Buy or not buy Sup Forumsros? I'm a poorfag and need a PC

Buy or not buy Sup Forumsros? I'm a poorfag and need a PC.

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It's not super hard I can't believe I can even do it and I think pretty low of myself as it is.

if you're broke, don't waste money.

I'm too much of a n00b to build one. Sad but true.

it's a pretty ok pc - better processor than mine. All you'd need is a better video card eventually and you'd be good for awhile.

dude wait til summer by tthat time new cpus and gpus will have launched

sauce on pic related pls

did u post a thread in a thread? looks like that's from a festival.

buy it and put a 1070 in it, youll be able to play shit like GTA V with constant 60+ fps on rather favorable settings.

Yeah. Thought about a 1050 or something similar.

too noob to play with legos?
Just buy the same parts this has and save money...

Sounds good to me. Thx based user.

wait for new cpus that doesnt have a hardware level critical bug/exploit

Ernsthaft - google dich bissl durch paar Foren und du findest genug Hilfreiche Threads wo ein Komplett-PC mit besserer Leistung für gerade mal 50 Euro mehr zu finden ist. Hab meiner Freundin auch nen PC zusammen gestellt damit sie paar Games zocken kann und der hat nicht ganz 700 Euro gekostet mit ner AMD Octacore CPU und ner netten Graka. Verschwende nicht dein Geld für fertige PCs bei Media-Markt, die sind mies und überteuert!

What is a good gtx worth the money $500 or less

Dont buy! All these prefab pcs are garbage. Pay someone 50$ to build one for you.

I am very interested can you explain a little bit of worst case scenario from exploit

Your house burns down.

big woof
it affects everything they've made for ages
such an insignificant problem...

youtube spectre and meltdown

short version: with meltdown i assume you can gain access and chill in the persons computer without him/her ever noticing, kind of like IME which people don't want in their cpus either which bypasses OS and allows people to fuck around with your computer without you ever noticing it, and you cant really disable it, oh and it uses 3g so pulling your network cable doesnt do shit, intel = good times.

1060 atleast dual fan

Don't listen to this. Never build your own PC if you're not interested in PCs. So much shit can go wrong, from defect motherboards to hard drives not showing up in Windows or even worse not showing up in the BIOS and just the tiniest little thing can require hours of troubleshooting, which is fine if you're interested in the tech, but if you just want shit to work then it's completely worth paying an extra $50-$70 for someone else to have assembled that shit for you.

If you are not using your computer for graphics intense games, you can buy a mini computer for less than 100€

nah that form of attack shouldn't effect pentium 3 and below if i remember right, also amd has only issues with specre (read shit from memory) but not meltdown (exectue?), google has invested a lot of money in trying to patch out IME and other shit from intels cpus, could had been a win for AMD if it wasnt for the fact that they introduced PSP somewhere in the FX series which is their version of IME

I play stuff like Anno 1404, modded stalker, modded fallout Vegas and stuff like that. Mostly older games.

achja falls du fertig gebaute PCs willst dann schau ob ein Arlt ( bei dir in der Nähe ist und lass dich lieber da beraten und kauf dort nen fertig konfigurierten PC wenn du dir nicht zutraust selbst einen zu bauen.

buy it, take out that gtx 1030 and sell it for about 30 bucks then buy a second hand gtx 580 or something similiar in performance on ebay for about 60 bucks and you've got yourself an alright build

Ich gucke da Mal durch. Danke.

You'd be able to play games like Doom and Counter Strike around 100 FPS on 1920x1080 monitor (1080p) on very high settings.

GTA V you will be able to push just under 40 FPS on this game on very high settings at the same resolution (1080p).

You would be able to get better FPS with an upgrade to the GPU later.

Does a 580 outperform a 1030?

Sounds good. Thx.
Here, have some boobs as reward.

Yes, it does. And you get more performance per dollar.

All of these problems are google-able. If you have a phone that can look shit up, even a complete retard can build a computer.

I'm not a tech savvy guy and I built and modify my pcs all the time. Never have made a single mistake.

once you have all the parts it takes under an hour to assemble.
linux is free if you dont like or want to pay for windows.

old graphics cards really are hidden gems

only reason i ever upgraded mine is cause I wanted more monitors.

