Starting season 4 and bald Sisko is hard to get used to. Why did he shave it?
Starting season 4 and bald Sisko is hard to get used to. Why did he shave it?
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Bald Sisko with goatee is for the best, you'll look back at hair Sisko and realize this.
Avery Brooks likes having a shaved head and a beard. The producers made him grow his hair and shave his beard. As the series went on he had more negotiating power and so first got the beard back and then the bald head.
They figured out the Riker's Beard formula.
Congrats, you're entering Best Trek territoriy
There was an outbreak of head lice on the station.
>The scenes involving Sisko as Joran had to be shot twice because the producers were unhappy with the first set of dailies. The reason for this was they felt that Avery Brooks' performance was too creepy. According to visual effects supervisor Gary Hutzel, Brooks spoke in an almost inaudible whisper that "literally sent shivers up your spine". (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, p. 247)
Reminder that he is not an actor.
He is a legit crazy person they just put in front of a camera
Who is your favorite character so far OP and why is it Garak?
Quark from the main cast.
Garak from the secondaries.
>legit crazy person they just put in front of a camera
O captain, my captain!
Most actors are legit crazy people anyway.
>test for changeling
>cut the palm
Why do they do this? Gripping anything will be painful. Why not cut on the outside?
Bald Sisko is the right Sisko, and the right Sisko means the best seasons of DS9.
Klingons are the idiots who did this. Starfleet just used a hypospray
Starfleet is also dumb because they didn't check that the blood was both fresh and the DNA matched
Yeah, I just saw the scene where the Klingon general makes Sisko and Kira do it.
If only they could have gotten Garret Wang to grow one.
He got based once he grew his hair out
>ability to grow facial hair
>one, single tear drop
Are you implying Dr. Julian Bashir doesn't know how to do his damn job? Because if you are then you are probably right.
That's what makes it so awesome duh
>"ah, Harry, we've encountered a vicious, xenophobic alien race. Beam down and begin diplomatic negotiations."
>"yes Captain, shall I pick the away team?"
>"No, just you Harry. And don't take any weapons."
She really hated that cunt.
He was a changeling, real julian was in a dominion prison camp
>Gripping anything will be painful
That's what the Blood Wine's for!
Speaking of people not doing their fucking jobs how did nobody notice this for an entire month?
the person in charge of checking got replaced.
Bald/goatie was Brooks's regular style, see Hawk
producers wanted him to change because they didn't want 2 bald captains
Later TNG was off the air and they didn't care..
Man, they have some of the best facial hair when they can grow it. That shit's naturally straight, I wish my beard was more like that.
But like it's kind of sad isn't it? Either the Changeling was THAT good, or nobody gives a fuck enough about Julian to notice that something was off.
One of them overheard Admiral Cartwright's plan, he was basically a bag of blood with Julian's face printed on it.
everyone hates julian so any change they interpreted as good.
He liked looking like right pic, but left pic was mandated by (((produces))) because they feared audiences would not be able to separate DS9/ST/Brooks from his character Hawk on the TV show Spenser: for Hire.
>it's a sisko gets a new romulan coat episode
>And stop by the mess hall and have Neelix season you
>>Season... me?
>mfw they call out Romulan uniforms for being terrible
Pls no bully. He can't help it he was born retarded.
Garak calls out everyone for looking terrible.
>It's a TRAP episode
posting the best sisko
I can agree with this. I don't mind him bald but his goatee became too weedy and shit looking after a while. Like a 13 year old's beard.
Childhood is idolising Garak, adulthood is realising Dukat made more sense.
But as a homosexual alien in a relationship with a middle eastern doctor I identify with Garak a lot.
Dukat was a fool at the end. The true heroic Cardassian of the series was Damar.
He was a drunk.
That's what makes his rise to herodom even better.
All great men of history are.
he's far from Starfleet HQ so who the fuck will lecture him on Starfleet regulations?
Hitler didn't drink.
Hitler - 1
Damar - 0
Hitler shot himself in his bunker as his empire crumbled around him. Who destroyed that empire? Stalin, who could match drinks with fucking Churchill.
>7 years on a ship as a bridge officer
>stays an ensign throughout
guy better have been promoted to lt commander or least full leiutenant when they got back
damar was stafleet shill for a war they started by mining the wormhole.
>Kira in Starfleet Uniform
Catsuits were a mistake.
so much this
Did they see Jolene Blalock and think "damn, this bitch could be an alien without makeup" and hire her, or was it just an accident and they didn't realise until the casting agents spoke to the makeup guys later?
Seriously though, when will this meme that she's attractive end, it's been going like twice as long as Bane at this point.
