Just watched deadpool for the first time. I skipped it because I thought it would be too reddit and memey. Oh god, I was right but not how I thought. It was more reddit than I ever imagined.
You think guardians of the galaxy is reddit? Nothing compared to deadpool. You think big bang theory, rick and morty etc are all reddit? Nothing compared to deadpool. The whole movie was a redditfest.
The worst part is it made a shit ton of money. How the fuck does anymore find deadpool to be funny or entertaining? I've never hated a movie more. By far the only movie I would rate a 0/10 in history. I'm lost at how it did so well. Someone explain.
Adam Perry
I stopped watching 15 minutes in. The jokes seemed shit. Fucking normie plebs wasting my time with this shit REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Chase Myers
I can't imagine you were proud of yourself typing this all out and being this contrarian to fit into Sup Forums 'culture'.
Easton Green
>you disliked a shitty movie that happened to be popular >c-contrarians I piss on you Marvel shiteaters. All your tactics are simply peer pressure. I piss on your whore mother.
Samuel Adams
>reddit ?
Josiah Richardson
It's not about being 'contrarian' you idiot. I actually liked guardians of the galaxy but holy shit, there is no way anyone with half a brain can like deadpool. It's just nothing but shit memes. It's honestly like a childrens movie made for kids with ADHD.
I literally saw this movie 6 months ago. I have no idea what happens i just know i found it to be funny after watching it
Jack Ward
Not OP but for me it was when I saw the amount of shiteating that goes on in Marvel threads. Didn't take long for me to track the posts back to Réddit. I'm convinced the Marvel shiteaters on Sup Forums are just some Reddit users doing rotation on the shilling.
Charles Wilson
So you can't name a single part you found funny?
Colton Lee
Entire movie was entertaining
Eli Sanders
there were very few jokes. Just quips.
I think it would have been better if it had more actual jokes.
Ryan Gutierrez
The dialogue was literally just like reading /r/funny
Still undergoing regular chemotherapy as we speak
Wyatt Cruz
>It's a movie makes light of people dying because the protagonist makes poo-poo jokes Americans are psychopaths.
Camden Green
>reddit >reddit >reddit Seriously, listen to yourself. Stop obsessing over an irrelevant message board, you'll live longer.
Blake Martin
The whole movie as a whole was funny but no, i cant tell you something like this >Oh, at the 55.36 minute mark is the funniest moment in the whole movie
Grayson Campbell
Where were the memes in this movie? I couldn't tell because I haven't indoctrinated myself to become a memelord yet and I don't have an encyclopaedic knowledge of memes.
Jaxson Miller
I'm just asking what you found funny. You say 'whole movie' but what does that mean? Did you like deadpool making pop culture references the whole movie? Is that what you found funny? If so, say it.
Justin Robinson
I liked deadpool, I only skipped the sex parts, especially the strap on
Angel Cox
Even Reddit hates big hang theory you twat
Oliver Perry
maybe their sensibilities are rubbing off on me because only thing I found objectionable was them joking about being raped as kids
Daniel Gomez
dat t-rex almost killed me. Very funny.
Bentley Martinez
No shit reddit hates BBT, it's kino and not for their numale cuck sensibilities.
Daniel Richardson
No i didnt like the pop culture references.
I know what you are saying but i cant remember the movie. I enjoyed to see Deadpool as a whole. I think the Deapool character was funny but without watching it again i cant pin point you exact moments
Austin Lopez
>Where were the memes in this movie?
The whole movie was just reddit style jokes that you see people make on reddit with a 'xD' after the joke. 'Haha jacking off with a unicorn xD', 'haha poopoo brown pants xD', 'haha woah 4th wall, no 8 walls 16 walls lamo xD', 'haha pop culture xD', 'haha look ma trex hands xD', 'haha dance off bro', 'haha he wears childrens watch xD', 'high five breh xD', 'totally awesome xD' etc etc.
Eli Harris
I can. The opening credits. The part when he and the girl try to one-up each other's shitty lives. The interactions between deadpool and negasonic teenage warhead. The scene with the hand. Every scene TJ Miller was in. The sex montage.
That's about it.
Cooper Morales
>he found that shit funny What's it like being a retard?
Camden Martinez
Yeah, those twitter jokes were fucking rad man with deadpool and the awesome name negasonic!. And TJ Miller, the cuck numale hipter guy was soooo relateable to me!
