New episode of Supernatural tonight at 9

New episode of Supernatural tonight at 9

The One You've Been Waiting For
>After learning that the soul of Adolf Hitler has been trapped in a 1930’s pocket watch, Sam and Dean must act quickly to prevent a group of Nazi necromancers from resurrecting him

I hate this show but can't stop watching

Oh baby

Wait, almost 10 years and they've never had a hitler/Nazi episode?

This should be interesting

time for more vaginas to die because they hate pussy.

female viewership goes up when the female characters die.

>I now miss Charlie even more

Where's everyone tonight?

Not a good episode?

Supernatural is dying user



Just going by the threads every week

Watching Nazis burn.


Redheads a best, but she looks like a train wreck.

Sixty million seasons of this show, and the only decent pair of tits we've had have been on attached gods sister who was, inarguably, the worst season.

Does anyone have a link to the first to threads for this season? episode 1 and 2?

Fuck you. That is one pussy that can stay dead

Fucking musical fags.


>Hitler's descendant is a whiny bitch
How fitting.

I thought the fight was decent. Except lets be honest sam and dean should have steamrolled the thuul fags.

>It's a generation blame game episode

Sam and Dean should basically steamroll any human enemy at this point. I don't get how they can kill demon and angels effortlessly, then get chumped by some English bitch.

enemy plot armor scaling, like a really shitty modern skyrim

Something something humans are the true monsters something something blah

>No angry female Hitler

>Hitler is a total fag


Er that's not it?

>this is supposed to be Hitler

>That faggy run

Man, this episode is BAD.

Lost all respect for Misha Collins after seeing all his bullshit anti Trump videos on his youtube. Fuck him.

Yeah it was. I actually liked the episode with the jew Big Guy too.

Did they resurrect Hitler of Kefka?

Yeah, that one was actually good.
This one is, I don't know, cheesy?

I know this feel

They had nazi necromancers at one point

Fuck Charlie.

I'm still salty about Anna torched by Michael.

Same. Trump is douche, granted, but nowhere near the Clinton scale. And definitely not worthy voting for Reptile.

How do Sam and Deans actors feel about Trump?
i figured that Misha would be better than that

I'm a britbong, is there a stream?
I hope that golem appears

I feel like zombie Hitler would be a great big bad.

Definetly not THAT one.

What's up with so many nazi episodes in these later seasons?

>that one with the superjew golem

their writers are extremely hit or miss in the episodes they're pitching

this is the second one. that submarine was just about ww2 in general.

Worst season was probably 9 or 10. 11 wasn't MUCH better, but it did have some good things, I guess.

I think it also had to do with getting a Godhand item in order to defeat Amara (the Darkness), so it was at least partially related to the main arc, unlike this latest episode which was just plain filler.

Speaking of which, this episode was right back to form for the past few seasons. Another filler episode which barely touches on the main arc at the beginning and/or end of the episode and does nothing to further character development during the middle portion.

The Nazis were a joke (again) and the girl who survived the ordeal was somehow not completely traumatized after being kidnapped, drugged, and used as a tool in the resurrection of Hitler, one of the most infamous dictators in history. Oh, and she shot and killed a guy. But nope, it's, "I'm totally fine now that this crisis is resolved and I'm going to med school, which will totally not stress me the fuck out, especially after a traumatic ordeal such as the one I just survived."

The writers are so lazy that they can't come up with even halfway decent filler anymore (and they haven't for a while now). It's either decent --> good main arc episode or a zany, schlocky filler episode. Occasionally there's a decent filler episode that actually ties into the main arc, like last weeks (traumatized psychic girl killed by Men of Letters hit man).

6, 7 and 8 were pretty middling too.

I just feel like the series reached an all time low around seasons 9 and 10, then slightly picked up during season 11. Seasons 1 through 5 are the best to me. I definitely think the dop-off started after season five, but it was a kind of slow and steady decline (with a few spikes here and there depending on the episode). Then there was a sharp drop after Bobby died, then the show hit seasons 9 and 10 and just descended into an abyss of shitty and boring filler.

>just finished season 11

so much regret getting the tattoo

>watching the show for the first time in the beginning
>they spend first seasons saying there's no such thing as angels or god
>suddenly angels appear and they finally get on board with god after a few episodes.

This is something that's irked me from the beginning. How they can borrow all these evil creatures and demons from all these different types of lore yet no one thought to assume shit like angels existed. How no one ever decide to mention shit like how light cannot exist without dark, good with evil, etc...

I thought OP was joking, but it's actually real.