I'm sure you can figure this out

I'm sure you can figure this out.



Oh fuck, here we go

..biggest? As in, furthest to the right on the number line?

That would be 0.

-10 if you're doing absolute value.

-2 is biggest in size
-10 is biggest in absolute value
0 is biggest in regular value


Font size, number 2

Surely 0 ain't got a value so it's gotta be -2
Someone tell me why I'm wrong tho

the number 10 because the negative sign indicates that its a substraction of 10 and not the number -10

The trick in these kinds of riddles is the ambiguously worded question that allows multiple answers to be true. But ICURYY4me.

yep, non-negro confirmed

How is two the biggest in size?


physical size on the screen, or if you prefer "font size"

This is the only valid answer.

muh dik

Tryhard tries hard.

biggest?? GTFO

0 is greater than -10 & -2.

~90 degrees which is the angle between the furthest two arrows

Because -2 is a value, while 0 is just the representation of nothing.

The natural numbers, and by this their extension the integer numbers, have no upper bound. Therefore there is no biggest number.