GTX750 is where its at or 1060 3g if you want newer with low tdp and dont need something like a 1070 or 480

building a pc is like lego these days.
pic related

Are you retarded? 100fps on doom with a 1030? Don’t lie to the poor kid. An i5 will get the job done but that 1030 will bottleneck him to Atleast 40fps in doom and 20 in GTA V

>invents new computer
>high spec
god i love news outlets these days

Pic one

Or eBay...

>4 hours

i see he forgot to install a gfx card but removed the pci covers anyway

What did he invent?

how does a news outlet even get ahold of this crap?

the entire thing

fertig pcs sind immer überteuert stell dir lieber selber einen zusammen

Do you need a battle station or just a PC to surf and do office stuff? If it's the latter you can get yourself a refurbished one for 160 to 200 €. If you want a battle station I suggest that you build it yourself.

A fucking 1030? are you fucking kidding? yuk. that thing has fucking fanless versions its so underpowered. im assuming this is for gaming btw

I believe his 2 Gig card should get him up to about 100FPS on very high, not Ultra while dipping below 100 on heavy load. I don't think it will bottle neck him to 40FPS especially at 1080p. You must be thinking this is an i3 processor or something or you must be playing at 4k.

The components that will cost you the most will be a processor and a graphics card.
AMD FX series processors (like FX-6300 and up) will be your cheaper gaming option.
You can find unused older graphics cards for around 100 euro (like gtx 750Ti 2GB). But if you can afford it, get like a 760 or 950. Shop around and (GPUboss dot com) is your friend.
A 500W power supply with any 80+ rating will do, you can get em for ~30 Eur. Make sure it has the right connectors to feed your graphics card.
For a motherboard just check CPU compatibility and look at what's most popular at a low price, if you don't wanna get deep into the specs.
For storage you can skip on the SSD and only use an HDD if you wanna save the extra 60 euros.
If you're in the US, PC component prices are as low as they go so what are you complaining about.

When in doubt, get a friend to help you buy a used PC or some used parts for extra savings ftw. A used mobo or graphics card won't harm you, just don't get one that's been used for over 2 years.

1060's are insanely expensive atm. Cryptocurrency has murdered the GPU market.

I have a i5 4460 and a 1060, can run most things on high with no problems

you could upgrade the psu and put a 1060+ in that and you'll be on your way

That thing is a dead end.. You're not gonna be able to upgrade the GPU like others suggest, since it's a low profile form factor case, which doesn't support bigger and beafier cards, and the 1030 is a trash tier card. If you're not using it for GPU-intensive tasks, however, it's a fine machine, since it has an acceptable CPU and amount of RAM along loads of storage space and even an SSD.

TL;DR: Don't buy it, if you expect to be gaming on it.

yeah a 1030 is pretty weak for newer games.
If you get a Ryzen 2200g you get an integrated GPU that's pretty much on par with a 1030, so if you're on a budget I would recommend that. You can upgrade with a 2000 series Nvidia card later this year because right now buying any kind of GPU that's already on the market is a waste of money.

inb4 the gaming industry ends up being forced to optimize their games for the cpu apus cause of it hue

Buy used or build your own. There are surveys done for most popular budget builds every year, so you can just look up a popular build from a couple years back and tweak it according to what's available at low prices now.

I got my 1080 for $420

It's not currently recommended to build your own computer because GPU prices are crazy. To many people buying them out to crypto mine or to sell at an uptick to the crypto miners. 1060's sell for 100 dollars higher or even more than they should, and it gets worse from there. AMD cards have the same problem.
Did you buy it used from a crypto miner? If you did, it's lifespan has been severely lessened. They run them at max 24/7, or did you just get lucky?

My whole point is that you don't necessarily want go Google, especially if you're not good at googling (yes it's a skill). It can be a huge hassle for tech-illiterate people to troubleshoot, because they don't know what they're looking for. You and I do, and that's why it's easy for us to just Google it, but it's not necessarily easy for someone else to Google it. The narrative that some people push that "Building a PC is like building lego, even a retard can do it" is so fucking retarded in itself. Yes, actually putting the components in the case isn't that hard, but that's just a very minor part of building a PC.

he waitin for crypto fever to stop.. then he will buy and invent newest graphical posibilities

so every one who builds a pc is an inventor? I call bullshit.

you can still find a good price for older cards. The 700 series isn't so unattainable.

