What's this board's opinion of Ang Lee's Hulk?
What's this board's opinion of Ang Lee's Hulk?
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It's not what people expected of a movie based on the Hulk, Ang Lee did a good job looking into what shaped Bruce's personality and his fucked up relationship with his father, which is something that is in the comics.
There are some scenes that don't work (Talbot's death) and the Hulk poodle was kinda dumb, even though I learned later that poodles were a hunting breed.
I'm rambling but in the end it's flawed but in no way a bad movie.
>you wouldn't like me when im anglee
subtle, ang
>watch Stewart Lee routine about interviewing Ang Lee
>my sides when.
Serious shit.
That version of the Hulk has weirdly short legs. They look seriously deformed compared to the rest of him. For that reason the "Hulk" parts of the movie aren't good.
The non hulk bits are good cinema though. You can clearly get the idea Ang Lee wanted to do a movie without the green comic book monster in it.
>Ed Norton being such an obnoxious prick he sinhle handedly killed off any more hulk movies
Nice one. Let's hope Mark Ruffalo's better Hulk gets one soon. Even if they already said the cgi would cost a fucking fortune.
They've got Marvel Disney money for fuck's sake.
My favourite superhero movie next to dark knight.
The issue with a Hulk solo movie lies in the factthat Marvel still doesn't own the movie rights, Universal does.
Kinda glad they're doing some of Planet Hulk in the next Thor movie which they've said is basically Thor and Hulk's excellent Adventure with some Midnight Run influences.
I'd still like to see A hulk solo movie though.
What is with this meme? He's probably like average weight for his age and height.
The hulk is a boring superhero for a stand alone movie.
Underrated, much better than the "official" Marvel one.
Hulk poodle's are the only legitimately negative thing about it IMO.
Also GOAT soundtrack.
that reminds me,i have a dentist appointment tomorrow
I like the proportions of Ang Lee's hulk better.
And I'd rather have that detailed musculature than realistic grimy textures like the new movies have
>thor, hulk, and strange
i hate the MCU for sucking me in this hard and forcing the DC side to play catch up and fuck everything up on their end
utter shit
completely retarded movie
That second leap makes the Hulk seem very light.
he's a big guy
>>There are some scenes that don't work (Talbot's death)
hey reddit
Interesting film.
that's such a reddit thing to say
Best live-action Hulk movie currently made.
>meanwhile, in 2015
Unapologetic Capekino.
One of my fav comic book movies.
But I dislike most comic book movies. I can watch Avengers and most Marvel stuff, but I don't like them much.
well he is for his size he only weighs around 400-600 pounds thats pretty dainty for what he can do
I enjoyed it. I liked the comic panel shifts in it too. Hulk is a fascinating character and cool to watch.
Reminder that ILM originally gave Hulk more realistic, subtly-toned green skin until Ang Lee insisted they make it neon green.
holy shit THATS embarrassing
I like it way better than Norton's Hulk, and it's way more respectful of the lore. The conclusion was pure awesome, too.
For Betsy.
The movie needed to be half as long and needed to get to his transformation sooner.
Daily reminder that ang lee did all the mocap for the hulk himself.
I feel just like with Punisher, hulk is better as a supporting character
>supporting character
There were like 37 death wish movies, and those are basically just the punisher as played by chuck bronson.
Capemovie with glaring but charming flaws and interesting ambitions. Better than capeshit (ie Feige-Marvel) but not quite capekino.
one of the better Marvel movies with a good cast, certainly better than that piece of shit with Edward Norton
It generally disliked by the mainstream so it's obviously kino
Damn, they were trying real hard to make sure hulk didn't actually kill anyone. Even the guys in the tank he threw a mile away came out unscathed.
I thought it was good aside from the final fight, idk wtf that was
I didn't like it that much when I first saw it back in the theaters, but it grew on me fast. He's fighting a thunder storm externally, but internally its about resolving the core issue with his father/creator. Ultimately its constructed in a really clever way that leaves a lot up to the imagination while still letting you know that you're basically watching the titanomachy.
It's not perfect, but its grown on me since I saw this in the theater 15 fucking years ago.
Can we agree Marvel's movies are no where near as good as what Fox, Sony, and Universal did with their properties?
No, Fantastic Four movies are garbage and if you defend them you're just being a contrary faggot.
Hulk poodles should have shredded the Hulk the same way regular (full-sized) poodles would shred a normal body builder.
100,000 HP, est.
Holy fuck the cgi was top notch
No. Fox has had more stinkers than hits with the X-Men / Logan titles.
And all the FF movies have been ass.
Marvel is still miles ahead in terms of quality. FFS Thor 2 is better than X-Men 3, that's how bad that movie was.
Based ang lee
Those few diamonds in the rough had nothing to do with the studio, and everything to do with the directors and crew and all the people on the creative end of things giving a shit about a story they wanted to tell.
Fox had a long tradition of cheaping out and shitting on the x men franchise, and their fantastic 4 movies have been just the worst.
unironically capekino, the CGI has aged like poodle shit tho
What other capeshit has had an oscar winning director?
Best hulk, best hulk movie, one of the only good marvel movies aside from Raimi's Spidermans, case closed.
Ang Lee is one of the most underrated directors in the history of cinema, he has made everything from capeshit to gay romance and its all arguably good
Overrated trash. Gained a meme status on Sup Forums leading to every faggot sucking it off because nobody else likes it.
>unironically being a counter-contrarian
how many layers of contrarianism are you on right now?
Other than "growing" Hulk, the ending, and Bana being to damn handsome and manly to pull off a good Banner. It was a solid movie. Really well done. Good story great visuals.
Ang Lee is a bad director disguised as a good director disguised as a bad director.
Too long, slow and boring
I personally like it a lot, even though I understand why a lot of people find it underwhelming.
Miles better than Incredible Hulk, but what do you expect going from Ang Lee to Louis Leittere.
Do you really want to see how deep the rabbit hole is?