Why is Chinese cinema so shitty?

Why is Chinese cinema so shitty?

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>when she sees your dick

Because their country is shit

Because all of the country's originality died with Mao's Cultural Revolution, and they have no idea how to criticize or make impactful stories since they have been subjected to the what their government wants them to think for too much. Indoctrination is a bitch. Make everyone think the same and then you have a bunch of boring, soulless robots.

And no, its not about budget or different culture, since Pajeets make really good movies. China's just creatively bankrupt.

Taiwanese cinema > Hong Kong cinema >>>>>>>>> Mainland China cinema

Taiwanese cinema is equally bad.

there are still good films but censorship restrics a lot of content.

When even "heroes of communist cinema" like Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige have been banned from making films by the Party in the past you begin to understand how hard it is for film makers to stand out creatively.

Wasn't fun explicitly outlawed in china until a year ago?

Because they try to make Hollywood movies but they're not Hollywood.

>he went into a family movie expecting something worthwhile

the government fucked themselves in the long run with the dumb censorship
no wonder rich billionaire in china start trying to buy hollywood production companies, so they can finally have some good movies

>can show monsters but not ghosts
China is weird

they're primitives and technology is going too fast for them, they can't make shit that doesn't kill themselves so why would they be good at cinema

Hong Kong is good though. Wong Kar Wai is one of the best living directors

What are some of the good ones? I'm currently learning mandarin so it would be helpful to watch some

>Pajeets make really good movies
i agree with your entire post except for this
india's cinema is garbage

the government is fucking retard and they just ban randomly foreign film just because
Painted Skin was pretty much a ghost story, and china has a famous author who wrote nothing but fucking ghost stories
they literally just cuck themselves out of their culture

They can show ghosts, but only if they're presented in a balanced and meaningful manner.
>Ghostbusters: Where ghosts are just goo waiting to be farted out of a fat white bitch's vagina
Not okay.
>Keeper of Darkness: Where Chink Constantine has to fight off a killer ghost bent on avenging its murdered family, while also having to deal with his weird "Hot mommy" relationship with a ghost that served as his surrogate parent.
Is okay, stop fucking consuming propoganda from fucking Feig of all people. Ghostbusters was banned because China was well aware of how big of a shitfest it was.

Did he blame the movie failure on china banning it?

>The reality

>when you cheat on her and she found out

Hell if I would know or care.

1. Its made for Chinese people
2. There's so many rules and shit it kills creativity

I like some chinese movies

Zhang Yimou: Pretty much his entire catalogue except The Flowers of War... I don't know how he botched that one

To Live (film was banned for it's depiction of the cultural revolution, Zhang himself was unable to work for a period of time)
Red Sorghum
Shanghai Triad
for fun shit go watch hero and terracotta warrior (he only stars in the latter as it's produced by Tsui Hark)

Chen Kaige:

Yellow Eath
Farewell my concubine
The Emperor and the Assassin (watch this as a counter to Hero)

Jia Zhangke... everything... his films are just the best

start with those.

>Everynight I watch rom-coms while drinking wine, and then cry into my pillow.

Thanks for the assistance bro

nah I just have chinese parents

chinese cinema > gookshit

how do you feel about those remake after remake of many wuxia novels, with shit tier cgi and deviation from original source?

nigga i know this is bait but i'm still mad

fuck you

I liked this movie

the first half was pretty amusing


(I know Hong Kong considers itself wholly divided from China) Is that Stephen Chow movie about Mermaids or whatever that did ridiculously well in China any good?


the fuck is this? ice fantasy?

it's chinese kino

tfw my white boyfriend makes fun of me for watching stuff like this

>Pierce Brosnan in the background riding a parasail.

Jesus...I've seen better Bollywood movies.

>chinese kino

No just tell me the name, I'm asian myself. This just doesn't look like any of the classic wuxia that i know about. Look like that ice fantasy aka chinese got that has been posted recently on Sup Forums

Are these two guys? Is one a girl?

i want 9gag to leave

Look at all this cake. Truly the Japanese are the superior people.

