth. youth. youth!

Functional alcoholic and I disagree. Life is way more fun with a little lubricant

I have a girlfriend thanks to Sup Forums.

explain to this nigga that love doesnt hurt, he hasn't lived man

i don't see why love exists, all thats it to it is nudes n sex

the simple person being you, amiright

survival mechanism

what if you need your mind to be as sharp as possible because you have a high paying job?

>I have a girlfriend thanks to Sup Forums.
>thanks to Sup Forums
nigga wat?

I may be a drug addict but at least I drive a corvette and snort cocaine off hookers' asses

now thats what I call a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.

I posted that I had a crush on a pretty, but deaf, girl and that I was too afraid to ask her out. Sup Forums convinced me I had nothing to lose by asking her out, so I did and now we're a couple.

Your late fee is gonna be fucking insane.

this is bait.

It sure does. I've avoided getting close to a woman for 8 years now for that exact reason. I'd like to, but I dunno if I'll be able to

>but I dunno if I'll be able to again*

I live the negative responses to this dude. user is pretty much correct. With the exception of hard drugs, I think weed is pretty good mentally for you. What is said here is right. Everyone giving the simple "degenerate" response has no experience with it and clearly isn't intelligent enough to provide a good argument.

its not. no drug is 'good' for you. smoking ANYTHING weakens your cardiovascular system. Smoking weed affects every cognitive ability negatively and makes you less conscientious. It's a drug, get woke.

oh wait this is bait because literally everyone loves to defend weed. MUH DRUGS.