Artists where the debut is their best
Artists where the debut is their best
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ill start
One great album and then 13 years releasing mediocre shit.
Bloc Party
Franz Ferdinand
The Strokes
Arctic Monkeys
Pretty much every post punk/garage rock revival band
damn i was gonna post this one...
Some would argue weezer and I could agree with that
Led Zeppelin
King Crimson
Pearl jam
New single is pretty good.
You're wrong
How does bleach even compare to Nevermind or In Utero? the second half of the album blatantly drops in quality.
But favourite worst nightmare is the arctic monkeys best album
late registration is objectively better
This is actually a very rare occurence, this is therefore a bait thread
this, all their other work sucks
it was all downhill from here
not even a good meme
devotion a close second with teen dream and bloom a distant third and fourth
Interesting. I liked this album more as a whole, but Lonerism and Currents both have tracks that are better standalone
the black parade slaps, my dog
>what is Plastic Beach
shit thread, OP
Their other stuff isn't bad or even mediocre, but this was 10/10 for me
Three Cheers is better than Black Parade tho
Fucking this
shit taste, pleb
It goes for the entire Power-Pop genre
>inb4 Pinkerton plebs
This is the only acceptable answer in this thread
Pinkerton was unironically better
doesnt say much when they only have 2 albums user
Yea not really, people underestimate how good blue is for 94
So true, but people insist on listening to that synth heavy whining they put out later
Tonight is decent.
Tonight's better, and their last one was on par with the debut
this desu
worst opinion
Not even close
t. plebs
I bet your favorite nirvana song is Smell Like Teen Spirit, right?
How is it a meme
the epitome of this phenomenon
But in comparing both, this one is better. The new one just kind of came and went while this one was aged well along with being influential
How can one user be so wrong? Depression Cherry is far and away their best.
I don't count the 1977 s/t, so my vote goes to pic related
Best opinion
*potentially blocks your path*
pretty much every hip hop artist
A good chunk of hip hop.
This is not Damon Albarn's greatest work.
Blue = pinkerton
Very much correct
Yeah. That definitely includes Interpol. While it was hard to top Turn On The Bright Lights, there was just too much of a gulf in quality in Antics and El Pintor (not that they were bad themselves), but it was just sad not to see an album that came close or at least was near the level of that first album.
I honestly have no idea if I agree or not.
viva la vida lad
Comedown Machine is best Strokes
>not mylo xylo