Why is it so fucking good bros?
The Crown
It has some pretty great performances.
Does it show the Queens tits?
watched 5mins and did not like the tone
historical drama are usually boring as fuck anyways
they dont know how to add levity and fun
because of Lane FUCKING Pryce and John YOU CUNT Lithgow actually giving very very good performances.
At least for me, the leads are far from bad, the supporting actors are actually pretty goddamn decent, and tbf despite not really being able to picture lithgow as churchill i cant knock the acting chops on guy.
>casting 6'4" gorilla as churchill
he's good but what were they thinking
>watch the trailer
>single shot of a Corgi running in the yard
This show is super good.
This was incredibly boring
So I want to watch this just for Dick Farquad Lithgow. How much screen time does he get ?
If you've forgotten your ritalin, sure.
I like that girl's big blue eyes so I'll torrent it.
He's pretty constant over the entire series until episode 9 when he resigns
because HRM the queen is CUTE
She's way too fucking pretty to play the queen desu
What the fuck did you just say?
On top of that, the guy playing philip looks like frankenstein.
Matt Smith's face is uncanny valley-tier, you can't look at it for too long or you subconsciously try and analyze what went wrong genetically to produce such a bizarre face
keep posting pics of queen qt please.
I always pictured her with redder hair.
It's why he was perfect for Doctor Who, 90% of the actors look freakish.
But that's British for ya..
I'm on the second episode. Why are Philip and Elizabeth so rude to the Africans?
they're donald trump voters
Was Princess Margaret really a slag?
>that cuck who abdicated crying and playing the bagpipes
best scene
Philip is kind of a tactless lad. Lizzy was generally respectful but nogs were still recognized as inferior peoples back then.
yep. elizabeth 2 was a good grill though.
>historical drama are usually boring as fuck anyways
holy shit neck yourself lad
this holy kek
its crownkino
Will anyone answer to this?
I only realized the actor who played the painter for Churchill was the guy who did Stannis Baratheon after I saw the IMDB cast
Stephen Dillane is fucking incredible. He also played Jefferson in John Adams and I didn't recognize him there either.
how do i get a pure qt qt gf like elizabeth
are you of noble birth? are you one of the fortune 500 wealthiest individuals?
How is Lithgow as Churchill so good?
Be born into a European royal house with a name like Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg and have an arranged marriage with your sister once removed
>constantly hunched over because they cast a fucking giant as churchill
>has to almost double over every time the cinematography can't hide his height when they can't do shots that make it less obvious
Great acting though
I want to kiss her in the hand
>you will never be one of the caped police officers who do nothing but open and close the gate at Buckingham Palace
feels bad man
Seems boring as fuck though unless you can have some sneaky earbuds in and listen to some audiobooks or podcasts or music
>you will never be one of those people in red coats who have to stop and bow every time anyone important comes within 5 kilometres of them
Tbh don't give a fuck about the royal family, bunch of dumb cunts who have no place in modern society. I can understand if they had any power having them around, but when they literally do nothing and are a tourist attraction it's time to tell them to fuck off. Also the queen looks like a snooty bitch.
americans should be genocided
americans are the ones who love this shit. he's probably a buttblasted aussie.
Actually I'm a fucking leaf. Maybe if they supported the uncucking of Europe I would care, but they probably suck muslim cock like the rest(the whore princess Dianna as an example).
>Why is Philip rude?
You should see what he does to his daughter in law.
>that painting episode
So outside the known public events, the rest of their interactions and personal drama is completely made up? Why the fuck watch this then if 50% is false and the rest can be delivered watching a documentary about WW2/Liz's coronation and early years? Looks like it has snazzy production values but that's about it.
what is this about
It's an in-depth look of how the jews run everything
The dudes parents aren't british
You should watch it because it has exceptional cinematography and acting, which is why we watch television, for entertainment
Most brits agree, especially since they had princess diana assassinated and she was actually doing something good for the world.
Theres nothing we can do though user. Just like you can't swap trump.
The only episode worth watching
The writer LP Hartley wrote: “The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there.” Hartley was not wrong because, at 93, my foot rests more in that far-off land called history than today. But if I were to rely upon how television drama has interpreted the story of my generation, I would not be able to recognise it. Sadly, dramas about events that occurred in my youth deal almost exclusively with the pageant of nobility.
It concerns me that the history of my generation may be lost to my grandchildren because television producers would rather anaesthetise viewers from the unpleasantness of our past with idolatry for the aristocracy and the monarchy.
It’s why I am angry that Netflix has spent $130m (£105m) on the 10-part series The Crown. This is a biopic concerning the marriage of Queen Elizabeth when she was still a princess in 1947, followed by her coronation in 1953. Unfortunately, The Crown views postwar Britain from the perspective of our sovereign and all who inhabited her world. This does an enormous disservice to the epoch, because it was a time when a socialist tide raised all boats. History was literally being made from the bottom up because, while Princess Elizabeth was being fitted for her wedding dress, ordinary Britons were dismantling a thousand years of feudal mentality through the creation of the welfare state.
We’ve seen this approach before. Nothing better illustrates TV’s lush treacle homage to the landed gentry than Downton Abbey, a drama that ran for six series as a parlour-room interpretation of historical moments that shaped Britain at the turn of the 20th century. But Downton has not been the exception to the rule, rather a template used by TV and movie producers to crush the truth from history and make the entitled the heroes of narratives about our nation’s collective past.
