>movie takes place in Japan
>character can't get out of 7-Eleven
Movie takes place in Japan
What s this? That looks terrifying.
wtf I hate the underground now
HAH and I thought the way all the buildings were designed in the Japanese game: Jet Set Radio Future was a joke.
Massive sinkhole that appeared right in the middle of the downtown core of Fukuoka, Japan.
The story got buried because it happened the same time as U.S. presidential election polls closing.
Whats with the big poles in the ground under the buildings?
>that foundation underneath that looks like another building
holy shit this is intriguing, it looks like an entire city beneath that building
>ywn risk your life trying to get to work to avoid shamefur dispray
>tfw my instagram crush lives in fukoka and hasn't posted in a week
she's dead i can't go on
Japanese 7 Elevens are so fucking awesome
pretty awesome place to get stuck t b h
Probably structural support.
Some buildings have load bearing beams around the outside edge of the building to keep the inside obstruction free (no beams in the middle of the floor, restricting how you can divide up the space).
>instagram crush
They're called 7 and i Holding
Holy shit that's nightmarish.
This can't happen in modern Western cities, can it?
They were called 7 Eleven last time I was there
West Japan Railways was building a subway tunnel nearby. They'd have to do detailed investigation, but the current theory is that the work on the subway tunnel burst an underground river and made the dirt underneath the road wash away.
*record scratch*
*motion picture is now motionless*
You're probabry wondering how I gotto into this situation
I think you mean 7 Ereven.
>the minister of transportation committed ritual suicide because of this
Not so funny now is it
>you are now aware that sink holes can happen anywhere at any time and can take you down with them at zero notice
They can't happen in space.
uhm, user ...
Also, you do know about the (other) one that swallowed part of a hotel in Florida, right?
Did he stab himself in the belly with katana?
What do you suppose it would feel like?
stupid jabs
I'd like to have a word with you
>instagram crush
i would love it if my condo just got swallowed
have you even been on a rollercoaster?
a bit like the first drop, except you die at the end
Well fuck, I stand horrifyingly corrected.
no. he allahu ackbar'd himself for ez harem of 3d waifus.
>event horizon is a boundary in spacetime beyond which events cannot affect an outside observer. In layman's terms, it is defined as "the point of no return", i.e., the point at which the gravitational pull becomes so great as to make escape impossible, even for light.
Really neat stuff
It was a really big hole that swallowed up the entire parking lot. On the same stretch of road there was a sinkhole that swallowed the mayors car 15 years earlier. Living on a lowland faultline is fucking strange.
But, Allah only has 2D waifus...
too bad theres no proof of any of that, unlike sinkholes
That's going to make it really hard for him to finish overseeing budgetary negotiations with the Big Three shipping companies.
I mean if I was a shipping giant in Japan I'd be pissed about now. Transport minister thinks he can just kill himself whenever a sinkhole opens, no work ethic at all.
I live on a hill
I'm fine.
Light does "escape" black holes. It's just too redshifted to be observable. Also, the outside world can be effected by the Hawking radiation emitted by black holes.
Astronomers have found convincing evidence for a supermassive black hole in the center of our own Milky Way galaxy, the galaxy NGC 4258, the giant elliptical galaxy M87, and several others. Scientists verified the existence of the black holes by studying the speed of the clouds of gas orbiting those regions. In 1994, Hubble Space Telescope data measured the mass of an unseen object at the center of M87. Based on the motion of the material whirling about the center, the object is estimated to be about 3 billion times the mass of our Sun and appears to be concentrated into a space smaller than our solar system.
For many years, X-ray emissions from the double-star system Cygnus X-1 convinced many astronomers that the system contains a black hole. With more precise measurements available recently, the evidence for a black hole in Cygnus X-1 -- and about a dozen other systems -- is very strong.
mashallah brother, but nips don't care. a ____ waifu is better than no waifu at all.
Enjoy your sudden and inescapable landslides :^)
it's not a big hill and I live on top of it
Donald Trump gets elected and an actual portal to hell opens.
A Soros funded false flag portal to hell.
Natural philosophers are constantly full of shit, from phlogiston to climate change to supermassive black holes which can't actually be observed to solar eclipse, and vicious weather, to quantum physics bullshit.
Ahh! After 10,000 years, I'm free! It's time to conquer Earth!
This. I can't believe people think the earth is round.
It's more of an ovoid.
It's more of a pancake shape actually, yum!
I know this is bait.
It's a very good one.
Has parts you agree with and parts that are obviously made to trigger you.
It differs with each person.
Well done my friend.
d-did you not know about black holes until now?
Old news, bro.
>doing construction work on top of it RIGHT after it collapsed
why are japs so stupid?
>entire movie takes place in a Japanese 7/11
Sounds like kino to me.
>i know more than multiple asian engineers
I can see better than them at least
are they the same ones that built the hole?
City folks BTFO
Who /suburbs/ here?
stupid normies
Ayyyliens. No wonder Trump looked so worried yesterday
Why are sinkholes a thing?
Why don't they fill the ground with gravel before building on top of it?
earth is actually hollow.
>Why are sinkholes a thing?
water is tricky
only non-sheep ITT
Don't give away our secrets like that.
I want to go swimming in that.
It's cheaper to build on top of compacted dirt, do you know how expensive it would be to fill an area the size of a city with a large layer of gravel? These things only happen rarely and it's more cost effective to simply patch it up when they do appear.
>be Japanese
>be disappointment to famiry due to being unable to land a high paying office job
>work 60 hours a week at minimum wage at 711 just to afford a 5x5 apartment with 2 roommates
>shift about to end at midnight, been working for 10 hours straight with one 15 minute break
>hang up apron
>go outside
>see sinkhole
what do?
Commit suddoku and fall into sink hole
Just jump over the hole using wirefu.