The shining is a shit movie and this frog looking ass roastie did one of the worst roles of all time to the point that...

The shining is a shit movie and this frog looking ass roastie did one of the worst roles of all time to the point that she was almost unbearable at times.
You guys can fuck right off.



I wish... but it's real life. It's the new world we live in.

Don't worry. When the kiddies grow up they won't feel such a need to bash the older generations to affirm their own.

>tfw no cutie anxious Olive Oil to cuddle with and comfort

The movie suck balls but don't blame her.

why would based jack marry a slut of that level of ugliness?

You're cute, in an obnoxious kind of way.

Quit acting like I couldn't pin you over the side of my bed and fuck your boipucci raw if I wanted.

I'm no boy.


I'm a MAN, Mr. Preado.

>she ugly to look at

That's the point. The movie was about the isolation of fatherhood, i.e. the unattractive qualities of having a dumb but loyal wife "can't live with 'em can't live without em" - especially when experienced by a "creative" father who is easily disillusioned with everything - including himself.

yeah well fuck you too

Shelley is so fucking ugly!


They should rename the board to /und/ for underage or simply /shit/

It's really not

Fuck off Trump fag

He's ugly too

yeah it's at least as much jack nicholson's fault

She really was one ugly cunt. This helps sell Jacks motivation to kill her though so it works for me, I'd want to kill her too.

Why does anyone still talk about his movie? King rectified the mistake of it later by directing his own version which was superior in every way.

The only ones shitting on this movie are king dick riders.

This was so bad, idk how you can say this is good with a straight face. Muh king says this is the way it should be, so that means its better than kubricks. Kek

didn't this have an old woman bath scene that was far, far more horrific than in the actual movie? or am I making that up.

he's a bully and wanted to marry someone he could easily control

I'll take what the fucking CREATOR of the shinning says is the correct version to the shit opinion a dumbfag posting on a chinese cartoon forum.

king is a hack, he knows hes a hack, and is quite proud of being a hack because being a hack has made him a lot of money.

Poor woman had her sanity taken by kubrick in this flick, the least you can do is pretend she's average looking.

Next youre going to say the Rob Lowe Salems Lot is superior to the 79 ver. Kings versions are never any good.