do you realize how many vacation homes he just bought lorne michaels
Do you realize how many vacation homes he just bought lorne michaels
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>people watch snl
false premise there op
i heard on twitter and facebook that his ss is already rounding up gays and blacks and mexicans and sending them to the ovens this is fucking sickening that we actually live in a real facist country with the reincarnation of literally hitler. im fucking shaking and probably going to kill myself and my white family im so ashamed at this moment
I know, me as well, though before I off my family I'll off myself so I don't have to have to deal with Trump one second longer! After I offed myself I will off the rest of my disgusting white family
its the least us whites can do for creating this textbook facist racist problem of a country, i might even suck some black guys giant monster cocks before i kill myself that literally how ashamed i am right now in 2016 the year of literal textbook facism
I bought my wife a lifetime membership to and decided to cut my dick off in protest to Trump, I've yet to find a beautfiul black man to impregnante my wife though, my wife's son is literally in shock since that racist asshike won
I'm building the wall as we speak
omg..... i'm literally shaking right now..........
good job white amerikkka
i dont really care what trump does to america. Its all temporary and can be reversed by the next president if it turns out a policy was a mistake.
Im not even too bothered about his appointed judges. They too will be replaced in 20 years or so. That isnt permanent either.
The one thing that does concern me is his attitude to climate change. I.e: he doesnt believe in it at all. Pence doesnt even believe in evolution. Trump has sworn to cut the ENTIRETY of the US's budget assigned to reducing emissions. He has sworn to back out of the Paris Agreement, which took yeats and years of delicate negotiation to achieve, and has promised to build the controversial Keystone pipeline and has the ridiculously childish policy that "i wont approve any new environmental regulations unless i remove two for each one i accept".
im not super worried about the climate - i drive a car, i dont recycle enough, im pretty average, but i feel like Trumps decision to not even try at all on the environmental front is kind of concerning. The US is like 30% of global CO2 emissions, its a fucking big deal for the planet. Hes going to be dead before it all kicks off, so he doesnt care about making some quick bucks off of the environment, but I dont want to be dealing with another global migration crises when I'm in my middle age. Thats the only thing that actually concerns me about Trump.
Can any trump supporters assuage my fears and convince me it wont be as bad as i think it will be?
no one watches snl
If you care about emissions you are a retarded fucking cuck
China and Inida dont care, so none of it matters at all
I don't believe that anyone capable of succeeding at the level of business or government truly just doesn't believe in evolution or climate change. unless they are totally old and stubborn, they are just playing a part in order to cater to their voters/party. although trump is deceivingly old so maybe
>his ss is already rounding up gays and blacks and mexicans
One can only hope.
This is neo/pol/
Do you believe everything you hear on the Internet, stop fucking bitching you self loathing cunt, nothing will happen to you
He'll be an average republican president and to reassure the minorities currently losing their shit he'll distance himself and his family from the alt-right/white nationalists since he no longer needs them
Sup Forums will feel betrayed and life will go on
He said global warming is a hoax, he never said that climate change is.
This semantic difference probably doesn't mean anything to the average person or maybe not even to climate scientists, but it might mean something to Trump.
kek "another global migration crisis". there's not going to be any more crises. only one steady escalation.
>lets tie our hands behind our back to save the environment while the main polluters of the world dont give a single FUCK
Look into the environmental damage caused by Chinas rare-earth operations alone.
It doesnt fucking matter, we are going to kill the planet no matter what
Hello hitler
trumpedditors are on the wrong side of the history!
how can you possibly be this fucking stupid
Every single time climate change gets discussed someone does this finger pointing shit.
China and India both don't deny climate change (like American politicians frequently do) and have at least said they are taking many steps
The USA blows China and India out of the water in terms of per capita for that reason we aren't very far behind them in total pollution. We need to take some responsibility ourselves before demanding that others do.
Yes, his businesses are already adapting to climate change.
Fucking kill yourself dude
where the fuck do i sign up for this?
I highly doubt that
Trump has given hints he's an extremely right wing person, and he obviously is against PC
Theres so many things we pretend is "moderate" views, that are actually PC marxist views. Like racial equality or desegregation.
A president is in charge of immigration policy, and he has spoken many times about bringing in more whites.
jfc i'm laughing so hard reading this shit. this is pasta right?
pretty sure this is Sup Forums
Sup Forums actually comes from highly educated universities
He's playing to his audience
His candor as soon as he won basically showed us he was playing it up for rural america
Expect to be disappointed
He wants a united America and white nationalists aren't a part of that
like I said, total fucking clueless cuck
you first faggot, dont you want to reduce your carbon footprint?
