Did you take heed when the Marvel cast urged you not to vote for a bigoted, racist, sexist, fascist...

Did you take heed when the Marvel cast urged you not to vote for a bigoted, racist, sexist, fascist, everythingphobe candidate?

I'm glad that Marvel is now the frontrunner in progressive films :)

Other urls found in this thread:


I did, and so did a majority of voters.

>reddit marvel hillary
>Sup Forums dc trump


Yeah they were very convincing.
I almost wish I moved in America to vote for Trump.

>In the Harry Potter series, Dumbledore says: "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." After the shocking results of the 2016 election, this quote has brought hope to many millennials despite their fear . . . and so have the Harry Potter movies. Ezra Miller, a fellow Harry Potter nerd who happens to be starring in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, turned to the series to cope with Donald Trump's victory just like so many of his peers.

>"Me and my friends watched [Harry Potter and] the Deathly Hallows last night . . . Because some of my friends genuinely needed that," Miller told BuzzFeed News during a live interview. "The fear that a lot of people are feeling right now is so palpable and so real."

>"I think we're going to need the Order of the Phoenix. We're going to need people who are willing to make sacrifices and take risks for the people who are going to be in danger."

>Miller went on to describe why J.K. Rowling's series brings so much comfort during times of great fear:"The world of J.K. Rowling is this beautiful mythology that comforts us, and if we knew it as children, it brings us to a very basic place of feeling like we're not alone in the world. [She] reminds us of the tools that we have in times of darkness, like the one we are barreling into right now: our love, our support of each other, friendship, community."

Yes because I knew THIS was going to happen

The counting is still going and Trump is the projected winner of the popular vote too.

Reddit is pro-Trump.

according to marvel movies, white males are heroes and villains that get things done, women are just shitty love interests. Why would I vote for a woman?


No, he's not.


>that actually happened

>Marvel and the avengers tried to beat trump
>Trump beat them all without raising a finger
>Capeshit got BTFO by Trump

Is Trump the hero Sup Forums deserves?

Evans-laughing.gif has never been more relevant than now.

>He's still trying to play the whole "Trump wasn't really elected because he lost the popular vote" card
The only people who think that's a valid argument are people who have no idea how the Electoral College works and why it exists.

You know how, during election season, people like to say that their vote doesn't matter? Well, if we didn't have the Electoral College and we just elected our officials based on the popular vote, then your vote really wouldn't matter.

Sup Forums actually has more Hillary supporters due to people being contrarian for (you)s

>mommy im scared bring me my toys

>butthurt Trump supporter doesn't like being a minority.

Clinton won the popular vote.

Didn't help her though, did it?

All of them real events I am sure and not made up shit without testimonies.
On the other hand the leftist thugs looting and attacking Trumps in front of cameras are truly fake.

this shit has been so funny, just liberals completely making shit yup about how hitler flew down from the heavens and gave them a noogie

Holy shit you're retarded.

One of these has already come out and said she made it up.

Is this poetry guys?

What reason do I have to be butthurt? My candidate won the election.

>supporting muslims
Wtf is wrong with people.

I didn't screencap the one that did

There are more than one you fucking idiot

Jek, all that projection!

none of it rhymes


>Still, Feige is listening to the criticism, and as he told Vulture last week, he's bullish on the increased diversification of the Marvel universe to come. In Strange, the traditionally white role of Mordo was cast with black actor Ejiofor, and the next four Marvel movies feature female leads and love interests played by women of color, including Zoe Saldana in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Zendaya in Spider-Man: Homecoming, Tessa Thompson in Thor: Ragnarok, and Lupita Nyong'o in Black Panther. Compare that to the usual superhero casting shortlists — like the many white women vying to play Domino in the soon-to-shoot Deadpool sequel — and it feels like incremental but notable progress

>"I think that in the movies we've already made, and certainly in the movies that are coming up, it will be as inclusive a group of characters as one could want," Feige said. Though he maintained that Marvel will always cast the best actor for the role, Feige also noted, "For us, it's important that we don't feel like a completely white, European cast."


Unfortunately for her and you we live in a republic and she was fucking terrible at recognizing demographics and how they mattered in important states, despite her husband literally telling her multiple times to fight Trump on the middle class vote not go after the minority vote she already had. Doesn't matter if you win 20 fucking million minorities on welfare in California when the whole rust belt is pissed off and you never eve mention them let alone give a plan or even intention to help them.

I'm so glad Trump won. This is like a dream, I didn't expect this to happen.

>Build a franchise on the back of white actors
>Replace them with coloured actors

The next step is failure

>all these Hollywood celebrities humiliating themselves without reason

Disney and the rest of the studios must fire their PR departments.

All those fake crimes.
And we have a video of black people beating up white man, screaming at him - you voted for trump? They also stole his car after that.

Hillary is my President, in my mind.

She should've won.

more made up BS without testimonies.
post video or GTFO

Its just banter mate

>Listen to the rich celebrities that live secluded from the rest of society with other rich people.

Trump supporters are just as sensitive as the man himself.

What's next, are you going to sue me for saying mean things to you?

That'll show me!

This is why I'm always amused by theclaims of "Republicans are screwed, the minority vote is going up!!1!". It doesn't mean shit if all those minorities are only gaining percentage in states that are blue strongholds and literally never leave them. This election proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt. CLinton wa neck and neck with trump on numbers total the whole way and eventually ended up a couple hundred thousand ahead, but she was destroyed on the actual state map.

Wow I didn't know I was more alpha than cpt america, feels pretty good.

Maybe these people should stop living in fictional worlds and join reality for a little while.

Dude multiculturalism is great! Don't you like tacos and kebab?


>is all of us



saaame. yasss ezra

Don't you have a flag to burn over Donald Trump defeating Hillary Clinton in a landslide blowout?


This is why trump won.

b-b-bbut that witch and that black widow what about them

>Hating white men so much that you throw democracy itself by the wayside


>landslide blowout

I laughed.

Man we are laughing with your butthurt.
The only one angry in the thread is you.
Just reread your posts.


ay delete diz muthafuckin sheat
white azz muthfacuka

In the year 2016 where 99% of people walk around looking at their smartphones, just a swipe away from being able to film videos in high definition and no video evidence of these crimes.

AYYY We aint givin up with out a fight


Glorious samefagging my friend.

305 is pretty dramatic dude. he turned fucking Pennsylvania red. He didn't even need Florida to win, but he won that too.

So said the user on Sup Forums, while posting on Sup Forums.

What? Half a delegate?

You lost, cuck.

He won because he held rallies in states effected badly economically and told them he cared about jobs and improving the economy, while Clinton treated those states as flyovers and talked about how she had a vagina and Trump said mean things.

