wtf I hate sorkin now
Wtf I hate sorkin now
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he should've saved it for one of his dumb fuck characters to say
But seriously
>The Trumpsters want to see people like us (Jewish, “coastal elites,” educated, socially progressive, Hollywood…) sobbing and wailing and talking about moving to Canada.
M8, the fucking working class won Trump the presidency, while you twats yelled about what exactly should the PC term for describing your ivory towers and how Clinton should be president on account of having a vagina
>Our family is fairly insulated from the effects of a Trump presidency so we fight for the families that aren’t.
No fucking shit, but I can't wait to see how your next, completely out of touch piece of TV totally fights for people you can't understand any more, since THEY VOTED TO BREAK THE SAME BULLSHIT CYCLE BOTH POLITIC SIDES HAVE BEEN REGURGITATING FOR THE LAST 3 DECADES
>We get involved. We do what we can to fight injustice anywhere we see it—whether it’s writing a check or rolling up our sleeves.
Love how you mentioned Jews first above and then the first action you say is fucking paying your way out. Can't think why people continue to mock jews and the general left.
Holy shit I'm fucking triggered right now.
Hopefully his daughter gets bullied at school for that.
Disgusting, but I always liked Sorkin. Gotta try to ignore the imbecilities and focus on the works
yea he totally just wrote that for his daughter and not to actually send out to the media so everyone sees how much he cares about social justice and his daughter and how scared she is
Why do you pretend to have an insight into the matter ? You are not American, the only thing you know is what you have gleened from the media. Be careful about contradicting yourself !
>M8, the fucking working class won Trump the presidency
Are you really this stupid?
Wait, didn't you hate her before?
what is it about creating great fiction that divorces you from the real reality that much. every one of them is autistic when it comes to creating a sensible political argument.
Please educate me then senpai's
yeah Im sure no working class people voted for him. hell with all the twitter hate and riots, it seems like everyone hates him. I wonder who would vote for him maybe some of those 59,937,338 people
who cares about what an overrated drug addicted jew thinks anyway
Are you?
The Rust Belt and was Blue for the last two elections went Red.
Trump scored an unemphatic success by scaring limited majorities out of people in several "Rust Belt" states. Now he's got to try and hold 'em.
>The Rust Belt and was Blue for the last two elections went Red.
Read that over again and give some additional thought to what you're asking.
lower income people voted clinton
The last couple of days have been the greatst on earth, the SJW elite have been curb stomped into oblivion by the real working class, and all over the internet they write tldr diatribes about how the right wing death squads are coming to give them free helicopter rides and how they are litttrly shaking.
You know whats going to happen?
Trump is going to be a boring republican.
I thought poor dumb uneducated people voted for Trump. Which is it?
>its a liberal east coast elites thinks the working class voted for a woman who gave speeches to Goldman sachs episode
NeoLiberalism is dying
globalism is dying
Pc culture is dying
People are fucking tired of you moralising smug liberal elitist pieces of shit telling us how to live
donlad trump is a human moltove thrown into the gated community mansion of a person who thinks diversity is great but just dont let them move in next door.
Jesus christ you are dumb
>People are fucking tired of you moralising smug liberal elitist pieces of shit telling us how to live
I can see why feeling that way would be important to someone in your position, user, but the response was far too muted to warrant that sort of generalization.
The dumb, uneducated WHITE ones voted Trump, the black and latino ones did what we told them.
working class auto equals lower income?
>donlad trump is a human moltove
>Jesus christ you are dumb
Keep reaching for that rainbow, user.
So not the working class.
You're shit at this.
>donlad trump is a human moltove
Think about that for a second. Instead of trying to reform a system you dislike you want to destroy it.
Do you understand how dangerous a sentiment that is. Especially when you elect all the same republican incumbents. Who are both neocons and neoliberal.
What happens when he fails to deliver and things get worse when the GOP does what it always does. Nothing for the working people?
Will you throw another temper tantrum? Do you get out the guns. What is your answer when all your hopes are dashed?
I'm never going to tire of this butthurt.
You're a retard.
>this 'letter' was written by an adult man
>this 'letter' was written by an adult man with children
>a man THIS hysterical over a political decision he doesn't like is currently raising children
Liberals are a MESS.
>John Carpenter's The Thing.jpg
Obama was meant to be the reform after 8 years of Bush YOLO-ing, and when his term ended in a sea of mediocrity, failed promises and seemingly greater racial divide, the next option was either Clinton (aka MORE OF THE SAME EXCEPT IN A TASTY MORE INCOMPETENT FORM) or a parade of Republicans each less inspiring than the last.
Bernie was the true chance for reform that actually was likely to happen until the DNC basically acted like their opposition and said "nope, your too different than us, so let's not progress and adapt and instead put up this bloated corpse symbolic of our party".
You do know that fewer republicans voted for trump then voted for the last two republican candidates.
