Be me

>be me
>2 years ago
>fat and ugly
>nobody talks to me
>can't get a single match on tinder
>friends see me as the fat virgin and butt of all jokes
>decide that I want to change my life around
>be me
>present day
>fit and presumably attractive
>people want to talk to me
>people want to be my friends
>women want to have sex with me

Now this just pisses me off. How fucking shallow can people be that they treat someone like complete shit just because of the way they look? I'm not any different of a person when I was overweight. Just because I've changed the way my body looks doesn't mean that I've magically taken on a whole new personality. Why the fuck should I give same people who treated me like shit but now want to be a part of my life the time of day? Why should I give them any attention when they didn't give me any attention when I needed it most?

I've cut off all my "friends", and now I fuck women on Tinder then ghost the fuck out of these whores. I get what I want then I leave. I ignore them like I was ignored. And I'll continue to do this for as long as I want. These people don't deserve my prolonged attention.

I can understand a disgust for people who are overweight or obese, but to treat them like anything less than human is fucked up.

yeah im not gonna read all that but i will say if that bothers you then im sure you will go out and have sex with all the most fat girls that never get laid because of the way they look. right ?

What goes around comes around OP, you are the problem here

Well, fucker. I understand you're pissed and I can see where you're coming from, but how about we think about this a little bit more deeply? It's not merely the fact that you're obese that may cause some un-attractiveness in other people's eyes towards you. It's what kind of lifestyle you must have led to have reached such obesity, moreover, being obese or whatever other self-achieved trait (like having a shitty haircut) also shows how little respect you have for yourself and your body by over-dosing with kit-kats. It also shows you're lazy, unmotivated and just gives an image of failure. Little people want to be around that. Now of course if you were some obese millionaire, sure you may get more attention but even then the attention you're getting may be more due to how much money you're making rather than how much you are liked o how much people or girls are attracted to you. Don't be a cunt, don't be salty. Understand you were a but of a piece of shit and in some way shouldn't expect more of people. However, the behavior and attitude you've adapted now, regardless of whether it is revenge to how you were treated is the right attitude at least in my opinion, a lot of us don't have the chance to be fat and disgusting to realize that if we want to succeed we got to ghost girls sometimes or a lot of the times and put ourselves first before anything, ensure our success and safety and get what we want first. Keep rocking mr.Chubs but don't be a cunt about it thinking that people had to have some golden eye to see through your flobs. Also, don't forget, a lot of the times, the way we view ourselves is the way others will inevitably view us once they get to know us a bit and I bet you didn't think you're some Brad Pitt with the enormous tits you had.

Nah youre just fat and defensive

lol well played

i can answer some of this.

1. there is no such thing as personality

2. you are a different person than u were back then

3. your text is narcissistic and without self respect at the same time. try to get a new perspective at your life, be happy that you could improve your health and position in life.

4. not every person is like what you discribed. you could find people who liked you that way, but you didnt want to. its the decision of the people and you shouldnt put yourself into the position to judge others decisions without decent information and analysis.

5. you triggered me somehow

this guy

You know, Steve (i just call you steve)
People don't really care about the looks. The thing that makes you attractive is your Mindset!

Healthy People have a healthy Mindset!

Unhealthy People must not have a healthy mindset. They can be kind and all shit. heck, even yourself can understand why people don't hang out with fat people.

Because fat people tend to have low drive and this is boring. If the Person have low drive, then the person must be boring too... Exept you want to change it... And you have changed it and now you get mad pussy. Thats no wonder. congrats btw ;)

Your past self has now a void that needs to be stuffed with hate so you ignore others and so on until that void is filled but it never ends!

Go seek a Psychiatrist.

On everything else, good job! and good luck!

"It doesn't matter how well your Character/behaviour is. If you don't look good, you don't get the chance of proving your character."

post pic or never happen

well done!

There’s some truth to what you said but it’s just part of life. 10/10’s don’t have to work, 99% of CXO’s are tall etc. Really there’s only correlation, it’s not an absolute rule.

It seems like you have some personality issue. You sound quite young and you don’t seem to value yourself or other people. Perhaps you are depressed or hormonal. I hope you find a way out of this mental rut because seeing the world this way is torture really.

Shutup fatty.

>How fucking shallow can people be that they treat someone like complete shit just because of the way they look?

Welcome to the human race user. It's being a long time coming but you've finally joined us. It's not just women, it's both genders and all races. People are shitty, simply put. You can't change this, but this is how it's going to be from now on until you find your special some one.

Take no prisoners and give no quarter because no other fucker will.

Take care out there user.

I don't understand why people adore this faggot so much, he was skinny and didn't look good if you ask me. Looked like every other faggot who does tren and go for "aestethics".

