Was this the greatest opening in cinematic history, or simply the best at establishing lore?
Was this the greatest opening in cinematic history, or simply the best at establishing lore?
Actual greatest opening in cinematic history here.
>le epic battle is best scene in cinema
this is not what art is for outside of video games
Not sure what the greatest is, but my nominees would be:
Apocalypse Now
Touch of Evil
Bit hard to post it in one image, but I was talking about the whole scene, from beginning to the Shire!
Im sorry OP. The movie wasn't perfect but there are no feels greater than this
That's definitely in my top 3, friend.
Kanal has a five minute tracking shot that goes through every character in the film then loops around and goes through a warzone
Kill Bill
Do The Right Thing
The Lion King
sometimes it's good to be alive
this mustve blown peoples minds in 1977
>History became legend
>Legend became myth
You posted the wrong link
It's the music that makes that scene. Don't be confused.
It was the best scene at reversing expectations upon first viewing. Throughout the intro, it looked cheesy as hell, especially Sauron standing at the ledge on Mt Doom holding up the ring. It's looked like stupid cosplay, and I was beginning to think I made a mistake (keep in mind, there hasn't been a big successful fantasy movie yet before this; Legend was good, but was sort of a unique exception).
Then it switched to this battles, and you saw scores of guys getting dropped by arrows as they charge, and suddenly we were on board again.
Actual best opening in cinematic history.
That would be a great opening. If the actually opening wasn't an old dude in a cemetery.
>If the actually opening wasn't an old dude in a cemetery.
Holy shit this, they could've kept Old Ryan at the end of the movie and it would've been even more impactful.
damn i cry so hard during this, great choice
Oh my god this exact scene is so sucking satisfying, the flourish in a line just tingles me
Jesus christ, what an impractical weapon for this kind of formation, and this kind of charge coming against you.
>butterfly sword
>Man has to sacrifice himself to protect his crew
>Woman bitching that he's not there to see his son
Typical women
>slice the first row
>second row and beyond trip on dead bodies
>get a qt childhood friend to marry you
>she has a rotten uterus
Couldn't they have just adopted? Back in their day, all the babies were proper orphans.
>raising another man's kid
He ain't no cuck!
But that's literally how the movie ends...
Dude they are thousands of years old and have a shitton of battle experience, I'm sure that if someone can pull off these swords in a tight formation, it's the elves.
one of kind movie, with a one of kind actor.
And I'm sure you loved it cuck
>get to marry your first crush
>your life isn't ruined by having children
sounds good to me pham
In retrospect Lord of the Rings is visually really mediocre.
It did.
>those crossfades
KILLING MOON. didn't they want another shitty song for that, richard kelly is a douche
>simply the best at establishing lore?
Here's one OP
This one as well