Why exactly did baneposting get so big?
Why exactly did baneposting get so big?
Sup Forums had a janitor briefly who had to make a decision between getting rid of baneposting, or getting rid of cunnyspammers who were clearing the board.'
That (now-former) janitor does not regret his decision.
Baneposting is a forced meme by this guy who literally spent like a couple years posting the same threads like every single day, from the time he woke up until he went to bed. He had like a dozen or so threads/forced memes he'd try to force at any given time. You spent more than 1-2 hours on Sup Forums at the time and you'd see him go through one of his copy and paste spamming sessions. Bane, crab legs, etc. Same exact threads. This literally went on for years and is probably still happening but obviously not as much or he's changed it up to less copy and paste, more random since people started noticing and using archives to mock him. He probably started this thread. He's basically made himself into the guy who every oldfag on Sup Forums makes fun of and newsummerfags mindlessly fall for since they think anything spammed often enough is some super epic cool meme and if they use it they'll be part of Sup Forums. Baneposting is like advertising you're a newfag or a retarded manchild 40 year old virgin whose entire life revolves around Sup Forums.
Sup Forums cancer got chased out of their board by the pedo man drama janitor
then they saw that this boards moderation was extremely low
then they came here and spammed it and used at as a way to claim they've always been here
then the raid for the tom hardy shit happened
then reddit and the rest of the twitters memers saw it
here we are now
Then why wasn't he just rangebanned?
congrats on dedicating so much time to calling this guy out every thread. you've really proven your intellectual superiority
because that would screw over a bunch of others. i remember he would get banned. at the time he spammed the most, like multiple times per hour, the mods/janitors constantly deleting, they'd ban him but he'd change IPs and come back
oh yeah and after >then reddit and the rest of the twitters memers saw it
there was brief time it was 99% about to die because Sup Forums cancer started agents of cia roleplay trash which put everyone off from it
because they were busy killing all waifu posters, old trips, etc and dealing with picture related spammer
>Why exactly did baneposting get so big?
he's still here. the whole "watch it crissy" is the latest meme he's forcing. pretty fucking sad. at one point you feel sorry for him. its like forcing meme is his whole life. he really does nothing else all day
it makes sense that baneposting started after Sup Forums went to shit, there was a migration of Sup Forums's best shitposters
it was part of god's master plan
baneposting is pretty fun.
are you going to discuss movies? movies worth discussing have already been discussed to death. its 2016, we are all aware movies are merely advertisement vehicles at best and propaganda/social conditioning vectors at worst. the same for tv shows.
movies had their chance to be a crazy and deep media, but it just didnt deliver. they were dumbed down to script carriers with a very fixed structure, even the "avant garde", if its not unwatchable its a huge cliche collection.
It's obvious you weren't here back when it started. Yes some autist started spamming it back in the day, but it had already gained traction within the board extremely naturally. People would just post CIA and laugh at it during threads.
cool story banespammer
Your mad
>so big
>big guy
for you
Mental illness.
meme magic
better than anything you will accomplish
really makes you think
Dude don't be such a hothead
>muh lone mememan theory
I just want to say you're wrong, that is not the original Bane spammer. 4plebs is down right now but in the next thread about Baneposting I'm gonna prove you wrong.
Its a fucking joke captain buzzkill. Why do you faggots seriouslly believe this site should be all serious discussion, and no fun?