Are you fucking retarded?
Oliver Butler
I find those people annoying too but the delivery of those jokes weren't that bad in the movie.
Michael Gray
Reddit Reddit Reddit
Luis Long
>What did he mean by this? >BANE? >Really makes you think >My wife's son
All this is supposed to be high brow? It's all dumb humor and Im sure most Deadpool fans expected that from the movie.
Eli Hernandez
stay obsessed, faggot
Lucas Stewart
>All this is supposed to be high brow? But none of that shows up in movies. Those are memes, I don't want movies centered around them. Fucking idiot.
Ryan Davis
Those just sound like jokes and snappy dialogue. Why reddit? What the fuck is reddit style? This website has warped your fucking brain user. I know theres a level of irony to what you're posting but part of you actually feels like this when you watch a movie right? Its not healthy.
Owen Kelly
>r/Sup Forums has almost 11 million subs >Sup Forums has no reddit board
Who's thinking about who again?
Carson Parker
Compared to other comic book movies it was very funny.
But ok, I'm retarded. Tell me what YOU find funny then.
Hudson Cruz
Season 1 of arrested development. Comedy gold.
Thomas Allen
>pic why do they keep coming here, we don't go there
Dominic Jackson
Oh, OP? Come join us. Heh, heh, we have CAKE.
Daniel Sullivan
>jokes and snappy dialogue
'Brown pants' is snappy dialogue is it? What about 'high five brother' Or are they jokes? Because I don't see them as either.
Peep show, the IT crowd, seinfeld, curb your enthusiasm
You know, things with jokes in them.
Samuel Lopez
But I like all of those.
Dylan Anderson
What was the budget on this one? Very low I assume, since like 80% of the flick takes place on the same highway set.
Landon Morales
Reddit likes it, so we can't.
Was all set to be our movie of the year until non nonchanners started liking it.
Ryan Robinson
That's a pretty fucking stupid question. You can find something funny without remembering the jokes, hell, some are funny and don't have any jokes, maybe it's just the general ambiance than was fun, maybe the comedic timing is good when you watch it but the joke sucks when you tell it out of context, you're just trying to trap him into saying anything so you can call his sense of humour bad because you're too lazy to make an argument as to why you found the movie bad.
Jason James
About 70 million Iirc. Was higher, but the budget got cut at the last second.
That's part of the reason there's so many "forgot my gun" jokes.
Ryder Evans
wow, what a surprise, truly a master of debate
Connor Gomez
I'm asking what the fuck was funny. Saying 'i don't remember' is not an answer.
Ian Jackson
it's a great movie, you should probably kys if you can't enjoy it you fucking autist
Robert Edwards
Yes it is ? You remember all the jokes of every movie you watched until now ?
And i'm also pointing out your cheap argument. That's the debate equivalent of throwing shit at people.
Juan Stewart
Who the fuck went to see dead pool and expected deep triple layered autism level jokes? Some people like to watch something silly and entertaining once in a while to turn their brains off.
Austin Barnes
Mate, nobody with half a brain cell like superhero movies.
Ryder Baker
>You remember all the jokes of every movie you watched until now ? If they were funny I do. I can name funny parts quite easily because they made me laugh.
>And i'm also pointing out your cheap argument. 'I don't remember but it was funny' is the real cheap argument here my man.
Jordan Thompson
/r/Sup Forums has 750 thousand you idiot. the 11 million thing is part of the theme
Benjamin Jones
>Sup Forums has no reddit board What the fuck do you think Sup Forums is you idiot?
Cooper Cox
Gavin Garcia
>Wahhh it's popular >reddddditt
Fuck off. This is so played out even from a bait angle.
Matthew Parker
Le Ebin comeback my good sir XD If only I had more than one upboat to gib
Colton Russell
More Sup Forums buzzwords. You are a living, breathing parody
Owen Nguyen
Asher Fisher
James Evans
>Ryan Reynolds getting pegged is SO reddit
Can you guys get a new buzzword?
Benjamin Sanders
As much as people here complain about Reddit you all certainly talk about it a lot
Xavier White
How is THIS reddit?
Brayden Perez
why didn't they just put a laugh track an use it like every 2-3 minutes so people know where they have to laugh.I watched it and didn't laugh once because i didn't know when im supposed to laugh.
Dylan Rodriguez
I thought it was hilarious. Sorry you didn't like it.
