Music related to second-wave feminism?

Music related to second-wave feminism?

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Only ugly girls want equality

idk if you would consider it 2nd wave but odyshape by the raincoats has some great feminist themes and is a solid post punk album.

feminism has nothing to do with equality

posting the obvious

>You would do well to remember just how fluid is gender
>You’re a relic of the second wave, and we’ve waved goodbye
This is pro-patriarchy & male supremacy, no thank you

Perfect, thank you

No, it's anti-TERF. Get with the times, nerd.

you're a misogynist and a homophobe

Mind telling me how?

Oh wtf nice user.
Any pro trans punk groups?

I can already tell this thread will be full of great music related discussion

Kind of got the exact time period wrong, and it dips into mom-core, but whatever. All good songs.

shes right. but plenty of women make money off the patriarchy.
you can either stay in some shitty 9-5 job or marry a rich guy and just suck his dick for a shopping spree.

The singer of this band does drag for their shows. Not really transgender I guess, but kind of related. I haven't really listened to GLOSS, but I know they have at least one trans member. MDC also has some songs that mention transgender issues.

What empowering and meaningful modes of existence.

his ex-wife gets 13k a month. all because she had his baby
feminist can never get on this lvl of hustling

What did Kate Bush mean by this?

Isolated examples of individuals benefiting from within a largely repressive system, one that permeates all domains of life, as Dworkin notes, does not redeem the system for the large amounts of damage it orchestrates and perpetuates.

Feminists are the female equivalent of /r9k/ types. They're unloved because of their own personality and physical shortcomings, and their politics all stem from this. Nothing sadder than reading someone white-knighting for these female neckbeards

>Isolated examples of individuals benefiting from within a largely repressive system
lol no hunny
its a big business

We get it, you're an enlightened centrist, now fuck off.

"centrist radical"

gold digging is just another form of exploitative wage slavery


trans activism is full of misogyny and homophobia. if you don't realise it then you're brainwashed, full stop

Am I the only one posting music in a thread about music?

Second song is a great choice.

you mean anti-women?

>implying gold digging and sugar daddy relationships aren't products of the exactly objectifying misogyny that Dworkin is talking about, tendencies that are legitimised within a capitalist regime under the socially-crippling auspice of 'self-determination'.

Right on.

thread theme:

This. They can't fit the mold so they demand for it to be smashed and rebuilt in a way that accomadates them.

Blood coming out of wherever..

Have any of you actually ever met a feminist
And I'm not talking about tumblr tier shit
If you knew what feminism is actually supposed to stand for you'd probably agree with it

not an unreasonable demand desu

>feminazi apologist
Go fight le patriarchy, queer.

Sup uggo

>What did Kate Bush mean by this?
"I'm a Tory, so I can't say what I actually think about feminism"

go away /incel/

If you could get laid you wouldn't be a feminist.

t. Islam
Don't you have ten child wives to look after?

>gets BTFO
>switches to I-Islamist!
Literal retard.

Do you understand what the world is like right now
In Islamist countries where feminism is needed women can't
>marry voluntarily
>sue their husbands
>divorce abusive husband
>get reimbursed for attacks
>forced to marry people who rape them
>killed for being raped
But yeah it's all about America

could you be any more transparent with your constant labelling

have you ever tried nuance? how about listening to people?

Then move there and start helping or more realistically just stay in your college dorm posting feminist images on tumblr, snowflake.

>feminist trying to preach about listening to others and having intelligent conversation
Too rich.

I share a board with unironic fans of Andrea Dworkin.

I'll just leave this here:

Feminists are already all over the world collecting resources and making real change. You're just paying too much attention to fat undercut-hair hamgalaxies in memes to notice

there you go again
im not even that guy, just pointing out you can't even reply to someone without labelling them

all your patter is basically namecalling, lame

How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?


>One to screw it in
>One to excoriate men for creating the need for illumination
>One to blame men for inventing such a faulty means of illumination
>One to suggest the whole "screwing" bit to be too "rape-like"
>One to deconstruct the lightbulb itself as being phallic
>One to blame men for not changing the bulb
>One to blame men for trying to change the bulb instead of letting a woman do it
>One to blame men for creating a society that discourages women from changing light bulbs
>One to blame men for creating a society where women change too many light bulbs
>One to advocate that lightbulb changers should have wage parity with electricians
>One to alert the media that women are now "out-lightbulbing" men
>One to just sit there taking pictures for her blog for photo-evidence that men are unnecessary

So why is it important that you tell me about it if it's all being taken care of? Sounds like you're just trying to project your worthlessness onto others. Pretty pathetic.