I don't think you are right
Some pandering to liberals so they don't try to start a civil war since they won't control shit for the next 20+ years is small stuff.
Certainly he's not a bought republican shill who will allow the dems to continue their voter plantation bullshit.
China doesn't bother enforcing anything and India can barely manage themselves. Whether or not we bother enacting any legislation to counteract supposed climate change will not avert the consequences that (might) hit us within a century or two. Basically, is right despite his lack of manners or tact.
>Certainly he's not a bought republican shill
LOL We'll see. I think you are a bit too hopeful there. He's a salesman, and a has been a part of the establishment for 30 years.
He might start building the wall and deport some people but other than that he'll be moderate. Could be wrong but I doubt it
Just not being a RINO traitor will make him into the most extreme republican we've had since WW1
Explain why all sides of the establishment hate him and have tried their damndest to paint him as the next Hitler then. This was not in their plans, and it was basically one of the largest misjudgments on a grand scale in recent history.
Whether or not he will be at all successful in office is yet to be seen, but his presence and foresight have been unexpectedly prodigious, as noted even by Obama. Reports say that Obama was amazed (or dismayed) by Trump's campaign instincts, for a man with no political experience.
nah i doubt he'll be moderate.
consider this
republicans his own team shat on him. denounced him. he doesn't own anything from there other than his inner circle.
dems literally demonized him. fucking destroyed his humanity and his family
why should he pander to these shits when the american people purely elected him for what he is?
>part of the establishment for 30 years
My toe is literally and figuratively and virtually shaking right now.
i doubt you can even see your dick and your toe with your gut lmao
And what is one of the responses the chinese are doing to combat climate change?
Building a shitload of nuclear reactors. One of the only practical solutions to the climate change issue. Yet this is completely untenable here because "omg radiation OMG OMG OMG BAD"
your a dorable
>Explain why all sides of the establishment hate him
Because they thought he would bring down the party
He didn't now they love him.
Just wait until next year. He'll make some early announcements about the wall and illegals too win white nationalists over a bit longer and Sup Forums will scream "BASED EMPEROR" and then he will be the status quo more or less
He'll eventually break all ties with the alt right to calm racial tensions and then he will just be a slightly more right republican
>tfw can't immigrate to America to build wall
>The environment is for cucks lmao!
Kys faggot
>He'll eventually break all ties with the alt right to calm racial tensions and then he will just be a slightly more right republican
Severe doubt. You sound like another nervous GOP neocon being interviewed on FOX.
I highly doubt this.
Trump doesn't owe anything to anyone. he doesn't owe anything to reps and he doesn't owe anything to dems.
He has the popular vote and basing from his first 100 days platform he has the right things on his mind.
Trump sees what america is now, a failure. he knows that rising up will be painful just like extracting a parasite from a body but it must be done and it will be done.
>Dondald is a clown
>Trump will never be the candidate
>Trump will never win
>Trump will never build the wall
And the tears will just keep on coming.
now we need a new version of this xd
>The US is like 30% of global CO2 emissions, its a fucking big deal for the planet.
The Paris accord made China "promise" to start cutting emissions by 2030 if we start cutting emissions now.
Note how the cunts plan to NEVER STOP building coal plants.
You sound just like the liberals did when Obama won
>He's taking on the Wall Street Thugs
>He's not a warmonger
Same shit different day
Nigger I voted for Trump. I just understand what he is because this aint my first rodeo.
The single best irrefutable thing about Trump's election is that Obama is mad as hell. I am so weary of that smug motherfucker.
Trump ain't Obama
There is still a republican congress there who, even if they hate Trump, want to appoint republican judges & pass a whole buncha republican friendly laws.
>likening Trump and Obama
oh ffs. Obama was literally propped up to be the next President. black newbie politician with squeaky clean record to pander to the white guilt vote and black votes. he's basically a face.
meanwhile Trump just kept going against the flow with his tweets and statements and broke everything what a candidate what must not do and not say and still fucking won
how blind are you?
The thing is, Obama and Trump are worlds apart. Hell, the current GOP might as well be Mars compared to what it was back then.
Its okay you'll learn
He'll be great for us conservatives
Okay for you white nationalists but nowhere near what you think.
>thinking I'm a white nationalist
I'm sorry to say, but you're just uninformed and probably a LARPing butthurt liberal.
Trump himself is a white nationalist
Forgot when he was shilling for Ann Coulter's book?
>b-but china and india!
