What was his worst film?

What was his worst film?
Hardmode: No Star Wars prequels

But the star wars prequels are some of his worst films, specifically Revenge of the Sith. He was just too old by then.

Red Tails or Crystal Skull

A New Hope

Fucking redtails. At least the prequels just make me nostalgic for the early 2000's

Crystal Skull is nowhere near as bad. Red Tails was worse but still had consistency.

Prequels are literally half of the movies that he has ever directed and the rest are good.

>Hardmode: No Star Wars prequels+ 0 post omitted.

Those were literally the only films he actually made.

Every other film he's been involved with was either a collaboration, a collaboration where he was just "executive producing" or him taking credit for other people's work.

Star Wars.

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you not know anything about how films are made? Collaboration is an important part of the business, but it doesn't mean that Lucas sat on a chair and picked his ass the whole time.

What about THX, American Graffiti? Willow?
He wrote Indiana Jones and was very much involved in the process, just watch the making of documentaries.

Howard The Duck.
That's pretty fucking easy dude.

>producers do real work

Howard the Duck, you fucking moron

>he actually said this was the first movie with a majority black cast

Howard the Duck was quino

>What was his worst film?
His non-canon episodes 7-9 made in secret. That's why John Williams score for VII was soft. Lucas told him to hold back his good shit for his private cgi fanfiction sequels.

Producers do more than you think. Everything goes through a producer (on larger films through many of them), and people don't realize how much creative control they do have. They don't just budget the film and handle the hiring, scheduling, etc, they're pitching in ideas of their own all the time.

But Lucas didn't just produce Indiana Jones, the whole idea was his to begin with. You should really watch his involvement in the behind the scenes footage on the dvds/bluray to get a better picture.

>duck pun

Not his worst, but THX is overrated.

>yfw George Lucas wanted to make Indiana Jones a pedophile until Spielberg and Kasdan knocked some sense into him

No they didn't. It was implied in Raiders Marion was underaged. He even had a cabinboy gookhole in Temple of Doom. Indy was always pedo.

No, I know what they do, they are not creative personnel. Why would I watch anything relating to George Lucas? I'm not a peasant.

edit (underage when Indy first fucked Marion.) which is why there was a falling out between him and professor Ravenwood.

That's the thing you seem to think they don't have any creative involvement whatsoever but that's simply not true. The producer is very "hands-on". I think you may be thinking of studio executives who for the most part supply the funding for films to get made. In that case, yes, they are not "creative personnel".

>Why would I watch anything relating to George Lucas? I'm not a peasant.
Ah, yes living off your own farts must be wonderful.

George wanted to make her 11 in the backstory, but they settled on 15. It's still creepy, but 11 is just all kinds of fucked.