If you gave me the same amount of steroids he took I would've looked way fucking better, I've only done 3 super small cycles and I'm already at 200lbs looking big as fuck.

it's mostly about looks being a first sign of how much effort you put into your life/well being in general. Especially women, who put in a good deal of effort to keep up their looks, will tend to have a harsher judgment towards someone who does not ("why should I be arsed if he doesn't even lift a finger" - style).

Obviously, it is only effective as a way of judging a person in a first approach, for further judgement, it becomes too shallow, as you have more to work with as you get to know a person better. However, on Tinder or any hit-and-run social situation where a long-term association is not necessary, it becomes the sole factor for judging, by virtue of being pretty much the only one.

Alright permavirgin,

Humans are shallow creatures. We are biologically wired to be that way. If a strawberry came off the branch with 5 other strawberries, and the particular strawberry was shriveled, discolored, and had very few seeds in comparison to the other 4 strawberries, which would you not eat?

If you picked up a book that had a cover that looked like it was designed by a 14 year old girl titled “trapped in a island with josh hutcherson” would you waste your time reading it, or would you rather pick up a very well leatherbacked, marbled-edge paper, with a title “the greatest adventures of Maximillian Bellaton” which would you spend time reading?

If you had a choice of 5 girls based solely on how they look, which would catch your eye first, the 4 homely girls who obviously don’t try to take care of themselves, or the one girl that does?

Humans are wired this way. It is nature’s quality control. This is how the human race survived in the past, by picking only the best mates. This is how humanity continues to advance, only accepting the best.

your permavirgin mind used to look at chads fucking and dumping girls and go “that shithead, I only respect women” and now you’re the chad doing the same thing. Women and men are exactly the same in terms of being hardwired for quality acceptance. Girls think you’re hot, so now they’re whores. How many girls have you itemized and objectified from your entire life on Sup Forums, with NO regard to their personality? Now you’re just a fuckin shallow dude being everything you hate. You’re no different than the girls you call whores.

I used to be a small, skinny, awkward kid. But now I’m 28, successful and fairly well known, attractive (still skinny, but working on it) now I can get girls off tinder and beyond that, it seems I’ve always got someone lined up who wants to date. But fuck me if I’m going to be the idiot that says “peepl r so shallow I’m still saem prson” because I’m exactly the same way as them. How bout you learn some humility and self respect before you go thinking you’re better than the rest of the trash pile.

First post, best post. OP was totally shut down.

There's nothing you can do about it.
Women face that too to an even wider extent - you have to look like a doll to get a good job or stay in a good position, which means you not only have to maintain your body with diet and sport but also spend literal hours every day (at least 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening) to put on makeup, do hair, mani-pedi, etc.

But humans spend most of their time wasting resources on unnecessary things and treat each other dishonestly all the time.
Do you need expensive watches? Does a woman need shoes that cost 400$? Is it honest to bully an Aspergers kid who is kind and smart but socially awkward? Should you trust somebody merely because they look good?

Nobody told you life and society are going to be fair. It's your choice whether to play along or live by your rules and search for those that think similarly or can accept your worldview.

Youre still mad ? Dude you won. You fogured it out, people hate fat ugly lazy fucks. You take care of your self now. People who take care of thwir self is fucking attractive. You dont like it? Go back to being fat. Just go with the flow man. I just go with it. Keep it to yourself, be humble, and dont treat people how you got treatedm change shit bro just bw humble :)

What I find legitimately retarded is how much time and money women are expected to spend on themselves.
How can you expect a creature to develop any kind of brain when it spends a large part of its childhood playing with handbags and makeup and sometimes learning chores? How can you expect someone to be as interesting as a man if they have to spend hours grooming themselves every day, to the point where they often sacrifise sleep to have time to bring themselves into ''presentable'' state?
I'm just baffled at why women imposed this slavery upon themselves. No wonder an average chick is as dumb as a rock.

That’s a product of their parents teachings and their culture. Her parents didn’t spend enough time cultivating her personality versus her looks, and probably their parents did the same thing. How much money did you spend on yourself at the gym? Haircuts? Nice clothes? A nice car, furniture, a nice house? Humans are humans. We are the product of our surroundings. I don’t like this society we have built either, but I am actively taking steps to leave it, and not blaming girls for their sluttiness and shallow ways.

Also, we don’t fuck brains. We fuck bodies. You fuck someone for their body. You stay for their brain. The sooner you figure that out, the better.

OP got told.


you were a lazy sack of shit and now you are no longer a lazy sack of shit, i wonder why people like you more.

>wants to be a cool person
>becomes cool and then doesnt want to be cool

Some people cant be pleased.
Ironically, you are far worse than they are. You must be young.