Any hype for the Xena reboot?
Any hype for the Xena reboot?
You better be fucking baiting...
As long as it's campy and sexual while still remaining empowering like the original series. I highly doubt that will be the case though.
unless its on HBO with oodles of hot lesbian naked dry humping i want nothing to do with it if that IS what it will be i am all for it [/spoiler
>campy and sexual while still remaining empowering
let me guess, a fat black tranny
>still no new information has been released since they mentioned a supposed reboot like at the beginning of this year
Jesus christ.
If you wouldn't still hit that, you're a faggot.
Lucy Lawless is still sexy as Hell despite being well over the hill, but she's gotta be too old to play Xena now. I wouldn't be interested in another casting, and doing a "old Xena shows a young successor the ropes" seems like a stretch. I didn't like Old Indiana Jones either
>48 years old
She looks damn fine.
Aged like the finest of wines
I hope this means it's dead in the water. What information was originally released didn't seem promising at all
Xena was a great show that simply doesn't need a reboot. It would be nice to see a spiritual successor with a similar format but an actual reboot sounds fucking awful, because no one can replace Lucy
go fuck yourself
Xena was a fun show about a sexy warrior who beat up bad guys with 70's-style kung fu. It wasn't some bullshit progressive feminist show like they'd no doubt turn it into in the current year
not only that but if we take Legend of the seeker or Salem as successors to the 'saturday serial' the format went from camp to ultra serious stuff, especially salem.
it doesn't always need to be tongue in cheek but shows these days are absolutely without layers.
agreed, the "wink wink" let's-get-silly aspect of shows like Herc and Xena aren't viable anymore for some reason. I love LOTS but it took itself way too seriously. Maybe if R.J. Stewart was somehow involved, I dunno.
Fuck I miss fun ridiculous adventure shows, pic related
my dick is hype
>no more sexy outfits apparently
I wouldn't get your dick's hopes up if I were you
>it's another Ghostbusters 2 with fatties because it's "progressive"
It's gonna be a cheap rehash that misses the point of original, like every other fucking reboot in history.
>what is Battlestar Galactica
But that is what empowering is done right. You see her as a character instead of female with a bunch of traits attached. Something modern shows fail to do. Think about it, do you really think this show didn't inspire at least one girl to become a tomboy?
Reboot is dead in the water. Already said it won't be sexy and will take itself more seriously. Add in that they'll be more blunt on issues like the lesbo tension and its just recipe for shit.
I'm sure it inspired people, but that wasn't the point of the show. People feeling empowered because of it is simply a nice little byproduct. When writers/directors/producers actively try to use their works to peddle that shit it's obvious and forced and is nothing less than obnoxious
That's what's missing in modern shows. When I watch TV shows today there is an obvious agenda that feels mandated and pushed, as opposed to people just trying to make something good and leaving the rest to the audience. Fuck I miss the 90s
The bigger picture is simply a dumbing down of tv. Watch older movies/shows compared to now and you realize nothing is left to ponder or think on. Everything has to be explained and bashed in.
And sad as it is, reading the other Sup Forums posts indicates such dumbing down is required.
OP isn't.
What are you fucking retarded?
Only if Hercules is gonna make a cameo
Morel like Lucy Flawless amiriteguys
Nice digits
High test thread
I know I am.
>my first quints totally wasted in some dead thread
you're an idiot
Saturday-serial live action Wonder Woman starring Antje Traue when?
I feel like it would end up on like some Arrow tier bullshit, and I don't want that. But I wouldn't mind sexy armor and lesbian adventure.
I hope she looks more realistic.
she will be played by a black woman, right?
The Dark One
Cleopatra in the show was played by Gina Torres, triggered yet?
Lucy Flawless
did she eat too much cream?
>getting work
I was at a Q&A with Lucy Lawless a few months ago.
If they did a reboot or whatever she specifically said she would want the lesbian thing to be made more blatant.
You could expect her to be blacked every other episode too.
Killjoys felt like it was going in this direction with its debut season but it decided to take itself seriously in season 2. Wasted potential.
I can't really imagine the mindset of someone being excited for a reboot.
I've read she's gonna be extremely homo in the loudest way possible.
she can work my dick :^)
Why not starz? They are more ruthless and also already work with Raimi
It's a cheap rehash that misses the point of original, like every other fucking reboot in history. Also with a shit story with illogical decisions and overpowered bestsniper,bestpilot,bestpokerplayer,best mexhanic female character
>Degrading her to tvshows
Did you watch the adventures of sinbad too? That was a fun one to watch at 2am sometimes
those first 2 seasons + pegasus movie were fucking dope though, if you're a scifi fan. how can you not enjoy space battles and classic ship drama? it definitely went to shit later on with the settlement, elections, religious shit, those first 2 seasons though...
So soft.
that's not the tall girl with the hawk i remember wanking to on the show
I mean she wasn't a bimbo warrior. I remember on multiple occasions some actually charistmatic old friend wanted to get into those Amazonian panties, but she turned him down to show the viewer how she is in power