They're doing pretty fucking good considering they have the highest populations and one does 80% of the world's manufacturing
Obama was an actor though. a first time politician with a cool voice, suave black guy persona, and a good talker. he also ran against some of the worst competition. Obama wasn't changing shit and anyone that believed it was a retard. he was literally just a black guy that they put the word "change" over and people thought "zomg yeah black prez will change everything!" they chose him to run and was in every pocket imagineable
at least trump has a legitimate claim
you're just selling him short to not disappoint yourself in the future. i don't blame you, all politicians made grand promises and statements just to get the votes and in the end barely did anything
Not Trump. Trump doesn't owe the parties - the reps and dems anything. he doesn't owe any big business anything. Only thing he owes is the vote of the american people.
Let the man do his job. I expect great things from him
it sort of helped that blonde ambition gave him an opponent that everyone despised.
He'll break ties with Gavin McInnes, Milo and some people on Sup Forums?
>suave black guy persona
beta whitewashed persona*
>and a good talker
obama is a garbage talker
He just reads a teleprompter and liberals are retarded enough to think thats him being smart.
He also "acts white", so liberals can engage in their fantasy that black people are just like us.
nah. Obama is a good speaker. well modulated articualte voice. I think that's his specialty
yeah I know but he carried himself like the way white people believe cool black guys do. president miles Davis. Obama was basically more of a meme than trump considering that trump is probably more genuine
that's more what i meant.
When he's got a script and a teleprompter, then yea, he's not terrible.
When he doesn't, he rambles like an idiot and goes "okie dokie"
>dude let's just destroy the planet fuck everything nihilism rox btw
>Just wait until next year.
He's already considering oil and banking corporate shills for his administration.
Meanwhile Pence is an open shill for coal and tobacco.
The working class as always voting for people who care about them.
you do realize per capita is completely fucking irrelevant when it comes to total co2 output right
it means nothing
70 percent of china (billions of population, mind you) is peasant farmers of course they have less per capita
because those companies aren't staffed with hundreds of thousands of "working class" workers?
>Obama was an actor
nigga America just elected a reality TV star
>regurgitating a sentence literally word for word you heard on CNN
yes my mom was just watching that bit too, you brainless fucking farm animal
Didn't know about the hundreds of thousands employed by Goldman Sachs
>there's no way successful people aren't as indoctrinated as me!
those are liberals and jews tho
That's Trump's campaign finance manager.
and what was Reagan?
Obama was a politician turned actor to become president
trump is trump.
crippling yourself for an ideal no one else is following is for cucks, yes
>at that level
What the fuck does that have to do with my post?
China is cutting emissions by building tons of nuclear power
We could do the same thing but never will because people have been indoctrinated to think that nuclear=evil here
>and what was Reagan?
Someone who gave amnesty to millions of illegals :^)
Why don't blue collar whites understand that it's in their best interest to outsource manufacturing to China, to import millions of Mexicans to do unskilled labor for below minimum wage, to import millions of H1B Asians to do skilled labor for below minimum wage, and finally for the few remaining educational and financial opportunities to be awarded preferentially to blacks?
Whatever you have to tell yourself.
so you actually don't have a stance on anything. you're just a butthurt libcuck sore loser.
China isn't cutting emissions at all. They're building two new coal power plants a week.RIGHT NOW. They claim they'll begin cutting emissions in the 2030s.
Wasn't supposed to be a blanket amnesty, and it was supposed to include a border wall/fence + other shit
Thats the thing that taught the republicans to never compromise with dems.
You seem awfully triggered by facts.
Someone please explain to me what a Clinton or Bernie presidency would have offered you if you're a blue-collar industry-worker in, say, the Rust Belt?
Lower wages due to a constant stream of illegal immigration? Lower income due to your income being taxed higher? The chance to be replaced by someone who will do your job at 50% quality for 50% of the pay on an H1B? The chance to be replaced by someone just because they're black and your company needs more "diversity"?
what's that have to do with being brainwashed? if you believe that being a successful politician at that level or running multi million dollar companies doesn't require a certain level of intelligence then you are clueless.
stay mad. trump is president and there is nothing you can do about it
that's the thing. China ain't cutting shit since from their perspective they still need to grow more. Meanwhile we are cucking ourselves to cut since we're destroying the environment at the expense of our own growth.. why should america be the only one doing it?
you seem awfully triggered by trump
I wonder if the new actor President will also grant amnesty to illegals like the last one. Of course it will be accompanied by border fence and shiet like says.
He has promised many times NO AMNESTY
we will find out soon enough. you know, because Donald trump was elected president of the United States of America.