William Miller
Humanity is getting really fucking stupid if shit like Deadpool can be successful.
Brayden White
Thank you for apologizing, but I expect you to try harder on your movies in the future okay champ?
Angel Long
because they're in cosplay at a convention and they are unable to feel shame.
Carson Kelly
Deadpool was successful because of its small budget.
Jordan Phillips
>actually even knows about reddit themes
Found the reddit member.
Carter Walker
It has two good jokes. Was often just disgusting with how tasteless random it was. I remember laughing at the body rearranging to form bad guy's name. That was pretty great. Other than that le masturbating to ponies XD or some crap I don't even remember.
Chase Lewis
Nigga, Deadpool made more money than most comic book movies including stuff like MoS, DoFP and GotG.
Parker Ross
I just watched this and I spent the entire movie repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.
I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 30 minutes it was so painful.
>Ayy epic memeing superhero lmao If you liked it you're in the wrong place
Colton Ward
the movie held a mirror to OP, exposing the true reddit
Kayden Brown
Deadpool is more Sup Forums, the antihero, but whatever helps you sleep at night, OP. I don't go to the furniture store, see a chair, and start screaming REDDIT REDDIT REDDIT
Isaiah Gutierrez
I think I made it 20 minutes in before turning it off.
Joshua Cox
made me kek
Jordan Hernandez
Its the beginning of the end of meta and irony bullshit. I have a great disgust for shit like deadpool because it's frighteningly unoriginal but believes simply pointing this out is intelligent enough to continue being unoriginal. Its made for a narcissistic audience that wants to masquerade being meta irony as a superiority standing point compared to people that just genuinely recognise its a bad movie. They can safely throw terms like "you don't get it" around and be safe behind walls of irony. I am so glad this is the last dying breath of unoriginal safe Seinfeld like meta trash, it means a golden era of artistic integrity is upon us soon.
Angel Torres
I liked it when he joked about jerking off with the tiny baby hand.
Levi Turner
You do understand that Negasonic Teenage Warhead is a terrible name and Deadpool was only complimenting iy so that she would be less of a mopey teen, right?
It's a brilliant method of humanizing Deadpool and showing he has a heart without stopping the movie dead in its tracks to do so.
Jaxon Hernandez
>How the fuck does anymore find deadpool to be funny or entertaining? The same way TBBT is always renewed.
Benjamin Roberts
>director left because of creative differences for deadpool 2 >director probably wanted to make a movie this time instead of pandering to reddit >reddit reynolds doesn't care about good movies and just wants to make another 'pop culture simulator' so he can exsdee to the bank
Just nuke hollywood and start again. Cancer industry.
Jordan Diaz
>reddit as don draper every fucking time
Colton Fisher
I don't see why you guys hate the movie so much, wasn't it pretty close to what the character is supposed to be like, I don't read the comics because im not 12 but I played the game and it was pretty close
Parker Brooks
>tfw to intelligent to watch deadpool
Brandon Wood
>can't think of a legit way to describe a movie you didn't like >call it reddit like its below you >all whole being in the lowest common plebinator
Stay in school, maybe you'll actually learn new ways to describe a movie than spouting a website name.
Dominic Lee
I too swap out appropriate adjectives for internet websites because my brain is small like yours
Xavier Cox
>wasn't it pretty close to what the character is supposed to be like So? Just because it follows the source material doesn't mean it's automatically good.
Elijah Young
But what else was it supposed to be, comic movies suck to begin with
Josiah Taylor
>But what else was it supposed to be Don't know. It's still a shit film that doesn't make capeshit good like so many people claimed it did.
Owen Phillips
its a case of a character translating really bad from one medium to another.
Joseph Foster
>Happy Lent
best line in the movie
80% of the audience has no fucking clue what it means
looking it up now is cheating
Luke Cook
Ethan Anderson
You have autism.
Camden Morales
Anybody else thought Negasonic Teenage Warhead was really hot?
Adrian Turner
>op doesn't like mainstream pleb shit made by corporate america for 'jus turn ya brain off bro' >'autism'
Isaac Hernandez
My favorite joke in the movie is how Deadpool couldn't find Ajax because no one else knew Ajax's real name was Francis. Every bad guy he beat up or killed had no idea who Francis was.
Tyler Myers
well it looks like Sup Forums hit its 1-good-post-per-day quota early today