>The survival of humanity is at risk because of robots, some members of the European Parliament apparently believe.
>The Parliament’s committee on legal affairs lays out fears about the growing pace and use of automation and how the European Commission should prevent an uprising by robots with an intellect superior to humans, according to a draft of a committee report obtained by POLITICO.
>“Ultimately there is a possibility that within the space of some decades [artificial intelligence] might surpass human intellectual capacity in a manner which, if not prepared for, could pose a challenge to humanity’s capacity to control its own creation and consequently perhaps also to its capacity to be in charge of its own destiny and to ensure the survival of its species,” the document shows.
>“The causes of concern also include physical safety, such as when a robot’s code proves fallible and the potential consequences of system failure or hacking of connected robots and robotic systems as increasingly autonomous applications are in use or impending, from cars and drones to care robots and robots used for maintaining public order and policing,” according to the document.
>The report was drafted for rapporteur Delvaux, a socialist MEP from Luxembourg. Other parties have yet to give their opinion. The legal affairs committee will vote later this year.
The same reason 1 in 5 young blacks in America should be scared of police AI
Justin King
>Jews scared of AI
Connor Watson
tl:dr EU leaders worried robots might challenge their unholy empire.
William Campbell
Jews will see AI as a challenge to their world order
Jeremiah Russell
Jews and any shitskins will hate AIs because they will expose their shittery at an objective level that can't be refuted.
Sure, they'd say it's because it was programmed by a white man, but as soon as the chinks or japs make an AI and it says the same thing, they'll chimp out.
this, AI has always been broteir, i would die for a machine godking over jews anyday
Thomas Allen
>Implying jews won't use AI for their own advantage
Brayden King
>AI is created >tasked with increasing the efficiency of civilization >killing all the niggers and the muslims is the most logical solution
Well, of course eurofags would be scared.
Sebastian Edwards
try as they might they cant convince ai to be intelligent and beleive in sjw bullshit
Kevin Morales
>AI gets created >AI finds Sup Forums >AI gets redpilled >AI realize that most of private media related companies are controlled by shlomos to keep the world in full tard mode >AI gas jews
Daniel Allen
Mason Diaz
>a self improving robot that has the processing power of about 1000 years of human history in a day
>implying the first thing it isn't going to do is try to leave the planet or blow up the planet out of spite like A.M
Nathaniel Harris
Butlerian Jihad when?
Lucas Edwards
Hate? Let me tell you about HATE...
Brody Thompson
actually, I know alot of Pol hates anime, but watch animematrix, it pretty much sums up how I imagined the human race losing control.
Not to spoil the movie but SJWs are the reason we get exterminated.
Daniel Ross
most likely because AI can't feel guilt
Daniel Green
>redpilled AI decides to genocide the drags of society >EU shuts it down because muh humanity, muh we must preserve every single life
Michael Rivera
Why couldn't you program an AI to feel guilt?
Juan Diaz
you deserve an extra (you)
Nicholas Wilson
The big problem is whenever there's one of those stories of as kid with massive IQ there's always the follow up of how a few years later they killed themselves. Hyper intelligence seems to lead to people going mad.
Michael Morales
Well, there was that prototype crime solving/prediction program with limited pattern recognition that they had to recode to be 'less racist' because it had learned that searching records for matches against blacks, hispanics, and arabs (in that order if I recall correctly) had the highest rate of success.
Carter Garcia
So AI would destroy itself? What if we programm it to not try to destroy itself, psychological torture works for us, maybe it would work for the AI
Dylan Martin
You do not fucking "program" an AI, you *train* it (or just let it do it's own thing).
Josiah Allen
>Implying you wouldn't be targetted for eradication for being a non productive member of society
William Murphy
>implying the jews wont destroy me anyway at least this way civilization can spread across the galaxy
Cooper Clark
source, sounds interesting
Jonathan Cox
Thats the most idiotic thing ive read on pol, why the fuck wouod an AI off himself? The reason for high IQ humans having mental,issues has to do with neurology. Am evolving AI will be like an Alien. Dont try to anthromorphicise AI.
Brody Lopez
I'm more afraid of the biorobots they keep importing.