I have some news for you about your sexual orientation, bro
Her eyes are misaligned
She has a manly jaw
She either had botched collagen or negro blood
Have you seen her skin? She looks like fat bastard after he lost the weight in Goldmember
Adam's apple
You're lusting over a 10 year old boy who's been cosmetically altered to resemble an adult woman
she almost looks like a boy in that image.
I thought we were talking about Ezri.
Shut your plebian mouths. There's nothing more futuristic than a catsuit.
>we're stuck with prequels in the JJ timeline
>we'll never see what happened to the Romulans post-Nemesis
>never see Cardassia post-Dominion War
>never get to see budding Federation/Klingon bromance brought by ambassador Worf
>never get to explore what happened to the Gamma Quadrant post-DW
why live bros?
they'd probably just shit all over it anyway
the current production yea, but fuck I can't understand how its so hard to make a good Star Trek show in the current tv climate.
>girls look far better in blue uniforms
Crazy how the shitty suits only worked for the Cardassians.
I watched every Trek show, and film except DS9.
I caught a few glimpses of random episodes when I was young, and I didnt like what I saw. Didnt feel like Star Trek to me.
Should I watch DS9?
Are there plans for a remastered version like they did with TNG?
Is there an HD version out now?
>Should I watch DS9?
>Are there plans for a remastered version like they did with TNG?
>Is there an HD version out now?
Also, the first season is garbage until the last two episodes (which are great), so prepare yourself for a rough ride.
First post, best post.
It's like beardless Riker. Soon, only bald/goatee Sisko will exist in your mind.
I felt the same way about DS9 until I watched it.
The station really does work just as well as a ship in the lore to me. You'll forget about those differences and get into the show soon enough.
>Also, the first season is garbage until the last two episodes (which are great), so prepare yourself for a rough ride.
I dont care, I will watch every single episode.
Is DS9 Trek? Cause anytime I see stills from the show, the brown background does not feel right.
>Cause anytime I see stills from the show, the brown background does not feel right.
The colors are different because ayylmaos built it. The Enterprises and Voyager were built by humans, but DS9 was built by Kardashians to suit their xenolizard tastes.
Having more variety makes the universe a richer place.
This its supposed to convey an alien setting.
Only when they have the Defiant. Runabouts are garbage.
DS9 is absolutely fantastic.
I was exactly like you. I only saw a couple glimpses of DS9 as a kid and it felt nothing like the Star Trek I knew.
I watched it as an adult and absolutely loved it. The fact that the story takes place on a space station actually makes for a great backdrop. The show is home to the best villains, best characters, best arcs and consistent writing. You can tell the writers of the show really cared about Star Trek and wanted to tell great stories.
The 1st season takes some getting used to, but once you hit the 2nd and 3rd season you're golden.
Defiant is shit. ugliest little thing ever. was it supposed to be intimidating?
Thanks, guess I'll DL it.
Too bad its not in HD.
No, it was supposed to be cheap/quick for a shipyard to produce.
One single Galaxy-class ship is intimidating. A dozen Defiant-class ships (made for the same resources and time as one Galaxy-class) makes you shit your spacepants.
What would be the point of designing a ship to look intimidating against the borg?
Well, thanks to First Contact and Voyager, the Borg collective has emotions. Maybe the Defiant can scare the Borg Queen into running away.
Whats the best source for DS9?
Netflix good, or is the H.264 DVD Rip better?
Not at the time of the design, jackass. Quit shitposting.
you mean the borg adapted by creating an emotional queen due to starfleet making pussy looking ships?
I just wait for the day that DS9 gets remastered in HD like TOS and TNG
I recently finished watching all of DS9 and I completely didn't notice he shaved his head. I guess it's safe to say the best Star Trek captains are bald.
that will happen right after we get 4 ds9 movies.
It's too bad DS9 never got a movie, closest it got was that "The Fallen" PC game. It's pretty decent though a little distracting how they have some of the original cast voicing their characters and some are replaced by other actors, particularly with Sisko who is voiced by the guy who does Princpial Lewis in American Dad.
Sisko holosuite episodes are weird.
>I used to wank to kes
my penis is crying right now
He's a full fledged captain by the time Star Trek Online takes place.
sad, I know
DS9's difference from TNG is overblown. People remember a few notable episodes that really are outside the realm of what TNG would touch (muh dark) but for the vast majority of it's runtime it's pretty vanilla 90s star trek.
Just finished TOS
about to start the movies, is it true the odd numbered ones are bad and the even ones are good?
TMP, which while not numbered, would be an odd number, and it's great.
I hear its very high sci fi which appeals to me.
Are the movies very different from the show?
nggg, my heart... :(((
They even recreated the best scene.
TMP is so bad it nearly killed the franchise once and for all.
It's the movie most like the show (considering it was born out of a pilot for Phase II ie the tv sequel series that never was). The trouble is it's a really shitty episode.
I meant all of the movies