Tfw Sup Forums doesnt like feet anymore

>tfw Sup Forums doesnt like feet anymore

what went so horribly wrong?

>implying legs thighs and ass aren't superior in every way

absolute pleb

I thought I did but then I lost my virginity

Speak for yourself peasant

I love feet, but not disgusting women's feet.

how are these feet

So taking it up the ass makes you lose your foot fetish?

Trump won so it's now okay to be a DChad (aka heterosexual white male)

*Little dick white boi

BvS is the gayest movie ever made


>Watch 10 cloverfield lane last night
>MEW spends almost entire film barefoot





back to /r/celebfeet with you



New Sup Forums regulations ruined both feet and waifus.
Now it seems to be limited to bane and kino, whatever the fuck that is.



armpit > feet

Feetcucks only find feet attractive because they subconsciously want to be walked over

>tfw tv doesn't like kiki anymore
will a new cunny ever managed to recapture her elegance and grace
banjies are the new popular cunnies and are too trashy


I don't
I just want to lick and kiss soft soles

>attractive friends post feet on social media all the time, including perverted shit like their feet on the dashboard, flexing their arches
>tfw not a footfag

it hurts


Also known as grovelling at someone's feet.

is she wearing a diaper?

of course

what are you, a pleb?


literally what is sexy about a foot

Oh yes, OP.




i like little girl feets


pls KYS yourselfs

you don't liek?