>85 years old
85 years old
Other urls found in this thread:
Fat old fuck
william shatner is cool
Who of the original crew is still alive, Uhura and him, who else?
Sulu, Chekov
Not as impressive as it seems. People live longer in Star Trek.
>outlives anton yelchin
he's on stem cells or some shit
He'll be dead of heart attack in 6 days, screen cap this.
jesus christ i forgot about takei, thanks user
>the original chekov outlived the reboot chekov
kek, get fucked JJ
Definitely. That's not natural. He still looks better than most people his age with or without plastic surgery.
nah it's just canadian genes m8
He lives in the cold, keeps him from spoiling.
he should've played ash's dad on ash vs evil dead goddammit
lol that wouldve been perfect
>21 years old
>still a virgin
>tried to work up the courage to talk to the qt librarian today but couldn't do it
You can do it pham, we believe in you
Thank you user.
What do I say to her?
Ayy bb gurl, u want sum fuk?
"I will use a steak knife to give you orgasms in your vagina"
I unironically want her to be my wife
She's so beautiful and kind you guys and I've never even talked to her
"Look at these quads"
Cus you gottem
don't bullshit or play games. ask her how it's going or how she is. if she asks if she can help you with anything or something like that, tell her no, that you just wanted to talk to her because you thought she was cute/pretty/whatever.
girls are flattered by guys that are direct, and it eliminates you wasting time by making your intentions clear immediately. don't let nerves get in the way. just do it.
Gas the kikes, race war now
stupid /adv/ tier advice
Ask her straight up "Wanna fuck?"
You got a 50/50 shot.
sure. but it works. believe me if you want, or don't. it doesn't matter to me. if you have the looks and charisma to make her interested in you in the first place, there's no need in superfluous bullshit.
It would be so fucking weird if some beta with barely any chadness (aka "confidence") walked up to her and started trying to act like a chad. It would be come off as if he didn't know his place.
He's got a better shot with the shitty "jus b urself" advice.
Unless he's butt ugly, then it's more like 5/95
You don't have to go out with me, but you have to eat these *hand her a bowl of eggs*
First step: find a net
Second step: take the net to the library and go up to her
>now look at this net
>that i just found
if you're good at bullshitting confidence don't matter
betas will forever be betas unless they start trying to change themselves. it won't work the first time, maybe not even the second. but the better you're able to brush off rejection the easier it is to "b urself".
>if you have the looks and charisma to make her interested in you in the first place
You yourself justified here why your own advice was garbage.
If he was confident at bullshitting confidence he would've talked to her already.
how is it garbage exactly? why bullshit? she can tell if she wants to fuck you by looking at you for more than 5 seconds, why try to make small talk or be cute.
tell her you're interested in her and read signals. that's all it takes. any more and you're wasting your time.
Because if this girl was interested in him he'd know about it. You're foregoing the biggest obstacle.
I know it's not easy for you to understand since you're not ugly, but when ugly people try to act confident, it just looks even more ridiculous. It just comes off as if they are some sperg who thinks he can change who he is if he acts like the cool kids.
You can't comprehend this because you're normal looking and when you "bullshit confidence" (which you need confidence to do) it's fine. But when someone who was unlucky with the genetic lottery tries "bullshitting confidence", they are called creepers. Women just think of them as subhumans who don't know their place.
how would he know? it's not implied that he's had any interaction with this girl before.
I don't think I'm hot shit but I know I'm not ugly, and yet I still have huge anxiety problems. you just have to push through them.
you're going to get shot down some of the time unless you're an adonis, and even then some girls won't be into you. there are 7 billion people on the planet, even if you embarrass yourself in front of 5 it won't make a difference.
You have said nothing that even argues against my claim. All you did was confirm you're not ugly. Your normie advice doesn't work for people like us, we just get called "creepers" if we ever try to talk to a girl.
You obviously don't understand the basic crux of the issues you're arguing; you admit to even. That's why your advice is worthless.
But that's not a bad thing. People like you don't have to worry about people like us, I think both of us would prefer to keep it that way, honestly.
fine. then you'll die alone. won't bother me.
fine. then you'll get JUSTed. won't bother me.
who cares? its Shatt. bring on the virgin pussy.
Show off your superior taste in literature. Drop William Gass' 'The Tunnel' in front of her and say 'this pleb shit was way below me, but I thought maybe it's around your level.'
>Be me
>Muster up the courage to talk to qt.3.14 librarian
>Need to impress her so I ask if she has a copy of The Outsider by Camus (pronounced Cam US)
>She squints her eyes and asks if I mean the French author Camoo
>I slink away sweating
Capthca: calle elds
He's doing really well, maintaining that hairline all the way to 85 years old.
She's smiled at me once or twice and held eye contact
I don't know if she's just being friendly or what but it was across the whole room
Then how do you know she's kind? Because she smiles? She works a public-facing job, you know
I've stalked her on facebook after I found out her name by looking at who "liked" the photos the library had posting
No drugs
No alcohol
No cigarettes
Post a pic of her.
As a gesture of good faith, I'll post a picture of the girl I have a massive crush on and facebook stalk but I know I have no chance with at all.
WTF why do you have a picture of my girlfriend????
She doesn't have a boyfriend atm
Nice try though
He spent 80 years in the Nexus.
She's a 6/10, you should have a chance unless you are dirt poor or ugly as fuck
I'm ugly as fuck and dirt poor
I'm struggling to think why you think that wouldn't be the case
Fuck you faggot now it looks like I samefagged because you posted exactly 1 minute after me.
Because the majority of this shit hole are normal looking middle class people
Not going to post a pic of her so neckbeards can't save it to their fap folder
She has red hair and blue eyes and a pretty smile.
Unless i look at the photos over the years where he gradually gets older, I can't see the same man from 60s trek.
And was he always so ridiculous? Maybe I need to watch interviews or something from bsck then because I really struggle to see the same man in his mannerisms.
>red hair
Automatic 0/10
Not the shitty dyed red hair
Natural redhead
That's what I assumed
Just tell her you think she's pretty and ask if she'd like to get some lunch or go out for a drink sometime. If it fails never go to the library again, if it's a success you're a step closer to your dream girl.
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take blah blah blah
Thanks user.
I'm thinking of moving a book a few places over on the shelf and then asking her for help finding said book, and then ask for some recommendations while she's looking for it. Then I'll come back and tell her I enjoyed it and ask her if she wants to get dinner or something
Looks like it, dude. Check this out.
Go out and get laid with milfs at a local 80s bar. It'll get it over with, and increase your confidence for an individual you care about.
She caught you staring across a room at her. It's a no-go at this point unless she was flattered. You have only yourself to be truthful to, but you should know if her smile was creeped-out nervousness or a green light.
>Why did his missus leave him?
>Because William shat on 'er
Despite my autism, even I could see that it was a green light.
I just need to not panic
Shatner mouth, boy, the real Kirk coming trough.
>85 at the end of this post
Check it
Shit taste