Notice how this year everyone's forgotten 2011's most praised documentary...

Notice how this year everyone's forgotten 2011's most praised documentary? It tells the story of Trump's futile attempts to destroy a local family because he can see their house from his golf course. Kek.

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Get ready to be deported.

i'm sure googling that doc won't turn up a point by point rebuttle of why it's bullshit

If it were bullshit Trump would have sued them like he sues everyone.

>Trump wants to build business, grow the economy, and support thousands of jobs
>Whiny local family thinks they are entitled and more important than the greater good

lol, are Liberals really this desperate?

how long did it take you to rewrite reality into those businessinsider tier headlines

Well they win in the end. They won't leave and Trump ends up cucked. If he can't destroy a tiny house in the middle of nowhere I'm sure he'll do a better job at fulfilling all his election promises than he did at selling steaks.

>doesn't believe in property rights
>uses "liberal" as a pejorative

How can someone so egregiously lack self-awareness?

>Well they win in the end

Yeah, and everyone else loses. Great going. Trump will be president because he understands the importance of fueling an economy based on jobs, not handouts. Infrastructure and Construction are some of the biggest job creators out there.

>doesn't believe in property rights

It is called Eminent Domain retard.

>It is called Eminent Domain retard.
Yeah, I know the name too. It's still a flagrant affront to property rights.

He's renowned for ripping off construction companies by paying them in useless bonds. Just read up on any building he's had constructed. He rips the companies off everytime. He's president because people are sick of PC bullshit and he says outrageous things. Voters found it refreshing. There are hundreds of better candidates for stabilising the economy/ boosting industry. Hopefully he'll just keep his head down for four years and not do anything too damaging.

If it wasn't bullshit, we probably would have heard about it sooner than November 10th.


This, holy shit.

>than the greater good
>the greater good

And these people will bitch something about soviets and Stalin.

Fucking cucks.

>Liberals suddenly caring about Property Rights

The founders put it in the constitution for a reason. Trump has already explained this. Without it, we can't have infrastructure projects.

>Keystone Pipeline

Makes him an even better candidate for president if you ask me

How? The media used up every bit of ammo they could. If they had something legitimate, they would have plastered it everywhere.

Thanks for the sanity.
I mean the fact that the won is fucking amazing, but let's not put him on a pedestal

>not being an unthinking Trump acolyte makes you a liberal

Actual conservatives dislike him too, you know.

Yes, absolutely, and heart transplants are sometimes necessary too. You don't get one every time your cholesterol is a little high, though.

I'm confused on what you're not understanding about the situation. Are you claiming that it never happened? And, yes, the media did cover this. Just because you're a solipsist is irrelevant.

>Trump will destroy a white family just to save his golf course's property value
>Libcucks won't even temporarily split up one mexican family to save America

>If we split up one Mexican family we can save America.

Truly flawless logic.

Well it's either okay or it's not. Trump's proposal is just taking my idea to scale.

>this is our land, it has belonged to our proud people for thousands of years and we won't let a foreigner take it over now
>*invites in millions of Muslims*
What did Scotland mean by this?

that they are well under globalist thumb

>Actual conservatives dislike him too, you know
fuck off little Benji

>*invites in millions of Muslims*

Nae happenin pal.

He's not gonna keep his head down. When you win the presidency, do you just lay low? Of course not. Donald loves attention and he's gonna milk this for all it's worth

if this shit had any merit whatsoever it would have been fired at Trump over and over like a sniper round

Just humour him. If his kind finds out how yurop is really like we'll be overrun by the fat bastards.

user, there was no media conspiracy. The democrats are way worse at slander than the republicans.

I've red Trump is pouring more money to oil&coal. Please explain this using trumplogic.

>supply side economics
>minimum wage
>anti free trade

Trump is all over the place on his economic policies and they're all bad. Let's seriously hope the GOP keep him on a lease or he might actually be worse than Bush.

>tfw happy trump was elected
>tfw relieved repubs have majority in house and senate

can't have him fully slipping back into his NY liberal ways once he's in office

Paul Ryan and Co. are going to torpedo any trade agreements he attempts.

shilling trump on this liberal jew celebrity cock sucking board is pointless. the majority of this board watches super hero movies where they make commercials with all their favorite characters telling them how to vote and think

A bunch of uneducated rednecks from bumfuck nowhere have decided our future. Nobody is happy.

>user, there was no media conspiracy.

Shill, troll, or genuine sub 90 IQ retard

Id much rather them get their way than you holier than thou Califaggots

then you're an emotional retard

ooo good one, faggot.

No I just own an agricultural business and the policies of mentally ill, self hating liberals will effect my life in a much more negative way than the desires of uneducated rednecks from bumfuck nowhere

>trump and supporters spout a bunch of crazy racist nationalist rhetoric
>be incredulous when it's pointed out
Tell me more about the liberal jewish globalist george soros interracial breeding conspiracy that rigs elections and exterminates the white race user

Name 2 ways this is true

Give me ONE example of Trump spouting crazy racist rhetoric

Just one

1. Im going to pay less taxes under Trump
2. He and his administration dont give a fuck about the EPA so I wont continue to be hamstrung by 'going green' shitters that raise my cost of conducting business

wow that was easy

>globalist george soros

Thats not even remotely a conspiracy theory

First isn't true. And while trump will try to dismantle the epaulets, you are in no way hamstrung by it now. I doubt you own or operate jack shit since you're just spouting false talking points

That's right user the jewish banker illuminati are coming for you and only white nationalism and puritanical values can stop them

>First isn't true.
prove it

George Soros isn't a real person you fucking retard

>still nothing

lol fucking exactly

worthless cunts

All of his rhetoric and fear mongering regarding muslims, mexicans and general outsiders despite there being no evidence to support right wing concern. It's simple populist appeals to ethnic nationalist sensibilities. His lack of condemnaction of the white supremacists and racist rhetoric of his supporters also shows their courting was intentional. And of course the day after the election you had a bunch of violent attacks against muslims and minorities across the country.

