So Bill is essentially the best comedian in the world right now? Who even comes close?
He single handedly made that Rogan election special worth watching and he's been fucking crushing it all week.
So Bill is essentially the best comedian in the world right now? Who even comes close?
He single handedly made that Rogan election special worth watching and he's been fucking crushing it all week.
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I just rewatched his 2012 special and arrived at the same conclusion. There is nobody nearly as prolific whose quality comes nearly as close.
Louis used to be God tier, but even putting aside his increased leftism he's just not as funny as he used to be
sam hyde
Anyone else always tense when Billy Bag'oDonuts ova dereee is on Conan or any talk show?
I just know he is gonna either curse or say some real shit like The DNC and RNC being bought and owned and the crowd gets all silent and shit. Lol Bill doesn't have a filter. He just says shit.
>hillary dresses up like a yak and has eyes wide shut parties under a mountain
based Burr
yeah I don't remember what special it was but even before he became Louis C(uc)K there was one I watched that just wasn't nearly as funny as the ones I'd seen before
>it's a bill is too afraid to firmly state his opinion so he ends his sentence with "i don't fuckin' know" episode
The only tension I feel is Conan always working so hard to back away from Bill's real talk. I try to tell myself Conan is just being a good comic partner and setting Bill up by playing a Doubting Thomas, but he seems more likely to just be a media tool.
Or maybe Billy Boy's just smart enough to admit he doesn't know everything.
>Or maybe Billy Boy's just smart enough to admit he doesn't know everything.
He is always saying stuff like this, he likes to have a opinion but he also likes pointing out that's all it is.
Or he's smart enough to know it; 1) Relates him to his audience who might not consider themselves or be well educated on the subject and 2) Absolves him of criticism of his beliefs by demonstrating he does not sincerely believe what he says
Always. When you listen to the podcasts all the time, you start to learn the anxieties comedians have about performances, and looking like a rambling maniac seems to be Bill's, when he's on talk shows, anyway
But Bag'oDonuts was a completely different comedian.
hey its me bill burr and
> It's a Bill brings up the occult, Bilderberg and the Clintons in a light hearted interview episode.
Bill Burr is overrated. He's alright but nothing more than that.
He loves talking about Bilderberg meetings, I think he's trying to sneakily redpill people.
I think his last special was his funniest to date. I'm pumped for his next one.
Sam is a garbage stand-up
When did Sup Forums starting cucking out for Bill? It was just shitting on him for two weeks straight like a month ago.
You have to go back
>It's a Bill blows Joe Rogan the fuck out episode
>It's a Bill blows Joe Rogan then fuck episode
what did he mean by this
>only well known comedian to drop red pills on the Bildeberg group
>his name is Bill Burr, which sounds almost the same
Maybe he's their court jester here to publically mock us while acting stupid
>its a half red haired irish half black child born episode
my cousin is like that, shes full white red haired but has the same features as her black mom
I actually really want to see this. Not in like a pervy way, but it seems really interesting.
she just looks white, you wouldnt know she took her mums features unless you knew her mum
and i wont post my family on Sup Forums are you mental
Well post it and delete it real so no one but me sees :)
obligatory post
The Beacon show was his best special I think, I haven't seen the new one but afyer the Beacon he dipped in quality
Fucking kek
D'oh Jeesuuuuuuussssssssssss
>So Bill is essentially the best comedian in the world right now?
Why would you put a question mark at the end of a statement?
is there more of these ?
Louis was never good.
I had no internet for 2 days and I watched his latest special that ws in b&w like 3 times in a row, not only do I never do that but I had to as it was finally setting in that he has reached mastery. He's as good as carlin on stage, but he's funnier.
he's got a good stand up but his podcast is garbage, the guy is completely clueless on half the topics he covers yet persists to spew his opinions
that's partly what makes it funny
I sure hope though nobody really gets his political ppinions solely from Bill
Burr turned into a whiny faggot for a while IN MY OPINION, but goddamn he was back to his former self during the election special. He absolutely made that night.
>I'll have a Samuel Jackson
Is it true Billy Redballs is an SJW now?
this never happened btw
reddit and ctr have mostly left post election
He was on Conan last night and basically told everyone that it doesn't matter who's the president.
He asked the audience if Obama ever called anyone of them? No he didn't. Trump doesn't give a shit about them either. Nobody's getting deported, etc. Things are business as usual. Calm down, etc.
Is that "rogan election special" worth sitting through? I clicked around they were talking over each other then some women joined.