It was not so much a surge of voters but huge voter apathy. A minority won with successful voter suppression and stupidity of the dems running damaged goods.
it cant be reformed, thats why we are burning it to the ground, to punish you.
Its like the ending to fight club where the main character shoots himself in the face then the building fall around him
No one cares if he delivers, we just fucked up all your globalist multicultural liberal plans
>trumptard is proud of US having been ridiculed for eternity
nobody is butthurt or even care, my blue pilled friend, you're the laughing stock of the world.
>You do know that fewer republicans voted for trump then voted for the last two republican candidates.
Final vote counts aren't in yet, nigger.
>successful voter suppression
>No one cares if he delivers, we just fucked up all your globalist multicultural liberal plans
Who cares about governance lets burn the fucker down.
Keep it coming cuckboys you have been irrevocably BTFO and your meltdown is glorious.
>only the white man is not a drone
Why is it that progressives always come off racist?
>human moltove
>globalist multicultural liberal plans
google says right now its
60,274,974 votes for her
59,937,338 votes for him
and romney got 60+
>we just fucked up all your globalist multicultural liberal plans
Do you actually read the crap you spout? Trump is not any more globalist than Obama was, nothing is going to change in the US population as he's kicked out more illegals than any other president.
This dipshit probably wrote the letter with the purpose of having it be public. Sean Penn did the same thing when he wrote his letter to Matt and Trey. Celebs just hand to their publicists so they can get attention and look good.
I seriously cant understand why you think the middle class won because you elected a billionaire that embodies everything that makes you poor
>what a victory for the middle class!
>I voted a wallstreet billionaire!
>things are really gonna change now MAGA!
You cant make this sort of shit up
that number are not final since not all votes have been counted yet
They might be penniless, they might be homeless, they might be fucked over and fucked up it doesn't matter, because it's equalized on that day - a millionaire has the same number of votes as the person without a job: one.
And there's more of the former middle class than there are in the millionaire class.
So on November 8, the dispossessed will walk into the voting booth, be handed a ballot, close the curtain, and take that lever or felt pen or touchscreen and put a big fucking X in the box by the name of the man who has threatened to upend and overturn the very system that has ruined their lives: Donald J. Trump.
They see that the elite who ruined their lives hate Trump. Corporate America hates Trump. Wall Street hates Trump. The career politicians hate Trump. The media hates Trump, after they loved him and created him, and now hate.
Thank you media: the enemy of my enemy is who I'm voting for on November 8.
>the PC culture that the right leaning internet and angry millennial alt righters made up because people got mad that I was calling Obama a nigger terrorist is dying! Now we can have true freedom of speech and go back to how it was! Before my boogeyman!
We live in a post fact world. Emotion is a powerful tool and Trump made all the right promises.
Let the idiots have their victory. The politics of the GOP are only going to make the lives of the rural poor shittier.
These are the same idiots that screamed about No socialized medicine while arguing we need to keep medicare.
This is the teatards and white nationalists
3/10, you can do better
Being this fucking mad.
>Corporate America hates Trump. Wall Street hates Trump. The career politicians hate Trump. The media hates Trump
Then why are stocks trading up? Why is the GOP excited about cutting taxes and privatizing medicare?
The media, they love Trump. he will print money with his idiocy for the next four years.
All the big players love him, because he won and they can do what they want with a GOP congress.
I dont understand what this video proves or disproves.
Are you forgetting that the dems have been getting less and less votes? Obama is the only president to get less votes than his previous time running and still win and Hillary got less. Face it, Trump was the change candidate.
Hes not wrong, in the end your candidate hurts you the most.
At least Trump has said shit that sounds like he has a plan (the effectiveness of it is another debate) for the middle class or at least the manufacturing/etc sector, whereas Clinton was more focussing on the shit people who have full financial security worry about ie what bathroom a person can use after they mutilate their body (hyperbolic but the point is still there)
At the end though, voting Trump isn't necessarily because it was in their best interests, it's because it's a fuck you to the people that don't give a shit about them but pretend too. It's cathartic more than anything.
Again, it's not really about sense, it's telling the current bodies (the retarded misguided Left and the stuck in the Reagan-era Right) to fuck off.
you've seen too many curtis documentaries
Or course you don't, because you're a child. Better save up those welfare checks.
prove it
No it doesn't, I'm a straight white male.
As a faggot nu male you were wrong about Brexit and the election result, so I can only assume you'll be wrong about that too.
Quite a jump there friendo, I meant how it applies to this conversation...we are having. Dont need to be a turbo autist
What policies will Paul Ryan and Mitch Mcconnell enact that are good for the poor?
Trump has no real power to pass a law and bring back jobs. Congress has all the power and they don't need Trump beyond a rubber stamp.
They don't need to listen to you because they don't need the Trump vote to win office. They ran against him and won with better margins.