Just watched this for the first time.
Just watched this for the first time.
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She reminds me there will never be a Kill Bill 3 and it hurts
Kitchen 1v1
Prison yard
vs Hammer Girl and Baseball Boy desu
Pretty spot on. Best fight is hard because Prison Yard is everything I like about the Raid in that it's just a continuously moving fight. But then the Kitchen fight is that final crescendo like Mad Dog in the first film. They're just two sides of the same coin.
And yeah unfortunately Hammer Girl and Baseball Boy were disappointing they realized they had these big characters but were at the end of the movie and had to get it over with quick so it was a bunch of dodging and then quick kills.
Speaking of Mad Dog was Prakoso not the same character?..
Why did they bother with a sequel when they could do a new thing? The whole bigger and better and more fighty and more colourful and more explosive and more weapons and more gimmicks thing just makes it feel cheap and superficial. The brutality just didn't feel as brutal as the first one.
I think this is one instance of a film that excelled at one thing specifically and the sequel managed to bring everything else around it up to snuff.
The plot and the characters were far more engaging in the second film.
I did miss the single apartment complex "Raid" format though.
>plot and the characters
see I thought the plot was pretty pointless and it felt made up to just introduce characters and create fight scenes, and the characters are almost non people, they came they fought they died their personality was the weapon they carried.
In the first one you get some sense of the main character's personality by their action and the way they hold themselves and fight and struggle but in this one I didn't feel any humanity coming from anybody. I was not engaged by any of the backstory, I didn't have a reason to care.
>hammer girl
>baseball bat boy
nice gimmick though
Well I'm not talking the villains they were just weapon wielding dudes, and lady, in both films.
But Uco and Bangun were more of a character than anyone in the first and even Eko and Prakoso had bits of character.
I think the characters that lived until the second half of the film had a lot more character than any new characters in the second film.
Everything about the new characters felt like a gimmick, like bad super heros.
Eh, I liked the one where the cops jump Rama in the restaurant. Real Jackie Chan moment right there. Toilet scene's based too, literally a 300 moment.
Naw, that would be Hammer Girl and BB just strolling around whacking fools with hardware and sports equipment. Fools who apparently conveniently forgot how to fight.
Who's up for guessing the henchmen of The Raid 3? Guy who exclusively uses his rifle as a small quarterstaff? Trash can lid transfella? Folding chair nigga?
>Folding chair nigga?
Shame the director got too big for his britches and tried to make a real movie instead of something tightly focused and incredibly fun like the original The Raid.
It was still alright though.
I just want an actually good final season of Boondocks, dammit.
This desu.
I don't even hate it, but I came for Silat and I stayed for Silat.
At least there being more locations means more environment kill varients than in an apartment.
Unfortunately Raid 3 will probably be even bigger.
He's gotta realize that the stuff people love is the H2H stylish shit.
tfw we will never get another knife baton hallway fight
>Speaking of Mad Dog was Prakoso not the same character?..
No he wasn't, the director just really likes him as an actor so he brought him back.
The Raid 2 is everything I hate about asian film. The pretense, convoluted story, too many I don't give a shit about characters, everyone's trying to look super fashionable because KOF, those clusterfucks with a hundred guys stumbling around swinging at air, and don't even get me started on Hammer and Bat, they can fuck right back off to the animu they jumped out of. I fell in love with the first one because it had none of that superfluous shit, it was a simple straightforward plot with brutal close quarters violence, that's what made it cool.
I prefer Prison yard fight to kitchen, and dislike the train fight more than the vs. baseball and hammer girl one.
>Unfortunately Raid 3 will probably be even bigger.
Capitalism was a mistake
Except according to him the Raid 2 was planned and its choreography prepared before the first one.
Berandal is the movie he wanted to make, Redemption was the compromise.
If it's not just marketing talk, that proves he might have Lucas syndrome
Mad dog is the choreography director too
What Lucas syndrome might he have? I don't get it.
From a fight choregraphy standpoint I agree the kitchen 1v1 is better, but I think the prison yard fight is more kino
What is it?
I was only considering scenes that included Rama.
The Raid 2
>tfw she will never bludgeon you with a hammer...
I really liked 2. I liked the added story and characters, and while none were really deep I thought they were interesting enough if not cliche. Also while prison yard was my favorite fight scene, I also loved the driving scene.
I find myself rewatching Raid 2 more often than the first movie, I like the story and characters added to it
Same to be honest. I feel it's more comfy too.
I'm sorry user. All action films are downhill from here.
No. 3 never. :(
>brutal close quarters violence
The final battle is like 10 minutes of punching and kicking, and Mad Dog is just as much of an animu character.
I feel kind of cheated that they plucked her from a modelling agency and taught her to fight, rather than just got some kick ass lady who already knows Silat.
>Mad Dog is just as much of an animu character
no he's not, there's no gimmick there.
He's a hobo looking guy who is also a super special martial arts master to the point where the climactic battle is main character and his brother desperately trying to hold on against him. It's not as blatant as in 2, but it's still there.
>seeing this in the theater opening night
>baseball boy takes the bat to the face
>whole theater erupts in OH SHIIIIT
So much fucking fun
The bat staying stuck to the face is pretty fucking brutal
How are the Ip Man movies? Always heard good things never seen.
worth watching ONLY for the fights, which are glorious. the actual storytelling and acting is beyond atrocious. I dare you to watch 2 without facepalming a billion times.
3 has Mike Tyson and his scene is pretty fucking great, I gotta admit.
I think Raid 2 is MUCH better than raid, why am i in the minority here?
It's vastly more entertaining in comparison to all the tacticool shit in part one. I think for part three they should have him being forced to do missions for the yakuza
What are some other good action films? Doesn't have to be foreign or this specific style. Watched the Man from Nowhere and I Saw the Devil and loved em.
looking forward to this
>3 has Mike Tyson
>people actually liked the second movie
The plot and pacing ruined it. Holy shit.
The first one was non-stop, it kept you invested. Where as 2 tried really hard to be Infernal Affairs but also a worse retelling of it.
I don't really agree that one is much better than the other, but I do agree that the people complaining about The Raid 2 while loving the first are strange to me. I really enjoyed both movies on their own.
Nah, worst fights were Hammer Girl and Baseball Guy taking out gang members. It was like an anime.
Hardly even fights.
it's great.
i've only seen the first one but wow
I think it's a bit like Alien vs Aliens, depends what kind of movie you like better.
I think Raid 2 is better, probably because I love crime fiction stories and the cinematography is excellent (plus DAT CAR CHASE). But being a more fleshed-out movie there's more to criticize as people will compare it to other big movies. Raid 1 is the perfect pared-down action movie, there's not much to dislike considering it's so simple and hits every action beat perfectly.
Every actor and extra in this flick looks uglier than the ugliest person ive ever seen.
I like the Raid 2 more for its mobster type of movie.
It shows in her action scenes too. There's a lot more editing around her moves because she's just not a fighter.
>plebs hating on The Raid 2
anyone seen Iko lately? he's gotten pretty jacked
it was fucking wild
The ending of 2 is pure kino. Hope they never make a 3, it's perfect.
>Hope they never make a 3, it's perfect.
I thought they were making a 3. But it's supposed to be set during 2, however that is supposed to work.
The deleted scenes from 2 are pretty fun too if you guys haven't checked them out.
the gang war scene is so retarded i'm glad they cut it. it's like a ps2 videogame cutscene.