If you have nothing else to do.
not really
I tapped out when the women came in. I stayed for burr and stanhope but it was a shitfest of goofy californians
i didn't listen to the podcast last night, how cucked was it?
Pretty good parts.
I didn't vote for trump you fucking maniac
>People think he's based when he is clearly a libcuck extreme on his podcast
He straight up called Trump supporters idiots for thinking that Donald was any different than any other politician
>He straight up called Trump supporters idiots for thinking that Donald was any different than any other politician
I guess the future will tell us. But the fact that he took down the bullshit campaign promises on his website not even 24 hours after being elected doesn't bode well
>He straight up called Trump supporters idiots for thinking that Donald was any different than any other politician
Are you implying there's something wrong with this statement?
I found his shit on children hilarious like most of his earlier stuff.
But recently he's been going deeper and deeper in to the "lol whiteys!" hole. I guess there's a limit to everything. He just ran out of new ideas.
dude donald is gonna save us from the libcuck scum lmao
ok but i only have nudes so you have to promise to look real fast then delete
bill burr on celebs leaving if trump wins
>nobody's getting deported
I have some bad news for you José...
>women join in
>completely kill the vibe
Every time. Bill Burr arguing with that dumb bitch with the baseball cap was amusing though.
Go do your algebra homework, kid
>its a half red haired irish half black child born episode
>my cousin is like that, shes full white red haired but has the same features as her black mom
The same as any gingers, blingers (black/ginger) are either hideous or breathtaking, and not much in between.
He's right.
there's this
I want to know why Club Dubya changed their name.
Louis was objectively one of the best comedians america ever produced. It wasn't that long ago he did the "faggot jew nigger deer routines. You take the cuck memes to seriously and are forgetting how shallow the pool really is in terms of genuine competiton.
Or maybe he's just sincerely self-deprecating enough to never couch his opinions as fact. That's why I love Billy Redface. Even his comedy specials feel more like listening to your funniest friend just having a conversation with you.
Nah, I'd argue that Conan was being a good host. Conan had to explain some of Bill Burr's references because Bill Burr was kinda all over the place in the most recent interview.
This has happened a few times. Burr exposes how unfunny Rogan can be. Burr doesn't write comedy notes like Rogan preaches to every comic.
>cucking out for Bill
what the fuck does this even mean
Whats the tl;dr on the joe rogan shit
The "cuck" shit really came out of nowhere.
They are.
Trump is a meme candidate, you underage fuck. Shit, look at him after he won. You can tell how little he wants the job.
Sup Forums always hates whats popular
the moment his show took off, this place hated him when before it was nothing but love for Louis.
Louie CK and Amy Schumer did this weird pivot where fame somehow imbued them with this idea that they need to be better activist type people, but in a really disingenuous, inauthentic way.
It has to do with self-loathing and not feeling like you deserve success.
Are they really that vocal though? I mean, compared to any other celebrity with a twitter account. I didn't see them at any rallys or anything. Correct me if I'm wrong, I might be.
Do you really surround yourself with people that only share your opinions? You don't like seeing things from a different angle at all?
Man, Sup Forums really is tumblr alt-right version. I didn't believe the reddit faggots at first but jesus fuck. You guys are fucking stupid.
Schumer is much more vocal than Louie. Going to clinton parties and shit. Louie just tried to be more responsible and PC, and it ruined his tv show
Chewed Up was pretty funny up until he started prattling on about DUDE AIDS AND BLOOD LMAO
Never watched him since
I love how uncomfortable bill got during this interview. conan was prodding him to say something truly political and bill just clammed up and became giggly/silent
that's just not true. 15 years ago he was at the forefront of what was acceptable to say on stage
thats why he postfaces everything with "i don't know, i don't read". I bet whatever butthurt you was political
>Louie just tried to be more responsible and PC
Similar thing happened to Eddie Murphy, we will never go back to his Raw days.
no citizens are getting deported anyway. Obama deported more illegals than any president in history, that's not the issue people are talking about
Not to be that guy, but Conaco is managed by Henry kissinger's son. Conaco also produced a show with a character by the name of Sheriff Monsanto. There's also that promotional picture before his TBS show started, the owl one. Food for thought.
>Conaco is managed by Henry kissinger's son
Yeah, but I also consider Eddie's shift in trying to keep his homosexuality out of the public eye so he could continue to make bank on movies
He did it because he didn't want his children growing up seeing him saying outrageous shit on tv though
It happened on Conan two nights ago