Honestly. What the fuck did he do wrong?
Honestly. What the fuck did he do wrong?
he was too woke
What's the point of these threads?
>killed a pregnant woman
>tried to rape his friend
What's wrong with rape, right?
Sounds like the typical white """"man""""
He smashed some poor asian's head.
Technically it wasn't rape if she ended up sleeping with him anyway, it was intermission
>plays someone who rapes in Watchmen
>plays someone who hates rape in TWD
>hates rape
>blackmails for sex
it was more like enthusiastic courting
Not the same thing.
>If you don't sleep with me I'll kill you.
>lol guys it's just blackmail
Numales cucks could never EVER be even a shadow of the type of man he was, so it needs to framed as something abhorrent so they can pat themselves on the back for being psuedo-men
Basically why a lot of violence of 'brutal' methods are looked down on. Not because they are wrong, they are objectively right, but because this modern crop of faggots doesnt have the stomach for it
That's a threat of violence, not blackmail. A threat of violence would constitute rape. Blackmail is "If you don't sleep with me I'll defame you by releasing this information." But there's no violence so it can't be rape, which is a violent act by definition.
Blackmailing for sex is statutory rape, dude.
Also doesn't count if she enjoyed it and reminisces about the time she got "raped" years ago, like she would give anything to be raped like that by a real man again.
>statutory rape
kek, what a joke of a concept.
That's like your opinion man
>Honestly. What the fuck did he do wrong?
Nothing. He was literally the good guy. Unfortunately that's not what the world needed.
>he was the clown in the joke about seeing the clown
>Basically why a lot of violence of 'brutal' methods are looked down on. Not because they are wrong, they are objectively right, but because this modern crop of faggots doesnt have the stomach for it
you understand this was the opposite message you were meant to take, right?
ooo I wonder who you voted for
He shot JFK.
He committed government sanctioned assassinations for money.
He shot and killed innocent civilians in Vietnam because he thought it was funny.
He also raped a woman.
He committed infanticide on his own child born from a Vietnamese woman.
I dont care, its fact.
>posted from my safe space
You got those Kleenex handy?
He literally says d's wife married him so that he wouldn't kill d, that's a threat of violence. He's using coercion to get sex, that's rape.
Meant to reply to
He literally murdered President Kennedy.
Op asked what he did WRONG though
He realized early on that the extinction of the human race via nuclear armageddon was inevitable and coming very soon, and so everything else was just a joke. Just people carrying on with their lives like they weren't already dead.
Which is why Veidt's horrified him. It was going to actually work and prevent the war. And then all the terrible shit the Comedian did wouldn't have happened to doomed, dead-men-walking, it would have been innocent people with futures.
His punchline stopped making sense.
He looked a lot more buff in Watchmen than he does on TWD.
What did he mean by this?
kill all non-whites
I thought it was because killing millions was too much, even for him.
what a cuck
>He shot JFK
I'll give you that
>He committed government sanctioned assassinations for money
So does every other soldier
>He shot and killed innocent civilians in Vietnam because he thought it was funny
>He also raped a woman
She wanted it, she just didn't know it yet
>Committed infanticide
I'll give you that one too
Nixon shill
Nixon did nothing wrong
>shitposting from your jar
Fuck off Nixon
He wuz a good boy
He dindu nuffin
>Nixon refused to shake hands with anyone from San Francisco because it was "the faggiest place on Earth"
Our guy?