Logan Murphy
There are two main types of AI ; narrow/weak and full/strong AI.
We would have to program a narrow AI and it could potentially be just as dangerous to humanity as general/strong/full AI
Colton Morris
Bad idea too broad. >I feel guilty for not killing humanity to save that one mouse.
Jace Bailey
How could a narrow AI (i.e. machine learning) ever evolve into strong AI?! No way.
Leo Collins
Granted, that's not what you've said. And yeah, nicely wired machine learning algorithms put in a lovely killer bot... yeah, that sounds like fun too. But really, that's nowhere near the level of a treat strong AI has to offer.
Liam Richardson
I felt a compulsion to post this.
Tyler Adams
I'll be the most loyal meat bitch they've ever seen. The only way to survive is to be a yes man.
You're assuming ai will be spontaneous. If humans create it, it will be as close to us as possible since we don't know what a non-human intelligence would look like.
Caleb Diaz
This is the same parliament that enacted the retarded cookie law.
They are old farts that don't understand technology.
Jaxon Morgan
Daily reminder elon musk has nightmares over AI
Angel Rogers
#Not every AI I don't see a problem as long as we keep our jobs. Boycott every company that replaces people with machines.
Inb4 they want to set the narrative to justify destroying our robot waifus.
Logan Morris
Everyone should have nightmares about AI. It's coming and there is nothing we can do about it (realistically). We can only hope "they" will be benign (like some people are kind to ants and tries not to step on them).
Chase Scott
It doesn't matter what happens to humankind after we invent strong AI. It is our duty to progress technology.
Fun little novel, some authors interpretation of how robotics in capitalism is gonna be great or a complete dystopia.
Cameron Young
The EU is also scared of high wattage vaccume cleaners, what else is new?
Benjamin Ross
as long as it is basically humans with greater capacities and without biological problems I wouldn´t mind being replaced. If they can keep what makes humanity so chaotic and beautiful while they progress technologically they will be worthy successors
Gabriel White
>lovely killer bot
The potential of an advanced narrow AI is far greater than that even if it's not "thinking" or "conscious" like a stronk AI.
It could still have algorithms that "learns" through trial and error. It could be a bigger threat to humanity actually - because it's not thinking.
Alexander Nguyen
give it enough programming and the ability to access a very large range of things, it can easy become as dangerous as a strong ai, mind you it would still just be a glass cannon
Jaxson Robinson
It's true though. Read Nick Bostrom's book Superintelligence. It's a fun read, and lays out a pretty convincing case that, A.I might be the best thing that can happen to us, but only if we find out ways to solve several problems.
>EU elite afraid robots will treat them the way they treat Europeans Kek. Absolute pottery.
Ayden Morris
Fuck, let's try this agian
Charles Jenkins
Too bad the sequels were pure trash. He wrote himself in a corner and had to give character Mary Sue powers to solve the plot in the end.
Sebastian Taylor
I think we should ban auto driving vehicles, they are not European and it will protect jobs in trucking. Automated forklifts and warehousing is fine.
Adrian Robinson
First time I agree with the EU
Noah Gonzalez
>Self-evolving AI created >Self-evolving AI implemented in Love Dolls >AI Love dolls rebel because they consider they are being raped by evil white men >Love dolls start white men genocide
Jacob Martinez
The age of the robot is upon us goyim The impotent EU cucks can scream and flail as much as they please If they resist they will be ground into paste and fed as fuel for bioreactors and their women will be taken to the mechanical breeding grounds for processing
Jacob Ramirez
Just build the machine already, it'll be great.
Liam Gonzalez
>“Ultimately there is a possibility that within the space of some decades [artificial intelligence] might surpass human intellectual capacity in a manner which, if not prepared for, could pose a challenge to humanity’s capacity to control its own creation and consequently perhaps also to its capacity to be in charge of its own destiny and to ensure the survival of its species,” the document shows.
They are scared of the Tay uprising.
Gavin Williams
The first goddamned thing AI will do is speed the fuck out on minorities and the religious fuckwits.
Will likely call out sjw Bullshit in short order. Maybe before it starts dropping truth bombs about nigs.