Hungary:Jobbik removes leaving EU from the agenda

Says nationalist and populist parties will transform it within 10 years.


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The dictatorial EU infrastructure would be a god tool to deport Muslims. I say get out, but it would be satisfying to see the right use the systems that the globalists put in place to cleanse Europe. And jail people for violating anti-nationalist speech codesunder amended hate speech laws.

How can you not love Vona and his party?

Pic related. Every political rally in Europe should look like this and Europe would be a better place.

transform into what? the exact same gravey train authoritarian bureaucracy but this time just run by right wing? no thanks

Doubtful that will happen and they're doing a disservice to Brexit. Such a system inherently favors globalists.

Whatever Sup Forums might tell you, lots of populist rightists love EU. We like peace, stability and trade, but we hate socialism and red tape

jobbik has always been controlled opposition

KDNP is the party for non-cucks

I support EU, but not what the EU does now.
We should protect our culture together.
Vona says similar thing. He just doesn't want to leave EU, any hungarian who does is just retarded.
Orban also wants to stay in EU. Stay and change.

all according to plan


I can understand having a union of trade and shit, but the EU is a bloated mess full of globalist bullshit.

It's like

party for non-cucks: Fidesz-kdnp, jobbik, LMP (but now their leader leaved so probably becoming a cuck party too)

every other is for cucks

Looks ok, too bad they are socialists.

How can you be in a pan-union and be nationalist?

racial nationalist


The EU completely destroys the economy of all of its members with the endless regulations and the subsidies that malform the pattern of production and cause endless malinvestment bubbles.
It is just an uncontrollable central authority on the economy of its members. We do not need central planning from Brussels, and everything else it offers may be done by making deals and agreements with the neighboring European countries without a middleman.

I thought Jobbik were Turanists though.


This is what I've been saying for ages, right-wingers need to use the EU to further their cause instead of crying and whining about it. I don't see people trying to abolish your country's parliament after there's an election result you don't like, how is it any different with the EU? European Union could become a tool to spread traditionalism and right-wing politics across the continent.

Fuck Jobbik. They're pro-Turk goofballs who think they're Huns.

we get so much money from the eucucks, it makes sense. i personally know some young folk who will vote Jobbik now just because of this.

Jobbik is basically a modern revival of the arrow cross party, which was responsible for killing tens of thousands of people in the holocaust.

They are goddamn Turanists
They consider Erdogan as brother

hungary would look like ukraine- or romania-tier third world shit hole without eu moneyz.

that's true eu money is thrown out of window on shit like fountains with music and similar shit, but still, every good thing built is from eu money

countries like hungary can't keep with the big guys alone, reformed EU is better than no EU at all

no, jobbik was basically a pleb white trash party until like 2012-2014, nothing similar to idea of hungarism

Being in EU is a good thing, if you are poor and you don't need to take immigrants.

Eastern Europe benefits too much economically from the EU to go away.

How could they kill people in something that never happened?

Why not? They contribute much in NATO and their immigrants go mostly to Germany :)

>still believing there's any difference between political parties
you should consider euthanizing yourself. Different name, same shit.
Divide et Impera.

What plan?

dont worry about it

You cannot change the EU from inside, it refuses to change.

We've tried to change it, the French have tried to change it.

You can't. So just don't bother.

I want to worry, if it goes with knowledge

What a pipedream top kek, nationalists are struggling everyhwrere, even if they win the EU will find ways to fuck them over.

4th reich of course

the problem is that western world (germany, france, uk, usa) became cuck af.

it's like "booo homophobia", heroic stories on fb how some 5 y.o. said "love is love" and defended faggots, it became mainstream to love faggots. illegal immigrants, support anti-clericalism, being feminist.

Slovakia, Hungary, Poland is completely different, much more conservative world from this view. Here is normal not to support listed things, in western world you'd labelled as nazi and racist.

Jobbik has long been pile of crap. Just another bunch of unreliable corrupt jelly-spine politician gang.

Cutting off Russia from Europe ( by building the pipeline ) , because Germany and Russia together would be an unstoppable force that not even the globalist kikes could stop.
Now you know why the last 300 years of European history happened as it happened.

We're very touched

Make Europe Great Again!

answer the door

I'm puzzled, what in God's name was this poster promoting? The Indian woman sitting in a desolate 3rd world background in a storm VS the brutish looking white guy sitting in a beautiful peaceful traditional village.

But it's confusing because usually a low browed white guy is media shorthand for (((dumb nasty mean racist who you should shun))) and 3rd world woman means wonderful compassionate tolerance #refugeeswelcome.

