I can't root my phone

I can't root my phone.

Samsung version 7.
Model: smn920v

I wanted to recover some files but if I can't root my phone, is there another way?

Next pic has more info


Long story short, there doesn't really seem to be a method that works with this phone? I even used kingroot and they don't have a method either so I basically installed that risky thing for nothing. Time to uninstall and etc.

Page 7 already?

I haven't been able to get a phone to root since my S5.

F it. I guess I'll have to find another way to get the files since the most I can get are the thumbnail caches

become an hero problem solved

buying a non pixel phone, fucking idiot

The fuck is that supposed to mean?

> Download android studio
> find the program called "adb"
> run this:
> ~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb pull /sdcard/
> all files are on your computer now.


Samsung galaxy note 5. I still have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

the google pixel you stupid faggot

if you wanted to be able to root you phone you should have got a google pixel, but you're a dumb nigger so you bought that Samsung shit

I never wanted to root in the first place you stupid nigger. It only occured to me after like a fucking year because I wanted to retrieve deleted documents.

Literally the ONLY reason I want to root you dumbass dickrider

"Doesn't have enough pixels"

Vague as fuck you retard. How the fuck was anyone supposed to figure that out? Down syndrome fuck.

I can't find it. I'm on "open file or project"

>Literally the ONLY reason I want to root
then you should have got a pixel you fucking democrat

Yes yes... read the rest now, stupid fool. I did have the WANT to root before. It wasn't until recently. Kek gtfo dumbass.

I'm not the one that posted that you stupid brown bastard

Alright, I can't find "/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb pull /sdcard/ ".
I found the adb file though.

Download diskdigger from the playstore

give it back Jamal

Okay, this still applies to you

They require you to root to get more deleted files. I tried it and they can only give me the thumbnail caches without the root.

fam, if it's from Verizon you're fucking out of luck. shits hard to get through and if you find an exploit, the next update takes care of it

Ya it's from verizon. Shiz