
Nobody talking about Arrival?

Saw it and have been hyped for it. I felt like Jesus Christ this is isn't a documentary! Should of been Nicole Kidman but I guess this chick is next generation Nicole Kidman; they look similar.

Other urls found in this thread:

>should of
>barely any knowledge of Amy Adams
>raving about a scifi film
scifi really is only one notch above capeshit, but Im glad you enjoyed a film OP.

Didn't like it it was ok. Loved Dr. Strange; might be a pleb or at least in this instance.

I don't care to watch a film about a floating pebble.

What you know about Forest Whitaker? Color of Money! Implying I don't know Amy Adams basic ass. She looks like old milk.

Good choice its like a documentary of trying to communicate with alien beings.

>we need humanity's help in 3000 years
The niggers have 3000 fucking years to think of something.
They weren't uber special snowflakes with time perception fuckery, they were one of the galaxy's most autistic species.
They fucked up that moody bitch with their psychic abilities which they have no awareness of because the 'tism.
The whole galaxy must've been kekking when Earth was about to blow itself to smithereens because the kids from the galactic special school decided to take a field trip to Earth.

yeah it was very dumb. I can't believe the guy who directed Prisoners, Incendies, and Sicario picked this. He did a good job on his part I guess, but the script was straight shit

wait what?

everything he said is true baka

stop shilling, kike

But Im getting paid big to say its ok.

>paid big


>96% on rotten tomatoes

This is a bad movie and RT is wrong.

Why would I say I was so hyped for this movie and it was only ok.

If Im shilling why would I say watch The Signal (2014) with Laurence FIshburne.

no really, how much do they pay you to shill here?

Mommy gives me fresh tendies.

We should tell them they're not on Hiigara before it's too late.

>aliens come to earth in a giant Ohmibod
>someone tips one token
>whores all over the world fake seizures

So the aliens want help in 3k years and in return they give Amy Adams the ability to watch her daughter die before it happens
How was this a fair trade?

that sounds like the most retarded premise for a movie i've ever heard of. How did it get 96%?

t. redditor

Lol. It was about giving humanity the gift, not just Louise. The sooner we appreciate the finite nature of time the sooner we'll work together in unity.

You are wrong but here I'll give you a picture of a Sonya cosplay anyway

wow you guys are trying way too hard to fit in
pls go back

that cgi on that poster made me want to run away from that film

Why was the kid important to the ayy lmaos?

Any good streams or torrents yet?