Left or right?

Left or right?

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You have to go back

Where's the penises?

This is accurate tho

Not today Hillary

Based Sup Forums showing the disgusting reddit women

When's the cat beheading, mauled woman and maggot corpse webms due, OP?

>implying hes wrong

9/10 girls I know with dyed hair are batshit insane

you have to apply to them the same concept you apply to brightly colored shit in nature, its dangerous and you should stay away

You probably don't talk to any chicks you pathetic virgin.

roastie detected

Right is literally prefect

Both lovely, but I would take the right, because she looks softy, lustier, and crazier.

The quotes from the women expose how this was written by someone who never interacted with one.

>provides no evidence to the contrary
>resorts to insults
keep telling yourself that chap

t. roastie



>no feminine penis

Right of course. Katy is camgirlfu


I need bleach for my brain to forget this

>Tfw you thought the right was a tranny and were about to fap

so easy to spot the talking vaginas

So easy to spot the virgins

>roasties are this buttblasted

>This triggered cunt

why don't you guys like fucking crazy women? they're the most fun

They're closet homos

>masturbate in front of a camera in your bed
>make multiple times the money a sheet metal worker or lineman does

lol this world is beyond a fucking joke

I hope aliens really do come down and just kill every human down to the last child

Do you not see the roastie going bananas ITT?

>you have to apply to them the same concept you apply to brightly colored shit in nature, its dangerous and you should stay away

KEK. evolution is helping us stay away from crazy bitches

roasties LMAO

You never put your dick in crazy!

you have a point but I don't think that you need to bring it to such an extreme conclusion m8

I do though double dubs.

You tell him sister

This is hillarys america now!

this guy gets it, rest of you are a bunch of pussies

Trump won, we're here to stay, cuck.

proxy paige is GOAT

>it's a butter scene

>still up
>dumb cunt thats on Sup Forums because of /got/ defending her fellow cunts
Thank god /film/ is coming

Her asshole is way too lose

I need to find a copy of this to frame next to their Trump issue

holy mother of god my dick

>it's a THICC Proxy Paige episode

Me behind the camera

>no feminine dicks


Roastie getting a bit toastie lol

worse than that, the sheet metal worker´s wife is pleading alimony from him and fucking some negro or arab while their kids are in the school


This is pretty accurate I've dated two women with blue hair and both definitely had undiagnosed mental disorders
Anyone who says this isn't true has never met someone like that or is someone like that

>I hope aliens really do come down and just kill every human down to the last child
They just tried, but Trump ended up winning.

I want the blue hair girl it would be like fucking a real life anime character

>edged to Natalie Wonder videos for an hour but didn't let myself cum because lel nofap
>my dick is now soft yet feels silky and engorged

Did I break it?

confirmed by r-ape on irc that it was done by a /qa/ cry babby upset that there was a /film/ board

Exactly, this world cant continue like this, this is utterly disgusting what we've become

Id rather it all get blasted into radioactive ash than continue down this road

I just recently discovered an ice cream scene but it's a shame it's only a minute long.

It's been maximum stretched.

by the way dyel hair just feel like a plastic sponge, is absolutely gross and should it be permabanned, is ridiculous that womens love it, that shit ain't healthy for anyones head. Whats the fucking appeal???

nothing tops natural hair.

Which one has a penis?

For 24 hours at most
Anything after that and you're googling knot tying and how much weight a wood rafter can hold

Post it. We'll let you know

it's hot

That gaping anal shit is so gross literally what is wrong with you


>sticks the whole ice cream bar in
>takes it out
>doesn't eat it


My mother abandoned me as a child and I'm just a sick person overall.

both look like shit, but probably left one.

not gonna pay her any extra, tho.

>edged for an hour
Thanks that's how long it takes me to masturbate normally didn't know I was a freak

I'll be honest. I haven't been sleeping well lately. When I do, it's only for a few hours at a time. I often dream about the aftermath of my suicide and how the world still functions without me. It's both frightening and sad, but eventually things start to make more sense. There are no more wars. Sexism and racism are long gone. The minimum wage is higher than ever. Free healthcare and college! Everyone is happy. Truly the world is at peace. Maybe this is my destiny? Whatever it is, I'm just glad that Donald Trump lost the presidential election.

Enjoy the lack of pussy in your life :^)

Enjoy the lack of the presidency in yours Hillary

I just got back from watching Doctor Strange with friends I hadn't seen in 4-5 months.

Was pretty good but the story was pretty Iron Man but the visuals were top tier as fuck, wouldn't have minded if they focused more on Strange as a doctor.

>literally the only thing I have going is a hole between my legs
>better remind of that fact every chance I get

What did you mean by this?

>what are feral prostitutes?
roastie please, I can drive outside the town and buy like 4 pussies of different races.

Why does this cunt think it has permission to reply to my post?

how is this thread still up

who are you talking to

What kino is this?

The hillshill mods sudoku'd when Trump won. Hiroshima hasn't gotten around to hiring replacements yet.


I just wanted to tell someone about a nice event I had and not be so negative.

I liked it, user. Would go to the cinema with you. My post was a satirical piece that I found to be clever in the middle of class. It reads like some alt-right bullshit to me now. The part about me not sleeping well and dreaming about the aftermath of my suicide is real, though.

I don't follow politics at all so I wouldn't understand a word you were saying so yeah hope you sleep better.

I personally just recently got my schedule back on track but tonight was a special occasion.


Here you go, friend :)

That's big of you user.

What do these whores spend all their money on

>dyel hair

/fit/ pls go

Food, warmth, clothing, and water what else?

>Use what you're good at in a capitalist market
Fuck off communist.

I thought I was the only one

I was so disappointed

>That gaping anal shit is so gross literally what is wrong with you
I just want her to do hardcore like Sasha did

either one as long as I get to see them being penetrated by the holy BBC

I just did what any Brother would do

The fire rises?

Yes brother, we've started the fire!


I just wanna die sometimes. :)

The hell has Sasha done that Proxy Paige hasn't surpassed? Last I checked, Sasha hasn't done double anal or got fucked by a tranny.