Go to a computer shop and make them build one for you. They'll help you choose the hardware within your budget limit. Avoid prebuilt desktops like the plague.

nein, außer du hast nicht vor damit zu spielen.
>gtx 1030
damit kannst du vielleicht photoshop betreiben, aber das ist das höchste der gefühle
für normale office aufgaben ist es ein gutes gerät und du wirst im alltag absolut keine probleme damit haben. so simple 2D spiele wie stardew valley laufen schon, aber erwarte nicht zu viel

hab zwei jahre bei mediamarkt als microsoft kundenberater gearbeitet


also du gehörst vielleicht auch vergasst

>it's lifespan has been severely lessened
Not true, especially since miners usually downvolt their cards, and even if they don't, GPUs can withstand YEARS of use and abuse, and even then the first things that actually start to fail are the fans.

8MB of RAM?

that's the most outrageous thing I've read all day

Schrott, für den Preis bauste die selber was besseres. GTX 1030 ahahahaha

oh mann

Lern erstmal deutsch Sören. kek

ich leb schon länger in amerika wundert mich eh dass ich nur einen fehler gemacht habe

. and , are reversed in germany

Don't listen to him, OP. That graphics card is terrible and will NOT give you such performance.

boi if you only knew about all that's reversed in germany

a 2 gig card? Do you think that's the defining factor?
That card simply lacks the processing power for the framerates you're listing.

So much crap talk here. It's fine and will play most modern games pretty OK and you can upgrade the card to a low profile gtx1050ti if needed

I paid ~240 euros for this.

insufficient power supply and cooling

The gt1030 does run gta 5 at high settings 40-60fps. About same as gtx750.

What kind of retards are in charge of these news.
I plugged my phone in to charge today, so I guess I just invented phone charging.

kommt drauf an

an sich nicht schlecht, aber ist ein nonstandard-PC, und Win10 *würg*

was willste damit machen?

Op, do not follow the advice of the fags who tell you to build your own.
This is close to what you want.

There are plenty of YouTube videos or tutorials online that instruct you to buy a couple generation old Dell prebuilt and simply install a graphics card in them. Or similar.

You are, by far, getting more bang for buck in this scenario. Far greater than building something new.
>Yes it may not last as long
>Yes it is a pre built.

Südamerika? Würde erklären warum du so ein Untermensch bist.

1050ti is a 65w card and runs on a 200w psu.

Pro tip: I have a 1050ti in a dell 990 sff like this Acer and is fine

You know those toddler toys with the holes in different shapes and you have to put the correct shape into the correct hole?

That is pretty much the same thing.

You can't really do much wrong.

If you actually can't figure out where something goes just google it.

If you have to google every single thing you'd probably still be done in less than 2 hours.

pass auf mehmet bzw. stanislaw, deutschland gehört den deutschen

Depends on how the Acer is laid out. If there's space for a double slot GTX1050 or 1050Ti low profile, it'll be fine.

But it might be only able to take a single slot low profile card, which would make a GTX1050 the best card you could ugprade to I think.

If you have the model number googling it should let you know.

can confirm, i dont know shit about pc‘s but build 3, just used youtube tutorials for the first, im a complete retard with 2 left hands

DONT! the gt 1030 is not a gamer card. it doesent work. this pc isent worth it. shit cpu only 8 gb a optical drive and a non DX gpu.

what a ripoff

Netzteil wird bedeutend zu schwach sein, um eine 1070 zu betreiben. Ich geh nicht davon aus, dass Acer da mehr als 350 Watt verbaut hat. Also rechne die 60€ für's 600 Watt Netzteil direkt mit ein.

Bisschen zocken. Eher ältere spiele wie Stalker, fallout, Skyrim usw.

A non DX card, what does that even mean?

The GT1030 isn't that bad. Runs Overwatch at 1080p high settings 60fps and he said he's only running older games

>den Deutschen
Na dann definier mal deutsch, bitte. kek

>advises to buy 2010 monster sized card that needs a full size ATX case and a 600W PSU
>OP looking at tiny SFF case with 200w PSU

Nice job retard, you should become an IT consultant

kys. get a job faggot. i can buy a 100$ machine on ebay in germany rn and make 200$ a day. you lil fag want to get this just to play some stupid games. stay poor

People who are poor are poor because they don't do things like that to save money. They never do anything for themselves
>I'm a lazy bastard and hate having to learn to earn

This makes me think you know absolutely nothing about computers

ihr rassenverweigerer sind das letzte