The Crown, like Downton Abbey, Victoria or even Indian Summers, depicts moments in history as a pageant in which the wealthy, the entitled and the nobility oversee the lives of millions with benevolence, wisdom and grace. As I have been both a witness to and participant in history since 1923, I can tell you that was not the case. Millions lived lives of abject misery during the 1930s while the 1% of that time enjoyed an obscene opulence. Despite the vast wealth of 19th-century history a TV dramatist can draw upon, our nation’s rich heritage too often becomes an infomercial for monarchy and empire.
The Crown is like an expensive painting in which the only subjects in focus are the rich and privileged. Everyone else, people like me or your grandparents if they came from the working class and even the middle class, are considered no more than background scenery. We are the undefined face in the crowd waving religiously at our so-called betters.
To my mind, The Crown is an insult to the struggles my generation overcame and the triumphs we earned from our sacrifices in both war and in peace. But what is most frightening is that the tableau of our past shown on Netflix and other TV networks will be most people’s window on my generation’s history. Too many in the 19th and early 20th century lived thwarted lives because of the exploitation they endured in the mines and mills. Yet no one tells the tale of these workers unionising, fighting for their rights or trying to find and maintain love in the harsh conditions of the slums they called home.
no one's going to post pics of her as a qt truck driver/mechanic?
Too many of my generation died young because they lacked the money to pay for a doctor, but in The Crown our sympathies are directed to a king dying of lung cancer rather than the thousands of miners who died painfully of black lung because that monarch and his society didn’t believe the average citizen deserved medicine if they couldn’t afford to pay for it.
Our Queen, no matter how much we should respect her service to the state, doesn’t deserve to be turned into a cinematic icon. In the great sweep of events our monarch is like a garden ornament sitting immutably on the field of history because she is not the author of our nation’s destiny.
Because of austerity and Brexit, Britain has become a house divided. We need now more than ever our great film-makers and television producers to tell the stories from our collective past that reflect all its pathos and wonder. And they need to tell it from the perspective of those ordinary, brilliant and profound men and women who, a lifetime ago, helped shape the way we live today through their deeds.
A large part of this series focuses on the challenges faced by government though, such as the great smog and the Suez crisis. The very core of it is how Lizzie and her cabinet react to these events. Btw Netflix has 6 seasons of this in the works and it may very well be nearly a billion dollars to produce, and just based on this season it's probably worth it
string her and her family from a lamppost and storm the palace
He's totally right though. Historical dramas tend to be extremely conservative, with very few stand-out elements besides acting.
GOAT character coming through.
Fun fact, Lizzy was a freak in bed, in their honeymoon she fucked Philip for 2 weeks straight.
Likes it in the ass, too, from what i've heard.
t. Sadiq Khan
Well, she's German and he's Greek, so that goes without saying.
No we don't Literally only edgy teenagers dislike the Monarchy
>but when they literally do nothing and are a tourist attraction it's time to tell them to fuck off
Kind of the issue.
Remove the royals, loose a large portion of the tourist attraction. Without the royals there'd be no need for some of the regiments to exist anymore, so a few thousand soldiers either loose their jobs or get moved to other duties (the ones that would loose their jobs are the showy musical side ie the grenadiers, you'd no longer have justification to keep these traditions without the royals).
It's both a gigantic money sink of paying the royals and keeping people employed, but it's also raking in tourists.
that is completely untrue
Over dramatized and falsified versions of historical pieces are not my cup of tea. Rather pure fiction or a documentary of events in question.
the tourists would come either way
So the Monarchy has under 50% support? Anjem Choudary pls go.
didnt say that but to say literally only edgy teenagers is false. it is and can be a well respected opinion
I didn't say that, but you said that most Brits agree on having a low opinion of the Monarchy. Most = over 50%
come on guys this is downtown abbey tier historical whitewashing and soap level drama
like downtown its made for a foreign audience of amerifats and chinks who want to look at how quaint the britbongs are
a truly great british historical show has yet to materialize
100% of middle class families hate the royal family. Not just teenager
erm when did i say that? anyway chum we can agree to disagree
>whitewashing in 1912 British high society
What exactly are you trying to say?
Same as any historical movie/series set in china, japan, etc. It's for us westerners to see a romantised version of history that is different to ours.
how much sex and nudity?
plot sounds rather blamd
>Show about the royals
>Churchill is the main character
Hah to see the horrid city that is London?
he isn't though
in downtown for example, the toffs would have never had relationships or even talked to the staff of the house unless they absolutely had to, but then they would appear quite callous and horrible in the show
i guess they had to humanize the psychos somehow
the palace would still be there m80
True, but you must concede that every tourists' dream in journeying to London is that they might catch a glance of the royals.
In France, foreigners do come in droves too to stroll through the Palais de Versailles (well it being the most beautiful castle in the world contributes there) but it would on be on an even higher scale if there still were the Bourbons living there since it imprints an even greater aura of authenticity on the castle.
So you have to admit that tourism to London would fall drastically were it not for the royals. It'd be like a Scotland without Nessie.
>every tourists' dream in journeying to London is that they might catch a glance of the royals.
why would I, they are ugly af, I don't know if I should use the world inbred but they look really unhealthy.
They are german inbreds.
Pretty interesting, it gives you a nice introduction to 20th century British history and politics without becoming boring.