Meryl Streep as Hillary

Meryl Streep as Hillary,
Daniel Day-Lewis as Trump,
Come on, why hasnt this script been written yet?
Name a better duo!
*freeze frame*
*record scratch*
Yep that's me,
You're probably wondering how i got here

Other urls found in this thread:

Chris Rock as O'Bama

Anthony Burch as Bernie Sanders

>putting a plant above the fireplace where it'll burn up

Hey liberals, be offended. He's grabbing a pussy.

I have two answers, but don't wanna bother givign you two (2) (you)'s

>Don't bother user, liberals like BBC, this also include BBP - MAGA!
>Don't call the President Elect that, you fucking shill

I think any movies or miniseries made about this will be kino, whether comedy or drama. There is so much great material, and two stupendous characters.

They both stink.

He doesnt look happy

>literally every photo of Trump since he won has been a I've made a huge mistake face
He really was running as a stunt, wasn't he?

You make it sound like I made a promise to give amazing replies. It's OK, I've grown immune to libcuck ignorance. I have a President now, not you.

>no denzel washington as obama

emma roberts can play Ivanka

>>mfw you think hes your guy
>>mfw youre not a millionaire

Meryl Streep would make a great Hillary.

Thinking about it, Hillary kind of makes me think of Meryl Streep in Kramer vs Kramer. She wasn't necessarily a bad guy in that movie, but her justifications were horrible and she was incredibly selfish, kind of like Hillary. I don't think Hillary was necessarily evil, but she was incredibly selfish and the sort of person who does anything to win.

Nice try ctr but hes just maybe a bit shocked because its something bigly but he will bring down the establishment and bring a new era the next 8 years

>So much self defence he's even lying about being a millionaire on a enornymos cheese enthusiasm board
>Lying so much he's even quoting me

Hahahahahaha, thanks I was in a bad mood, you made me laff libcuck



I honestly dont know what ctr stands for

>When you need to keep the aliens secret or all your family members will get Kennedy'd

Crash Team Racing

>when you find out who killed JFK

>when you realize it's actually impossible for america to ever be great again

Who will play the final boss George Soros?

>I'm not him and neither are you


holy shit are you mongoloids still going on about ctr after the election is over? christ, you're even dumber than we gave you credit for


>Meryl Streep as Hillary
no, only Grace could capture hillary's grating nature and voice

Today at school I was gang-banged, and when I tried to tell authorities, they all laughed at me, said that Trump is president so they can do what they want, and then one cop even forced his fingers into me. I cried and tried to go home, but had to hide in the bushes as I witnessed my LGBTQIADG+ friends chained up being herded into vans to go to concentration camps. My neighbour set a womyn of color's house on fire while the cops applauded

"he truly became Big League for you"
Brava Nolan

You seem disproportionately mad.

who can even play Trump? we need a big guy not a lanklet

He cares nothing for you. None of them care anything for the plebeians they need to attain power.

>when you find out how much you need to pay to Israel every year

>His wife's face

Fuck off ctr we knowyou will try to bring down trump now more than ever

fuck you!

He's just upset that he lost his twitter rights for the next four years.

Top kek

>When they redpill you on whose actually in charge

this 2bh

>I don't think Hillary was necessarily evil, but she was incredibly selfish

I agree to an extent. If Bernie had won the nomination he would have beaten Trump.

What did Paul tell him?

> when you have no worlds left to conquer

Everyone is saying it's Aliens or a conspiracy of some sort, but he probably honestly had no idea how much work it is being president.

Bernie was a controlled opposition sellout shill who never accomplished anything in his pathetic career

there was no reality where he had the nomination

Trump is going to have a nice white mane soon.

They're not going to tell Trump about the fucking aliens. They didn't tell Bill.

>implying he'll have hair left

Is that Bush after 4 or 8? Just wondering.

That mane will forever stay golden...

literal retard.

Looks like the white kicks your ass when you have to run for reelection.

>Obama's "memes were a mistake" face

Feel bad for the lad, having to be professional and shake that weasel's hand

Who the fuck is george soros and why do you polfags obsesses over him?

>"Snape kills Dumbledore"

Directed by Wes Anderson

Do you have one on Obama, Clinton, and Bush Sr.? I know Obama looks fucking drastic, man. these 8 years did a number, worse than Bush in your image.


>"but he will bring down the establishment"
>being this delusional
>probably gets impeached within the next year or two
>thinking memeing a candidate into office isn't going to have terrible consequences

Hmm not as bad as I thought. I dunno, he seems to look worse in interviews and such these days. Thanks user.

Paul Dano as Barron

seriously tho. whats with the long face? he wanted this shit.

>When you realize you have no political experience or ability to run a country.

>i-it was just a prank bro

Alright, it's obvious we'll have a behind the scenes guy who's actually president during this administration. Who will it be?

Directed by Mel Gibson

>u can't be serious...

The only thing I look forward to in the two years Trump is in office are the fresh memes he will bring.

I think Obama is less in the hair color.

He's lost weight and just looks like he's been run ragged.

alec baldwin

/po/ seems to think that Soros and the Jews control the universe. Of course the fantastic irony is that if their delusional alternative reality was so controlled by these secret shadow governments, Trump would never have been President. So the last 48 hours has been frantic rewrites and gymnastics of that script, since they have to now accommodate for Trump actually winning. Which upsets the whole autism flow.

>I signed up to age 20 years in 8 for this

>two years
Try 8 friend


Every single thing he did as president is about to be undone.

Should have posted a picture of after he was shot in the head

16 if you include Ivanka running in 20204

Nope. You are seriously lucky with what you got, friendo. If he isn't murdered or impeached, he's serving one term.


It's really a sad thing to think about.

who here /WilliamJenningsBryan/??


So you are saying... look out for zombie bin laden?

>why didn't you thrash it...


>it was just a joke, bro

Trump has lived a high stress job forever though

He probably doesn't even produce cortisol


damn, in 8 years, FDR looked like THAT!?

>y tho

>i tried so hard, and got so far, and in the end it doesn't even matter

That almost cheating considering he was POTUS for so damn long. Plus he was fucking dying at the end.


I don't think inheriting a company and having numerous apparently meaningless bankruptcies is the same as choosing to run the country and knowing every failure counts to someone

>meaningless bankruptcies want to throw a rough estimate on how many workers he's fucked over?

Oh alright. You're one of them