>First isn't true.
Any evidence for that
>And while trump will try to dismantle the epaulets, you are in no way hamstrung by it now.
But will be.
You lost, faggot.

Cry more faggot. Even if Trump doesn't make America great again, the salty tears were worth the trouble.

It's okay to be a trump supporter, but to suggest his supporters care about anything other than the marginalization or straight up removal of non-whites is ridiculous. It's literally the only topic his supporters talk about

I would kindly ask all the anons to stop feeding these bitter, crybaby trolls. They are simply lashing out because their hugbox was shattered and they are struggling to come to terms with the fact 99% of what they believe is a lie and cognitive dissonance has been beaten into their already weak brains.
At this point they are essentially headless chickens. Theres absolutely nothing to be gained from interaction with these roaches. When posts like this start coming out, you know you are just going back and forth with a literal child.

burdon of evidence is on you for claiming he will have less tax

So you want to give companies free reign to dumb in oceans or pollute the air we breathe because you have a paranoid fear that someday the epa is going to intervene in your shitty little business. Truly thought provoking

Yeah, it's a great idea to invite tens of thousands of Syrians to the US after the wave of rapes, thefts, and massacres in Europe.
He was talking about illegal immigrants, but yeah, why not shoehorn in all Mexicans?
>His lack of condemnaction of the white supremacists
He disavowed the KKK and David Duke whenever anyone asked. What about the KKK leader and communist organisations that supported Hillary, or is it only bad when it
the other side does it? Child.

>meme candidate's meme supporters who blathered on for months about "meme magic" criticize others for trolling them
oh what a world
also just wait until it sets in with all you dumbasses that you havent somehow magically defeated and banished liberals/leftism

>but to suggest his supporters care about anything other than the marginalization or straight up removal of non-whites is ridiculous. It's literally the only topic his supporters talk about

You guys cant still be getting paid right? Why keep doing it then? Is this all you know

>all opposition can be dismissed if one person says something stupid
Trump voter pls at least pretend to not be a disingenuous retard for one second

Name 2 trump policies you support that don't involve minorities. Be specific

>hillary gets 60 million votes

he wants to have the best jobs and also great jobs

how could you disagree with that?

>despite there being no evidence to support right wing concern.

How fucking deluded can you be?

One thing is for sure, one side is going to delete the other from existence within 20 years at this rate

I got my money on the side thats not mortally afraid of firearms

Oh yeah I forgot about those. He's also going to turn back time to when it was cost efficient for manufacturers to hire people instead of robots and impose massive market disrupting tariffs so our products become unaffordable and our rust belt can compete with china

i know it must be hard to have such a small penis

That's a video with no statistical evidence meant to make simpletons afraid of Muslims and vote for nationalist candidates. If you actually look at the crime stats, American muslims commit less than 1%. You're a memeing retard

>i know
lol im sure you do

Sounds like a great businessman to me.

Hes trolling

Bravo son, just when I thought these responses couldnt get anymore stereotypical

>were gonna kill all the liberals for having different opinions
You really need to espouse this rhetoric in public more often

You're talking nonsense, everyone here was always for Trump, and we're still for Trump.

that's the same thing i thought when i read your laughable internet chest-beating

Not any more stereotypical than the flyover user bringing up armed insurrection against people he disagrees with

Amen to this.

The retards who eat up jewish interracial breeding conspiracies are for trump, and they're fanatical because of the conspiracies they believe, which is why they spammed the boards leading up to three election. I doubt the majority on here are that down the rabbit hole

I humbly ask trump supporters to stop debating with fear mongering conspiracy theories but we all know that's not gonna happen

>>user, there was no media conspiracy.
>leaked emails confirm media collusion
>Donna Brazil leaks debate questions to Clinton
>literally shittalk Trump and praised Hillary, threw Bernaldo under the bus.
>No mentions of Memes Johnson or Stein

A bunch of uneducated rednecks from bumfuck nowhere who grow your food and fund your NEETbucks

>MFW Trump doesn't deliver on a single fucking thing except repealing obamacare.

Also, why did everyone forget that congress refused to due their job and confirm the president's pick for the Supreme Court?

Liberals are the only ones saying that


>conspiracy theories
You don't know what that means if you are using it to describe what people have been talking about in regards to the election and all of those emails.

woah... so this is the power... of liberal tears

>Greater good
Sounds like you are a socialist Sonny, back to Russia you go

youre on the wrong website

>Eminent Domain

It's a fucking golf course.

>Claim to be a christian nation
>Regularly shit on the poorest people in your country.

You guys are backwards as fuck.

do some reading friendo

>1.4% of people (77,000 people) reported that they were Muslim, an increase of 0.6 percentage points since 2001.

Ethics are fucking dead in America. Not paying taxes makes you smart. Ripping off your contractors is good business.

You people are legitimate psychopaths.

>keeping your money makes you smart

it does cuck

Thanks for proving my point.

>post anything even remotely critical of trump
i wonder where the claims of racism come from

>grow food
>make any kind of money

White people too fucking dumb and lazy for that kind of work. That's why Mexicans to do all the farming.

It's not just America, user. Cynycism and apathy are a problem that's always affected all of mankind. US may be at everyone's watch right now, but a lotof other countries aren't doing any better.