I want to kill myself. Today, if possible. I’ll be happy to film if I get enough requests

I want to kill myself. Today, if possible. I’ll be happy to film if I get enough requests.

My plan is take an antiemetic (Zofran) and get into the tub. I’ll take 2-3 Xanax and Trazadone (sleeping medicine) every 5-10 minutes while sipping alcohol. I’m hoping the Zofran will keep me from throwing everything up. I figure I’ll either fall asleep and drown or have cardiac arrest or stop breathing. I’m a total pussy, so this is really the only way I think I can do it.

I know you faggots don’t care if I live or die and I don’t mind providing entertainment. Give me idea. Is hanging not that bad? How many pills do I need to take? Let’s do this. Help me.

Do not die in a tub full of water. Your body will bloat and turn to mush and scar someone for life when they find it. Take all those drugs and just hang yourself, it will be easier.

you are disgusting

How pathetic do you have to be to kill yourself? And crying for attention on this shithole of all places? Yeah I'm sure you'll get great "advice", I mean all the people who have successfully killed themselves are sure to weigh in on your plan. What the fuck do you want here kid?

I’ll leave a note for the person I’m living with, so I won’t be sitting in the water for too long. No one will mind if it’s a closed casket, but I’ll try hanging.

why op

just tape a hose onto your exhaust pipe and run it up into a cracked window tape that up too from the inside. Take all those stupid pills if you want and then take a nap inside your running car. Should be painless.

Dude, you're like fine. Just chill and stop making a big deal about shit. It's not all about you. Yes, you are a cog in a machine, I get that scares you and you want out. But when you look at it in a different way and accept it, instead of railing against it, things get a lot better and make a lot more sense.

The world is not against you. Nature might be, but the world is not.

Life is worth living, and will get better.

As someone who has attempted this before (slit my wrists), I can attest to the fact that you really do regret it.

You will not succeed, for any number of reasons. Primarily the main reason being that you really do want to live, despite what your brain is telling you.

You will be okay. Get some help, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again. You can do this shit, my nigga. You're stronger than this shit.

Pretty pathetic. I’m not in a good place. I know no one successful will respond, but unsuccessful people might. If this won’t work, why bother? I’d be better off getting a gun, but that’s a little pricy, had a chance of not working, and requires a wait period.

I don’t know where to GO to do that. I used to have access to a garage, but now I live in an apartment complex. I worry too much about being caught. I don’t want to end up in jail or in a looney bin.

this, cmon op pull through

when and where are you doing it?

kill yourself for posting that image

Not in a good place? Oh boo fucking hoo. People like you just think about yourself, you're no better than those scumbags that drive head on into traffic because of their little pity party. You're likely to survive and just be a burden on the people who find you, the doctors that's save your life, and any family or friends you might have. Why don't you just stop being selfish for a fucking second or two and grow up

>>I'd be betyter off getting a gun but that's a little pricy

You fucking idiot you're killing yourself. What does it matter how much it costs? Just do the car thing Go drive out to somewhere remote where you won't be bothered.

But that’s not how I want to do it. Don’t need any Aunt Diane tier shit. But if this makes you so mad and you’re not going to help, why are you here?

I agree, suicide is selfish. But when you're depressed you can't think about anyone but yourself. The brain literally hijacks itself in some last ditch survival effort.

OP, all I can really tell you is that you need to rise above your programming, transcend, and realize your thinking is flawed, probably very chemically, and these thoughts are not your true thoughts.

Think of the depressed brain and all it's thoughts that it causes as a friend, an asshole friend who never gives good advice, and is actually a shitty toxic influence that you should cut out of your life.

You need to ignore him, and search deep inside for the true you. I get that the asshole seems dominant. But he's not. You are stronger than this shit, and the world needs you right now.

You don't get to die yet. Despite any shortcomings you may think you may have, the world is better with you in it.

Overcome your basic programming, and realize that these thoughts are what's wrong with you, not the other things you keep telling yourself. The only thing wrong with you is that you're depressed, and it's going to get better if you can think that way.

Op are you a grill or a guy?

when do you think u will do it? and where are you showing it? still i hope you make your peace carnal

Tonight, I think. I’ll have a few hours and a couple of notes. I considered doing it at home, but the car/exhaust idea isn’t too bad! I guess I could go to a park later this evening.

Cause I'm fucking tired of you people, you think you deserve to feel bad yourself? You think you have it any worse than anyone in history? You're probably like 24 or some shit, and you think you're entitled to free happiness, like that's fair. I can literally make a decision to just be happy on the drop of a dime, even if I'm having a shit time of it I won't bother anyone else with my shit. Why can't you just man up and turn it around?

Any suggestions for a place to show?

OP if I was going to kill myself I'd do the car thing. The exhaust will fill the car up and replace the oxygen with carbon monoxide. Supposedly breathing that will cause you to pass out and you'll die in your sleep from no oxygen. It's one of the dangers of your pilot light going out in a gas furnace.

You can go to a party supply store and buy a small helium tank for $20.
Put a bag over your head and run the helium into the bag.
Within seconds you'll be asleep, then dead.
This is how I'm going to do it in one year, after my youngest child turns 18.

Oh, I can understand your frustration. That’s how I feel about life. I can guarantee this won’t effect anyone (maybe two people, but they’ll be all right). I’ve been dealing with this for years, unfortunately. At every turn I try to say this will get better, keep trucking, pull yourself up, see the good in life...but it’s not good. It’s not even mediocre. Just shit. Everything is shit. I can’t keep going on. I know that last pathetic, but, like I said, I know you guys don’t really care. Just needed some advice from anyone who could offer it.

Stories? Anything

$400 goes a long way towards food for my pets if I leave someone money, imanf I don’t have much. I think the gun will be confiscated, so no one get anything out of that. But I can see why it doesn’t seem like price should factor in to the decision.

>At every turn I try to say this will get better, keep trucking, pull yourself up, see the good in life...but it’s not good
And this is exactly the point I was making. You aren't actually trying to make life worth living, you're just sitting around waiting for it to happen all on its own, patting yourself on the back for being so brave and persevering. You're gonna do whatever the fuck you want, it doesn't matter what anyone here says. I've worked to build my life and my happiness, and I'm hoping ill get there in the next year or two.

Yup. Wish you the best of luck with that.

I’ve heard this. Do you know if it’s actually true? I don’t want to end up brain dead in a hospital. My mother is nuts and I can see her holding on until she dies to get all the sympathy and donations she can.

You know though, when you kill yourself your roommate will probably just take your pets to a shelter and if no one adopts them they will be put down. Might as well just kill them first.

No! I have a friend who can take them. I know he will. My roommate wouldn’t do that.

don't do it bb

Yeah, be a pussy and run away, like usual. Have fun when you realize death is just your consciousness trapped in your decaying brain, fully aware of what's happening around you

It's fine to be depressed, but suicidal thoughts are a whole 'nother story. Please get help before you fail your attempt and get saved by paramedics and have to explain yourself to your friends and family.

Why dont you kill some people instead. You'll eventually die.

This is what scares me the most. Getting “caught.”

Shit into a condom then freeze it and then whack your self in the head with it and film it

So don't do it. See a therapist who will be sure to keep things under wraps. They usually do and another tip is to tell them that you don't want anyone to know.

people should learn to recognize when they feel bad