>Well we've clocked the T. Rex at 32 mph
>she runs away from it in high heels.
>Well we've clocked the T. Rex at 32 mph
>she runs away from it in high heels.
she's a strong independent woman
what are you trying to say you sexist misogynist shitlord?
>Rexy is old as fuck
>did not reach top speed
You can solve this OP, I believe in you
Mommy powers.
I clocked OP's autism at warp factor goingtodiealone9000
>trying to white knight your waifu, who doesn't even know you exist
>there will never be a jurassic world edition where the t-rex catches and rapes her
>rex has been trained to follow small red lights
>follows small red light moving away from it
i don't see a problem
The Trex was focused on the flare, not her. Its trained to know following the flare=food. After all the shit went down in the park she probably hadn't eaten in a while which is why she roared at Claire, she was getting impatient.
That T-Rex is 25 years old now. I don't know what the fuck that is in dinosaur years but I assume that means she's old as fuck now.and her eyesight would be even shittier than it was before.
holy shit a woman can do anything a man can
Proof it was running at that speed in that scene?
>That T-Rex is 25 years old now
How would you know? Nothing implied it was the one from the first movie.
I saw somewhere it was the same T-Rex, also you can visibly see it's old as fuck
The website for JW confirms that it is indeed Rexy, which is even confirmed in the fucking movie itself
>which is even confirmed in the fucking movie itself
>also you can visibly see it's old as fuck
Where, precisely? I've only seen the movie a couple of times and never noticed that detail.
>bothers to make this thread without the webm of her running
off yourself
>I've only seen the movie a couple of times and never noticed that detail.
I fail to see how that's my problem.
Sup Forums has gone to shit desu
Eggs cuse moi. Did xho just assume xhe's gender identity here? Is it not almost 2017?
It's not your problem, it's obviously mine. How the fuck am I supposed to notice such a small detail after so few sittings?
It also has the scars exactly where the raptor climbed it in the first film.
As disappointing as it was to see one of Stan Winston's greatest achievements relegated to 3 min of CGI, it was still great to see her again.
It's because of comments like this that Trump got elected.