

All mentally ill people should be banned

trump agrees, it might actually happen

finally USA will be a safe place to live


you can't euthanize every trump voter, I like the suggestion though

All liberals should be banned

>make Merika weapons free zone
>learn Chinese or Russian


Ban and criminalize Marxism. McCarthy wasn't wrong.

You guys don't know how lucky you are to be able to own guns. Just ban the automatic weapons and don't touch the rest

Automatic weapons are banned, only semi-auto weapons are sold to civilians.

Where are you from? Why would you support weapons ownership in your country? Would it improve liberty?

No, people have the right to bare arms and defend themselves.

All bans should be banned

>right to bare arms

and here we see the true retardedness of the republicucks

Actually the right to bear arms was meant for national or state defense.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

We have active duty military and National Guard so no need for a militia anymore.

Hunting rifles, shotguns and handguns are all the guns a person should be able to buy. Civilians have no need for assault weapons.

All fgts should be banned

I live in europe.
And offcourse I would support it. I mean if civilians are banned from owning guns then so should the government. I think it's really suspicious for a group of people to have guns and the rest aren't allowed.
And I rather have a gun on me than call the police when something happens because 9 out of 10 they're late

>bare arms

the founding fathers were talking about fistfights all these years

Your last paragraph addressed my only issue with the gun banning thing. I come from a family with long traditions in hunting.

Is the Muslim influx really as bad as what the media is showing? I wish we had a way of helping you get your government to support the right to protect yourself but that's the nature of sovereignty. Are you completely colonize by Marxism?

Liberals display their stupidity on a daily basis

All bananas should be banananned

Absolutely no need for handguns.

Yes disarm all liberals they have destroyed society enough

You're barking up the wrong there buddy.
But I haven't really noticed a lot of refugees.

>Fighting the symptoms not the disease
There are other countries with loose gun control like Switzerland who don't have a problem with gun related violence. Therefore the guns aren't the cause of the violence and you will certainly not fix the problem by banning them.
While it's true that guns should not be necessary in a good society, there are still plenty of other ways to kill pupils in school or kill members of a rival gang it hardly makes any difference.
But it's a lot easier to just point at guns like the brainlets you are and making them responsible for all the violence instead of accepting the fact that your society is deeply flawed and you need a lot of work and effort to fix it.
Gj USA, the republicans doing nothing and the democrats doing the easier and wrong thing that won't solve anything but makes it look like they care. I'm truly sad that Europe destroyed itself two times and by doing this gave brainlets like you the chance to become the world's dominant power. Now we have to wait for 30 years until your pitiful excuse of a country collapses so either China or Europe can lead humankind in the new genesis it deserves(right now it looks like it's China though).

Yea, people are retarded when it comes to guns. Gun owners forever wait for a home invasion that;s never gonna happen.

>Guess what, burglars will case your house so they know when you come and go and they'll steal your shit when you're not there you paranoid moron.

You don't see the refugees most of the times. What you do see are the muslims that are living here since a few decades and while they aren't bad human beings they are certainly not the people you want to have in your country, especially in larger numbers. While most people don't like them they don't really like your country either but only stay here because it's richer and they earn/get more money here than in the countries they come from. They refugees are pretty similar to these guys but they basically have no jobs. So a big amount of them is just getting some money doing nothing/learning the language. All it would take is some politicians with some balls to drive most of them out(it would be enough to cut them off from money since it is the reason most of them are here in the first place) and we are good to go(except france and gb they have their colonial shit fucking them). They could go in the countries they come from and i could visit a Christmas market without having to fear a truck of tolerance.