Because Chinese writers literally don't give a fuck about the writing since half their script is edited and re-written by the CPC 'observers'.

wait a minute, is this the live action adaptation of the capcom MH franchise?

Why is some oriental girls so 11/10 and rest are 3/10's under makeup at best?

I personally prefer HK's cinema more than TW but eh, by the end of the day, both are definitely better than Mainlaind's.

Pretty much. The only decent ones are historical TV drama that takes place before the fall of the Qin Dynasty.

Plastic surgeries.

I'm asian and I'm laughing at you. I'd rather watch any of those fantasy battle harem shit Sup Forums digs than any of the modern fantasy crap china churns out. Hell, even fucking Taiwan's puppet shows are better.

It isn't any of the classic wuxia.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

You actually liked it? I thought I'd find some people willing to leave the pretentiousness aside to cast an honest opinion about a not so good film, after all this is a anonymous board.

watch this

google: cultural revolution

coming soon to usa!

Americans are too fat and lazy for a mass revolt.

Are the Japanese the best Asian movie makers?

No, Hong Kong is.

The Chinese Communist Party. Thats why.

>Ever making anything other than Triad vs HK Police movies

old ones maybe
hk movie sucks now

>implying their gangster films aren't pure kino
>implying they don't make wuxia films
>implying they don't make action kino
>implying anyone in the west would even know of action kino without them

80% of the movies are still Police vs Triad which isnt bad but thats still the dominant subject in Hong Kong when it comes to movies.

They literally all do look the same and have to resort to vaudeville slapstick buffoon acting just so we know what character type they're supposed to be.

Bullshit, wuxia accounts for more than 20%.

Raise The Red Lantern is the best Chinese film I've seen.

Also the Chinese loose adaptation of The Bicycle Thieves called Beijing Bicycle is very good as well.

That still leaves the larger percentage consisting of Police vs Triad movies.

And? Doesn't stop their gangster and action flicks from being among the best.

But it doesn't leave a lot of room for variety in between Police vs Triad and Wuxia adaptations.

They do though. Even the "80% of the movies are still Police vs Triad" thing is bullshit and far from being as dominant as you think.

The Chinese loose adaptation of King Lear called Eat Drink Man Woman is also good.

More Romance of the three kingdom movies

fuck you

This was wild. Has some godtier practical effects

Same. Pleasantly surprised.

>being proud of what is little more than the original filmed capeshit

Top tier chink movies are better than shitty nu-hollywood movies.

>Tfw Trump is about to lose a tradewar with China and all Americans will have to sell off their wives and daughters to get CHINKED

Chinese movies used to be good when Hong Kong was still part of the UK. Shaw Brothers films were pure kino.

Them and Koreans are the only competent ones

OK, CLEARLY THIS IS AWFUL. But hear me out.

Kung Fu Wizard of Oz

Could say the same for hollywood at times. Same shit endlessly. I'm sure there's an 'indy' scene in chinkland that does weird shit or attempts to break the mold. probably have to search one of the chink focused trackers for content though.

Mainland chinese cinema is like if Kevin Feige was in charge of all the Hollywood studios and the MPAA.

Didn't HK make a controversial film critical of the government?

>he fell for the mandarin meme

I don't know if that clip was doctored to include Pierce Brosnan or not but that post was fricking hilarious.

>mfw its another Journey to the west adaption
Jesus Christ China get it together. I know its a classic but try to keep it contained.

Also Chink series are so damn long. Recently I watched Empress of China together with my gf and its so fucking long there is so much which is mandatory to skip.
The only series I didn't feel that way was Three Kingdoms despite its length.

Are Western movies more popular in China than Chinese films?

I can't wait until the bubble bursts yet again and every movie set in the near future that paints China as a > USA super power looks fucking idiotic yet again

>expecting movies made by communists to be good

some good films do manage to slip through the censors

What happened to hk movies?