Having an existential crisis.
What are some films that'll make me feel hopeful and happy by the end? I want to drag myself out of this hole.
Having an existential crisis.
What are some films that'll make me feel hopeful and happy by the end? I want to drag myself out of this hole.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why wouldn't you post >Moyes?
Big Fish
not existentialism
He's part of the existential crisis.
gas, food, lodging
Requiem for a Dream.
More like Lolita
A serious man
Dancer in the Dark
Synecdoche NY, smash hit comedy of the year
requiem for a dream
castaway on the moon
The Killing Room
Requiem for a Dream
Grave of the Fireflies
The Mist
Kill List
Nina Forever
Planet of the Apes
Hour of the Wolf
A Serious Man
The French Connection
Dead Man's Shoes
28 Days Later...
The Deer Hunter
based gus
Anyone mentioned this one yet?
Requiem for a dream
Synecdoche, New York
What's that like? Funny?
Yeah its hilarious.
I'll give it a try then, thanks
Very heartwarming and uplifting.
It's the kind of movie that's better if you know absolutely nothing about it going in.
OP It's been a long ass thread and still noone mentions IT'S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY by da king DON HERTZFELDT
this 2
Am I being memed?
The movie where good old Jurgen wins the premierl eagle
you have to trust me on this one, OP:
Swiss Army Man
>nu-male: the motion picture
>he requires external sources to bring himself out of and into a mood
Not gunna make it, kid.
It's also important to realise there is no notion of "pure authenticity and honesty" which any mind can attain about itself, so you don't need to stick to it for there to be value in the world.
That said Midnight Cowboy will get you out of your pickle.
>not Classic Motion Picture
Trump won m8.
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Not a film but still worth watching
>tfw Trump winning unironically cured your depression
Anyone else know this feel?
I can't believe he won and I fucking love it.
Liberals BLOWN the absolute FOCK OUT
I hate that he won, but I love that Hillary lost
>Forrest Gump
>Walter Mitty
>Ferris Buehler
>Fantastic Mr Fox
Trump winning finally gave me the courage to ask this girl out and she said yes, we're going out tonight