Ask Satan Anything

Ask Satan Anything

what is Billy Herrington


A porn star

Is he going to hell or not?

What does Jesus like on his pizza?

Yes, but not for being gay, or doing porn
When I was around, he liked pepperoni, but now I heard he likes supreme

ok next question. what is hell like? warm or hot? or is it like mildly uncomfortable like a sweater in summer

It's like a summer day in southern Texas. It's hot, humid as fuck, and wind doesnt exist. And I'm the only one with an AC

Yeah but do helpers get to have some AC? Is there water?

Only my elite soldier demons. The other demons dont. And there is water, but the outside my castle it has a strange metalic taste and its warm. like not hot, just lukewarm

twisted. What happens to those who are not cut out to make it in hell? Do they "perish" in a way? or do they just get beat up? Conjugal visits?

Are you talking "not bad enough for hell, but not good enough for heaven", or what do you mean?

I'm saying like they get to hell, but they are just useless. You cannot make them do stupid shit, they just like are too weak to be a slave. can you do something to them?

How do I go Ultra Instinct?

Would you satin? It’s so creamy and dreamy. Well?

You misunderstand. No one is a slave. No one does anything. Demons do the torture thing, the souls there get tortured. I made is very simple. 24/7 skin being flayed and regrowing, 24/7 melting eyeballs and regrowing. Theres no labor, theres nothing else but torture. Fucking mortals.
Nice dubs
the whites and latinos will gang up on the blacks and everyone else
holy trips
but I know many down here who would have

My trips have spoken I will suck a log right down

My dubs. I will suck logs until they come out my ears thank you log.

How do you feel about being so thoroughly smeared by the Bible? I know you're a good guy honestly and God is just a spiteful baby.

But would you?

He literally said No. Pay attention logarithmic function.

Its okay. Its like they tell kids in highschool, at least I know Im an ok goy. But seriously, I was a good boy, but then I made my angels torture people. That was after the fall.
I literally just said no

At least you tried to expose hypocrisy and gave mankind free will.

I mean, did I really? Man kind already had free will, I just gave them a little...push!

hey fag, whats my name?

Nah, if God had his way we'd all be obedient robots never knowing the difference between good and evil.

Are you a nigger?

If thats what you interpreted

I am an angel of dark. I have no race. However, I have come to many humans in the form of many races.

Are niggers humans or a sub-race of humans? Asking for a friend.

Of course theyre humans. Are you fucked?

are you implying a white and latino alliance here cuz satan i got news for u.

they dont like each other much either.

incorrect. cuck isnt even a name. youre probably a nigger.

If God can do anything, can he make a rock so big even he can't lift it?

Damn, way to look out for BLM Devil. Real hardcore of you to be a civil rights activist.

>Your not the devil
>Your just practice

something something your enemy is my friend or something like that
is jokes fren
>wanting racial peace
you know not the things of what you speak
nice use of meme arrows

pretty sure spics would sooner join up with niggers before they team up with whitey.

What do you do with people who worship you after they die?