Mouse pad design thread

mouse pad design thread

did thicc thread get baleeted or what

Mouse, huh?

Shit wrong pic

yee. this is a mouse pad thread so post images you'd like to have on your new mouse pad~~~




I mean


I guess the mouses with a ball squeak a little

that's a really nice mouse for a moue pad~

they do squeak, and then you have to take them apart and clean the goddamn rolls.
that's one thing I certainly don't miss about the 90s.

No wrist support though, but try this one

Ughwait I got the actual mice mixed up with the mousepads, nvm lol

cleaning the ball wasn't hard at all though lol.

I'll need a wrist brace to go with that one~

Yeah, they seem to be of the same brand, which is perfect :3 30% discount!

artist name? can't make it out from the signature

it wasn't hard, but it sure was a nuisance when you forgot to clean it often enough

sorry mate, but I have no idea and I can't read the first name.

don't be a dirty nasty and get your balls so dirty then ;3


Kind of liking this design hehehe

I'm trying my best

I realized today. I am chubby. I need to work out more.

you just need a chubby chaser

spicy pad

try harder!

I knew that already.

And look at that wrist cushion!

I'm only into twinks. Almost no twinks are chubby chasers from what I've met. I'm not just straight fat, there's a good deal of muscle too but..

I dunno I'm really doubtful that I'll meet anyone. My dad came over today and cried in my living room for like an hour because he's so lonely. I'm in a similar boat, I've just given up pretty much.

I'm slowly turning into Nibi I can feel it in my fucking bones. I don't like it.

There's plenty of twinks into bears. Go to /hm/ for all of 5 minutes.


fuuuck them will super squishy

I'm almost completely void of hair, with the exception of some fine blonde hair on my legs and arms.

post pics!

so you're not a bear, you're just "strongfat lite"

This makes me wonder, I wonder if people have actually tried humping their mouse pads lol
......... I lowkey probably would >_>

oh I figured you would have already ;3

Kinda I guess. Poofy curly hair, kinda plain but I've been rated as 8/10 so.. Eh.

One guy (Who I met up with years ago and never heard from again, that I had a brief fling with) told me he thought I was way out of his league.

He also said that he thought my dick was gigantic which was kinda flattering.

Nah I have an actual toy for that, and no pad cushions to go around :p But yeah prolly kek

how big?

then you're probably aiming for fickle people who are high maintenance in a sense that you need to put a lot of effort into keeping them interested, ie the worst type to try and have a meaningul relationship with

stick with the classics dude

After going through the awkward age where you're super self conscious about everything and having a small dick, it's nice to have puberty come through for you. Any time someone I know mentions their size I feel slightly better about myself.

7.5 roughly. 6 around.

Two quotes from him, I'm keeping them in my vault of awesome things people have said about me.

>No joke I've told friends that I was really fuckin pissed at myself for fucking that date up 'cause you had a really big dick

>Motherfucker I was in the moment and that thing looked like it was 12"

This is true. But unfortunately I'm middle-of-the-road politically and everyone here is SO faggy. I hate faggy guys, I like cute guys just not the "OH MORE COCK PLS" kinda guys.

Damn straight
Wait are you talking about the mouse pads or the toys?

the mouse pads lol

Faggy fags are the worst kind of fags.


You want me hump a mouse pad? Kek I'll make sure to get one with a cheetah print on it

Oh, you should post a pic of it for analysis.

I mean.. I'm all for thigh-highs, n kink stuff.. IN THE BEDROOM.. It should never leave the bedroom. No one wants to know you're into bondage or stuff like that.

I would but my phone is dead and I'm sorta against posting pics of myself on the threads.

You can have this one though.

define "middle of the road". also, what do politics have to do with preference for fags?

spiiiiicy mouse

The stereotypical gay guy with the tight pants, limp wrist, and lispy voice is honestly the least attractive kind of gay.

Thicc bear is back

Many fags are aggressively liberal and it's disgusting.

Yeeeh bebeh



as in, "hurr durr muh free speech means you have to know how much of an obnoxious snowflake I am" ? if so, then yes, fuck those types

Do you take those in your butt?

Wait that's not a bear, ahwell nvm

I'm conservative on some issues, and liberal on others. Being gay is fine, just don't shove it down peoples throats. Trump sucks, Hillary sucks. They both had good intentions and bad ones.

Abortion should only be used in rare cases or in very early pregnancy. Should never be used in place of contraception like birth control. I understand accidents happen, but come on now.

Mexicans flooding into this country aren't good. If you're here learn the language and contribute or gtfo.

No lives matter.

Keep your fetishes to yourself or within their appropriate groups.

Most gay guys break one of these or claim shit like "U WERE BORN GAY" which is imo completely retarded and ignorant.

Religion is also stupid.

Yes. All of them. But not for over a year and half.


pretty much what I've always thought on the matters you've mentioned.
however, what do you think about fags adopting kids?

Hay QT

Hoi Imma mouse, squeak


Bow wow

Agree with all this, modern 'progressives' are retarded, though I would still consider myself liberal on quite a few topics.

is that the sound you make?

I think it's fine. As long as they attend classes and are given STRICT background checks. I don't want to hear about another pedophile ring. Shit makes me furious.

Honestly people can believe WHATEVER they want. Just as long as I don't need to pay for it, see it, or believe it myself.




We agree an a lot of stuff, good shit dude.


I can also understand why people wouldn't want their country flooded by mass migration either. Of course we should have some migration but it should be fairly selective and limited to people who have a lot to contribute.




it's ok you don't have to be embarrassed if you do

But I don't make that noise



but you said maybe

I have to disagree here, if only because of all the potential harrassment et al said kids would go through for having two fathers instead of "standard parents"

Maybe can mean no

Do the bow chika bow wow!

Good lord, what am I doing to myself? I’ve resisted masturbating for 2 weeks and I’m here and it’s so hard.

maybe means maybe... I am really confused

Doitt!! Make the noise!!!!!


katten posts some gud bara sheet

It should not be easy to adopt kids. You must work extremely hard for it. If I want to adopt kids I expect no free rides.

If you want kids you better be willing to do whatever is needed. Not just sign one form and walk out.

Addendum: This should apply to heterosexual and homosexual couples



Them tiddeys



I am aware and I'm not saying otherwise, but the main question you have to ask yourself is whether you want your children to deal with prejudice and near-sightedness.
granted, not every single city/country/area/etc is like that, but those types of people will remain for a while.



