What do you think about the Syria chemical weapon attacks going on right now?

What do you think about the Syria chemical weapon attacks going on right now?

Too bad for them. Probably wishing they would have overthrown their corrupt government a long time ago lol.

North Korea selling Syria/Putin chemical weapons and trump does nothing

> muzzies mass murdering muzzies
Why should I even care. In any case they are doing our job without us getting involved

Yes the government in syria is winning the war and therefore they are using chemical weapons. So they give other countries a reason to intervene.

This looks all legit and logic yes. Anyone who believes this is a retarded fuck.

Die rebel scum

thank fuck for someone that has a brain to think for themselves. The Russians actually warned this was going to happen very soon just last week. Yet the fucking g seeing the U.S believe their bullshit media every fucking time. America lost in Syria, America is breaking international law being in Syria, They don't have permission from anyone including the UN. Why don't they get the fuck out of Syria and let the real winners finish their job off. Getting rid of the Murican backed terrorists.

bullshit and funny,one guy didn't even bother to act and put a gaz mask

I like trump

Nobody cares about them...what's far more important is that the Trump White House is in complete disarray!!! People might actually quit if it keeps up!

The russian dossier is 100% accurate. Trump WANTS school shootings to happen! Mueller is closing in on him...Impeach now! Impeach now! Impeach NOW!

America isn't going anywhere as long as Syria has browned skinned teenage girls to rape.

not good at all. this proves that NATO will not intervene militarily. it shows the weakness of NATO right now. The middle east is literally hell on earth right now. its getting so bad that the taliban, without USA assistance would control the government of afghanistan.

I don't.

Fake news

once syria stabilizes it will have 4 factions of terrorists within the country, a decimated population, and it will be more controlled by russia, and iran than anything. God help the souls of actual people living there.

This 100000 times

They are muslim. It is their life goal to meet Allah.
The speedier we make that happen the better for everyone else

what about sri lanka honey

>buying the official narrative this fucking hard

Go stick your head in an over and go out like your great grandparents did

I didn't even know it was happening.
I don't read the news much anymore, it's too fucking morbid.
I read the footie news because I'm English and I love a bit of footie and that's about it... real world news just makes me depressed because it's just murder, death or something equally as bad.

what narrative should i buy?
the country is broken up into different factions already isn't it?

syria seems like a hole. even in the days of Pharaonic Egypt they used to write about those "Syrian cocksuckers".

there must be something in the water.

if there was one place on earth you could drop an atomic weapon and IMPROVE it, it'd be Syria.

whut aboot sri lenka la
they are tiny and brown la
nobody give one shit aboot them la

footba' is a substitute for tribal warfare. it's the coward's way out, twice; not only do you watch from the sidelines, the actors don't even really injure each other.

yeah but one has chemical weapon and the support of russia and one is calld freedom and has the support of the usa and the last is isis

>what narrative should i buy?

Syrians are bastards, and every single last one of them, man, woman, child and hamster need to be exterminated. only then will there be peace in Syria.

This. Syria was destined to be an eternal warzone, whether back between Hittites and Egyptians, Assyrians and other Semites, or today. The day when one brings peace to this forbidden land will be the day when all human suffering ceases.

>and one is calld freedom

"what a great idea! we'll name our cell of torturing, murdering, child-raping drug dealing bandits 'FREEDOM'! people will love us, especially americans!"

cheese crumbs fell from a pubic hair beard onto his distended stomach as he hit 'Post'

there seem to be places on earth where this kind of insanity is concentrated - places where they have been fighting for thousands of years, and they don't seem inclined to ever stop, and where they commit acts of such barbaric savagery that if you make a film of it, the film gets banned. Serbia/Bosnia/Kosovo is another place like that; a lot of places in Africa, like Rwanda, too.

It Must Be Something In The Water

not islamic; no beard

kek i just ment it has the support of the usa you fag head... faggotry is only noticed by faggot mr faggot on a stick

I can only attest that each piece of Syria's soil has seen bloodshed.

par for the course

these regimes maintain control through fear and brutality, whether or not that's a good thing is up for debate considering the unstable nature of the region