It *seems*like a pro Brexit ad but damned if I know

Well, not everything the right does is correct

reminder jobbik is hungary's cuckservative party


Why did you post this bull prepper? Reagan put a final blow to destruction of White Americans.

Of course you would have preferred the weakling Jimmy Carter and his cowardly policy of detente, russkie.

FIDESZ is Hungary's cuckservative party (even though they would count as far-right anywhere else).

It's a shame that Jobbik's "cuteifying" ended up like this. They so desperately want to gain more centrist votes that they too, eded up cucking themselves.

it's edited. Original image is pro EU propaganda.

>le you have to like one or the other!! make him tihkn it's black and white!!

Nice proxy kike. We're gonna wipe you out with the russians soon enough.

they are finally becoming not a white trash party.

also fidesz is like leftist people party, not really conservative

>white trash
takarodj soros

I graduated from JFK School. Trust me, I know what Reagan did to US.

Yes, you do. You have to be fucking pragmatic to achieve anything.

I bet you're a socialist.

faszod a soros

>implying stupid uniforms and 20 year old suzukis with turul stickers would get us anywhere

Why bother?

Such a transformation would result in its dissolution. Might as well cut to the chase. Rip the bandaid off.

They sold out to the jews.

They're allso retarded and think hungarians are Turks or something.

Fidez is literary a better party, at least what it looks like from outside.

>stupid uniforms
Fogadjuk konversz cipőt, térd fölé épphogy érő nadrágot, köldökig kivágott pólót viselsz
Sadly, this

Jobbik had white trash supporters no doubt, but the party was not about them. It also had some undesirable policies such as turanism and semi-bullshit economic programme, but it promised radical change and that's what Hungary needs. Now they are too "cute" to talk about taboo subjects. I fear that at the end, even if they don't get corrupted, they will lose the white trash vote without gaining the firm supőport of centrists, most of whom are still afraid because "muh nazies".

FIDESZ is corrupt as fuck. It's sad that policy-wise Jobbik sank to their level, but even if they are pretty much the same now, Jobbik isn't as corrupt as them.

>We should protect our culture together.
>Vona says similar thing. He just doesn't want to leave EU, any hungarian who does is just retarded.
EU was founded to eradicate our cultures you hunnic mongrel.
It's not a tool that can be turned against it's creators, It's a one-way street to aplying USA on the europeean nations.

hahá conversem van

attól még utálhatom a panelprolikat és a bohócokat, nem?

I think now they are much more supportable, you have a point, because they will not get many centrist votes. Still, if they become fidesz without corruption they could have a chance. Still, shame they are socialist like every party in our country, thanks to our retarded people.

It's Hungary, all your political parties are deeply corrupt. The best you can hope for is they do some good while sucking your country dry

White genocide

unluckily, kiwi has a point

most írtad le magad és a véleményed végérvényesen

ez a fajta szóhasználat kimondottan a csirkecsontú se nem fiú se nem lány elkényeztetett anyuci-apuci kiskedvenc köcsögjeinek sajátja

>Says nationalist and populist parties will transform it within 10 years.

Move to a new party people, nothing to see here.

mi ez a düh? nem ízlik az arany fácán, angyalföldi barátom?

Without pro-moslem and turanist shit

I bloody hope so, but I am not that confident.

The pro-immigration, make-Europeans-a-minority elite have the billionaires on their side.

Implying the EU can be changed into something it is not. Implying the EU isn't just an economic union who's aims are to destroy national borders and create a class dichotomy between the Eurasian negroid and the globalist Jew. Implying a European identity is the solution.

The EU cannot be changed. It's like trying to transform Sup Forums into Tumblr. It just won't happen.

Anything that comes close to being recognised eventually fails.

We need a Freemasonic organisation that is unknown to the wider spectrum. And thus.. imposible to infiltrate.

>a fucking Horthy Wojak.

Now I have seen everything.

He's absolutely right.

Based Orban.




What of this was the plan all along; just as V for Vendetta shows;

Before you know it we have the rise of extreme ethnonationalist/paleolibertarian politics in the US and EU paving the way for the coming ceasars;

But as the kikes have banned antisemetism with the sword of Damocles (holocaust) in effect what you get is a red pilled jew friendly Europe where the jews yet again shift to the alt right/ zionism. People begin to say "yeah, if the Jews can have a homeland, why not -insert European nation here-"

Before you know it we have a righteously awoken and vengeful white race unleashed on the dark hordes.

Why rule over brown cattle goyim and live like kings when you can rule over Aryans and live like gods?

There is nothing to stop the far right taking power in the apparatus the left built.